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<br />platted and recorded in Hall Cotntty, Nebraska; thence <br />N 88° 12' S4" W for 4&.QO feet along the said northerly <br />right-of-way line of Stoneridge Pat:a to the southeasterly <br />corner of Lot 9, said Eagle Subdivision; thence N 0° 02' 13" <br />W for 180.01 feet along fire easterly line of said Lot 9 <br />to the northeasterly corner of said Lot 9' thence N 84° <br />SS' 0$" W for 312.75 feet along ar_d on an extension of <br />the northerly line of said Eagle Subdivision; thence <br />N Oo 00' 00" E far 1,315.97 feet to the point of <br />beginning; and containing 37.34 acres, more or less (the <br />West line of Eagle Lake Estates Subdivision is assumed <br />N Oo Q©' 00" E in direction); <br />desire to have subdivided as a subdivision the above described tract <br />of land outside the corporate limits but within two miles of the City <br />of Grand Island, and hereby submit to the City Council of such City for <br />acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and plat of such proposed <br />subdivision to be known as EAGLE LAKE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, designating <br />exvlicitly the lend to be lama out and particularly describing the lots, <br />streets, and easetx~ents belonging to such subdivision, with lots desig- <br />nated by numbers, streets by names, anal, easements by dimensions, and <br />prapase to cause the plat, of sucks subdivision when finally approved <br />by the Regional Planning Cazxgniss:ion and the City Council to be acknawl- <br />edged by such owmers, certified as to ac4uracy of survey by a registered <br />l.ant'i suxveyar, and to rc,zttain ct siedicat.ian of streets and easements to <br />the u~?e attd ~~n~ii * xjf trt~ p=u", _~: any: r~ubl;;.t ;its lit iz:s . Tn ec~nsi~:ar.- <br />flGL,~1t"t 4~'. thlE' +'it~~,"+~''~!t..~T'.t~4'~* c'rt y-}"F~ ~~. c~~: :s .. ;.~~1R~~ ~°~:~~: ~.~: ? 3.~+~""« ~,.~Si~.~i ~'ci ~s~„is'';,,- <br />e r ~ <br />s'sVi,BC tktc Szxbdivzxe~•s het,eby ::~;rsseztt at:d wi~rt*.+~ with ehe City ~~1:" <br />~:~ -~l~ari, >~bzaayF`.3, filet: e~y ra~:l install i?X 3t their <br />expense the following improvements: <br />1. Streets. The Subdividers agree to pave all streets within <br />the subdi.visiun in accordance with plans and sp~acifica,ti,ons +spproved by <br />tk<e City's. Director of Publie Wprks .ind tine County's Directcir of <br />Publ.l.c k'o'rks, and tc7 coz~:nce such paving prior tp rryur.stin}~ an <br />o~;eupanc;y perzniC fc~r any ~t.z"uctuie ic~t:ate.d in :,,a;Cd subdivision <br />1~ Water. Public water service is nut available to the <br />$>~bs~i~€',siun; t:terefo3e, Uhe ;~ubuividers quay prc~vlde private wells <br />for each strut.ture located within said ~;ubdiiisi.<:~n, """bkte Subdividers <br />agree nat. to protest the cree~tic~n of ~~r-y water di;:trict:; witk~izt <br />said stxbxiivision, ~tnd further agree to evnncct any and all structures <br />