~~ k~-tgage'is etttimrd into between ~~~ and f~gYo3n ~Yo,;tasz,~va*~tsi .
<br />~--r °~
<br />~e;
<br />____ _. _______ {herehr "93oxtr )' apd
<br />~ is iattfehted to-Mortgagee #n the principal sum o€ $ 3(3, OOO.OO , evidenced by iir-'a pots -
<br />dated ~._ 8-14-B1 {herein .Note") providing for payments of pgnxap-s and intarent, with rite bfFanee ttf thb'
<br />indebtedness, if not suon+er pr{d, due and pr#yabte an.~_~--3-~ ~__.
<br />`Ta-seeure ~e paystent of the Note, with interest as provided therein, Lhe payment of at! other sums, with interest,
<br />advtip~ced by ,~ tb protect. the security of this :~tortgatge, and the performance of the eovetianb aadatpxenEs of
<br />the lit eotita#hxfid herein; 5rimtgagor does hereby mortgage and catvey to Mortgagee the fatlowing ~tecdbed
<br />psapesty trx:ated in _T_HaZZ._.~___~_ tonney, Nebra,ka:
<br />Ivt ? itt Blorlc 19 in the Village of Alt9a., Hall Gouftty, Nebraska.
<br />'Cogether arittY ai! hui#drn}t+,. rmprurrmenis, f~.r,xums, streets. atteys, Passageways, easements, rights, privileges and
<br />appurtenances towted thereon tx in anywtxe Pertamtng thereto, end the r«nts tssu«s and profits, reversions and rema#aders
<br />thereof; iuclud}ng, but not. iimtted to, heating and rrascrirna equipment and such prrsonat property that is attached to the
<br />#6aptoveroenls Ko aE ta conatttuia: a ftxWre; aft n( whir-h, inriuding rcpisaY•menu and additsona thereto, it hereby declared
<br />to Ire a part of the real ebiate srrrtr€d h6 ttxr iirn .z(tt+t, !+#nrtgaK« and all aeP the tonguing hetng r«ferred to herein as the
<br />..pro~~,.
<br />Martpltor further romenaptac artd ate, with htortgag.=«. ,~ tr,kir.w..
<br />1. Payment. To pay the tndehtt•dtt«,,, and th« ~nter«.t th«mcsn e., Pnr.tded in thts Atort~{e and the Note.
<br />~. 7ttle. fur is th€ oan€r ;sf t3to' f roperi4, t:x, thr~ right std authority to tnurtgagr the Pttfperty, and
<br />ararrrutas that ttre lten : trat€d nrsaby ie a eetrt and pre:sr t:rr: rt, ttfe #'rup«rtg . r~xcYpt a, may nttrerwtse be s:•t forth heritgin.
<br />~' `fts+: tTsnpeKr is subtevv tt a Latoet4a5"-` wh~r«tn
<br />:~t~"-=r3>~.- ra-.:tea si ~>~_ . #3`~ ., th.• iurtke~t keiurd,= ut' -- - ---- _'- _-'- "---_--_-_ fi+aunty,
<br />Iut, whitdi o a item pour to xire It«n rra~aia•rY tirr«tr.
<br />- -_--- -- --- - -- -~'~~s+fr-;pis ~is~i~,~r:,'~-~P- _.
<br />3. 'i'Itltesa Asassaaateata. 1'a pay when due a#J rase:. +pati•tat aw•ssment,t end aU other rltargrs against the ProprrtY
<br />aH!d: ttp4p writtep demapd try Mttrtga~ee, to add to the payntent4 r«quurd under the Notr n~rured trerrby, sueh antounx ss
<br />tplty Irir sufficlt rtt to ettabte the dtortpger to pay ~uch taxes, a~wrssme•nts or other c#u~r, as they itrs'unx• dry.
<br />A, ttawwartxc, '1`a keep the imprutrtriMnta; now or hrr«aftrr ttn•at«d un tfir r€at r+4-G• da~e.•nbed hereto uu.ured
<br />aga#sitx damsgr by fire and mach other haxarda a, Aturtgagr.• nary n•yutrr, en ;rmuunxa and w tth eumpanrrl aw.•ptabtr to tttr
<br />~. and wkth )rr•;a payable w the rturittaKee. In seer of tts„~ under rueA pWia'tea the liautga~rir is authonaed to
<br />~• iHa{!e£t attt# (~irnt~c~, op etas dtricrrtaixt. af# ctaattta tht•n=under at its sedan upu+w. authtxrzrd tuwther ai#~3y the
<br />tax rr3ttrrstlton of ttse A~+trpvriy cN uptsa the tndetstrdtaexz. serurra# ttertr6 r, tsar. payats heraerta<der ahai# c•~t-
<br />ttaii>ae t tie tstataaecurad herby era paid to lWl.
<br />5, Ca turr Fur 'I`asas and lruausaue. ttiut rttttstattdina any throe rxrtttautvs# rn Prr~rttp_ tsa ~ artd ~ iter~t to t~
<br />~€, srf skk~l p#rt to rite let at the ttah^ r.f Pry tog tits tna~nthty sQ±t~ttrxentt, of prtttay~u ari¢ lnixr~t,
<br />xt-ti~iiut x*i thv yeitdp tames, ar~tettts. haa#rd t?t~utanar pcrmtutx~, #nd an~ttnd teats #tf any#wlttc#t ttuty strive a
<br />teya!r tl~t , aU ~ ray eat#rnated frrxn tim€ w t.rrty M tfit= ~~rxgttg+€. "ftte amrntuts su paiA shalt be
<br />lf@~d by rib' ~ a€Ftbuut iat+ea~t ngd appttea# to iii ~y~tu r># tn€ items ua re~pr{x to whis`h xurh atnpuunts ware
<br />dtrpr~ted. 't?ae sum pttld to ~ herutttsr~r are pledged au addttrtmai st•runty for ette itrdrbtrduaaa aerurvd by tttw
<br />pay- to ties ammtnt ttf sexy t~wasry brt3v~rt t~ uctua# xax~, -~~=4+~+tiuts. ttt~raatc>~
<br />pptxt ~ grostard resits artd the depsxr#da #serruntlcr wtthtrt ij) days after demand is tnar~ upem Mtsrtgagor rrytuwt#~
<br />pi~ri tlttt-wrl. .
<br />6. a apd t:?a+~ "t'ta prumptty rapes, vesture ter retatiid any but#dingt w tmpnttxt:~nut now rsr
<br />1.~~:s~ ~t the ~i tx: ka:,p t t'rtty in gtnd rx;nditxutt a:.d r.~air, ;vtxtwut svaatas, and ~ frstut rt.ecHatur's ur
<br />e~ etttd artpraastg ae~ted to tie Itari herraf: rust to nvtka, ~uffw ur pattrux any nuisartt~ to vxwt, nor to thantn-
<br />-- NT laap~Y $ 4t#t#r~r. t#!`- th# f'tlap#riF- $y aps a€ err ra3ltts>;xvn to aet_ ?pd xcs c~sttt~t with a#1 crgxrirer~t?~t~ ttr #aa: avtxh
<br />r~aet .las tt~ SC!'.
<br />