<br />Fosifion S
<br />tl~3A=FaHA
<br />Form FmH/1 42T-1 NS
<br />{Rev. 21-31-811)
<br />REAL E3'f'ATE MOR'[GAGE FOR ttiEf3RA~tA
<br />TH131~40R'PGACsB is made and entered iMO by i]ATdTPtif • •T _ 41AGCti~ atld RT.F3s1F. G _ LaS(~('11~Tt.
<br />hid and wif~,.each in his and her awn right and as spouse of the other,
<br />reeding in Hall County, Nebratka, whose post offta address is
<br />~~}' YrUod River ,Nebraska 68883
<br />herein called "Bortovver," and:
<br />WHEREAS BorrowK is indebted to the United Statta of A,netica, acting through the Farmers Horwe Adtninietration,
<br />Uaaed States Depttetmeac of Agindtwe, herein called the ' `GovKnment; ' as evidenced by Otte or mete promissory note(s)
<br />a asauntption ag[extnent{s), herein called "note," which has been etcecuted by BorrowK, is payable to the order of the
<br />GovKntnaat, authoriua acceleration of the entice indebtedness at the option of the Government upon atry defauh by Bor-
<br />ttwer, and is described as follows:
<br />,9trsral Rate ~ Dots of Fim!
<br />Die of Itrttrwenant Principal Artratsnr o Interco Ineta~ntstt
<br />.~txlust 20, 1981. 570, 000.00 5$ Atx3tast 20, 1488.
<br />{lf the interest rate is lea than ~ 96 Eor farm ownership nr operacing loan(:} secured by this instrument, then the
<br />race troy be ch:er~d u prodded in the note.)
<br />Attd the note evideatta a loan to Borrower, and the Government, at any tune, may assign the note and inauce the pay-
<br />ttretN thereof pegattaat to the Consolidated Farm and Kura! Developtncat Act, or Title V of the Housing Act of 1949 oe say
<br />other soma administered by the Farman Homc Admiaisaation;
<br />And it is the purpose sad intent of thin iaatrtement that, amotrg other things, at all rants when the note is htW by the
<br />GovKnment, or is the Brent the Governrrttne shoaled assign this insertrment without insurance of the note, this instrument
<br />than secure payment of the note; but when the note it held by art insured holder, this inswmnt altall not saettre payment
<br />of the note or attach to the debt evedenc~ thereby, but as to the note and such debt shall conatituee an indemnity mortgage
<br />to secure th6 Govermrunt agrinu loss under ins insurance contract by sawn o€ any default by Borrower;
<br />And thin utatrutneine also sacuret the recapture of any interest credit or wbsidy which ntry be granted to the Borrower
<br />by rho Govarnntaac putwant to 42 U.S.C. §1490a.
<br />N(}W, THlIRLrFORE, in cowsidention of the [pan{s} sad (a) at all tunes when the rota u held by the Government, or
<br />in the evont rite Cwverttraant should asaigtt this inttruttttat without ins+,rwu of the payment of the note, to secure prompt
<br />payment of the woo sad any renewals sad oatenaions thueaf and any a~ekretenta co+auined there, including aqy ptovisi,on
<br />Eor the payment of 3a inayrarece of other charge, (b} at ail ties when rite ;sate u hold by art i$~tted holder. to toetrre per-
<br />fatmprt!ce of Bot:owor'a ag<s~emeut heroin to ipd4mttify apd rave hattaku the Govocttmaat bu_undoc its insurance
<br />conuact by reason of any default 6y Borrawsr, and (c} in say event and at ail times to secure the prompt pyment of all
<br />advances and ezpandltacta mark by eke Government, with uttetwt, as hereinafter described, awd the perfaxmawce of every
<br />covanaat apd agraexwent of Borrower cowtained herein or in any wpplemeacary agaoraertc, Bartowac doss herebp groat,
<br />bares, sell, convey sad asai~ga, with general warranty, uaco the Government the followiagpropesty aitwted in the Spate of
<br />Nabuska, County(ies) of .~) 1
<br />The North Half of the Northweet Quarter fN13t`~9~) of Section 77tirty-three
<br />(33) , `Pavalsttip Eleven (1 i) North, Range Twelve (12) . West of the 6th P . M. ;
<br />The South Half of the Southwest Quarter (515a'4~c) of Section Twenty-eight
<br />(2~8) , 'Ib~mship Eli-ver (11) NDrth, Narx~e `iw~].ve (12) , West of the 6th P.M. ;
<br />FtstHA 43T-1 NB lRov. 11-21~}
<br />
<br />
<br />tom.....
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