<br />."Yids A9 is Battered into between ____]laeer- 1:. Clark 3fiCsY74J7$Xk3G~1tX
<br />{herein "Agtrztgaor") and-
<br />~ive Points Bank
<br />--- therein "Mortgs~ee°}
<br />b#ott~gor ib indebted to Mne%~agec in t9te ~inefpai sutra of $ -?.2..s~{7Q-.~`~ , evinced by ~'a nott
<br />dkted .~11,2l~~ _.__(iterein "Nate"} providing for payment of principal and interest, with We baiaoew of the
<br />indebtedness, If not sooner paid, due and payable on A~u$t 12, 198b
<br />'i`oseeure the payt»ent of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of alt other seem, with inteteat,
<br />aeivawoed by Mortgagee to protzet the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agaeamenis of
<br />.the itloKptior c~tcitted herein, ?i~Kgagor does hereby mortgage acrd rnnvey to Mortgagee the following deaeribtt8
<br />property Located in Ha11-~_~_ Caunty, b3ebtaska:
<br />tot 1, Hidden-lakes Subdivision No. 1, Hall County. Nebraska
<br />Tor mth ai! baitdinga, improvrments, fixtures, str~Rs, alleys, pass~eways, easements, righbc, privileges and
<br />aB¢atctaateucea located. thereon or in anytrtse Bertaistng thernta, ,nd the rents lssurs and profits, revenians and remainders
<br />ttaeteof; irpgutbng, bat not llmitrd to, Iteaung acrd coating e€tutptmnt and such penorxa! property that is attached to the
<br />imB[ovatmaet tw at to cottrtitute a t'ixtura; all ut which, ~nrfuding replarmentr5 and adtiiuons thereto, is hereby declared
<br />W ba-a Bart of flee teat F8t3te secured by the i,en of thrs ~iortga~• and alt at the foregoing being referred to herein as the
<br />(1Qnrt¢a;or further txmvenanu and egret", with ~tartgrgrr, a, lultuwe
<br />'a. Pct, '1`o pay €itr iatdetrtes'nrsa and the ,nterr,t theretue a~ provided irr rhts Mart@age acrd the Nate,
<br />~. 1°itla. ~ is the ov+nvr ul the l4tsprrtt, tray thr nRht and auUront> to tnnrtgagr the Prope[ty, and
<br />wecrants that thr liar enacted hereby la a Cost and prier hrn un thr I'-trprrty, vart•pt a> ntxu othrrwtsr !ac nrt forth herein,
<br />Frnper~v is su_iaie~t to r ~_ whrcrtlt - %$2uits3~i 1,_~ al~~•_-~ _ .veil
<br />.~~ .._~______ ~__~.._, _. e__k ~- , _~_ ..____ -- " -~- -. Hall
<br />-- E~¢ ~?~g .rte-~,r~ r.r ----- .. ,. _.. _. s~~aSF,
<br />~~, w ~ ~ p~ tats trt=F= =i ~.,~,
<br />'-•' *tort a e to Five: F'alnts Bank
<br />{~ tYtltpr Boot lici,~ or eneuasbraners. _. ~~,• 8 B" .-_ Doe, ~ ._ . "-,_ _ _ ._
<br />. _ _ ..~.f.~'~.:$,s,.,~.._~~._.tult_X a u_N~b rattle
<br />8. ~ran~, att. T`tt pay when drat rt4 taar3..pr4iat a~ssmrnR+ and a#t rather ehar~s atpunst the YroperiY
<br />ypeia ?crtttan deinattd by ~, to add to the paymrnts n~urrvd under the .'jfutr ,,eeaied hrreby, su+~t ataouat as
<br />t7tr~! ba autRtttaat W enable iht Mnrtgaptr to pry atu'tt ta>GVS, a+.eesnlr-rata or uthrr chxrQ«s r_. thry hv~wnrK dur.
<br />~. {arpNKanRa. Tu keep the impruvrntrnts now nr hwrexfter Itx~atrd on the rexl a+tala' de+cribed herein insured
<br />-~ and. r ~ ac ~~ rata" resltttrv, ui ,unuttnt;< and wrth .:utuparur, an•€ptsbte tt, the
<br />ttpd vrYtit tv thr to rase of toss under such putiries the ;itartgag~ is ruthorix>Rd to
<br />~; ~ ahd E to iLS dtaerettwt, rii craters thereunder at its +tak• upuua, xuthruitrd to ofthar xppty the
<br />to lgte re{trtrrtttsm of the 1Mts>(wrty to upact the ntdebrednras nrrurrd hereby, twt paytnaoat heeeucder ahaG tun-
<br />. titurc, traW the agmr r~harv6yt ace paid iq Itdt.
<br />l~€ tv !~.' 2'aa~ a>x #~. ~jt~itbotsa:d.t+tsg aus,tae::g cv~rt:»trrd in pa.~atsra~t~ ? x:sd -t htrzznf to :.'~
<br />f~atttuttyt shcil tray to the 4tort~,tgee at the tuna of piyittg thr monthly iastailrarnts of principal and tntrrest,
<br />~ ta# il~ yw-tty tarce~. aaeesa~ierrts. ltaaaYd ittaar~a~ Brctaiuttts, xnd gruuud rents of any) which may attattt a
<br />pd+;•eFty -ice ~~ art w r+rasonabty e+tinttrted tYum titrre is utnv by Lice Mart{rgre. The atrtuunt, su pod shrll bx
<br />~ r~ intseest-surd aBBl+ed to the pc~mrttt of ttra ltrmr ht rrsprrt trr which sut~t amuiuttt were
<br />itd: 9' trds . ~ #under ire pled~d as atlditiut€at ~eurity €ar tlty indet~tfr..s cured #y thin
<br />~.~atiWtpay bat ltkrrt~se fire aaatouas of any deslktianty bet«een the a4KUU taxes, rsavstunenla, insurcrttx
<br />~ftnaad iutitrE and thtr daBaaiia Rer+ertrt$er wither Ili days rater demand ra ntadr spun AiutBti~r requraitnt
<br />i»i ~tr
<br />~ ~ ... - lard 4•~- "I'o pay tepee, mstrrrr to rebuild env lniikdittgs car impnovemr:nts now ur
<br />'rwa"e"aa`s+r oil Syr tv tsc Y in 1'0+~ eunartuxt and repair, without waste, and [tee [rum machrnir`s ur
<br />Ui7ys7 IGr-{µ -t;;=wyri~sis -mod {v t Gva hxrwaT_ not to tutrlria, sut'fer tze per-rttit ray auisaa4w to rxisr, nor to diartri-
<br />.g ...:+.,,>r ,•,.... ..' ~`pr'•tt~ r.'~ ~t ire viii rs:, arc:... d tc~ ev~G_€ptg wi€h r`st m~eizv€rx:his et trsr itrz€h
<br />tar ~I'tl~rri~ _
<br />