Farm SOS A
<br />47394-Z-1S
<br />81-~~U425=~ i1~~t''t'~r~E
<br />dde~r
<br />of.. . •QitBt>~~.. atiy and ~ `:
<br />TEAS IlE©RTGACifE ~-made an ~. ~>! a~x~rm ~aiitd~ Joan ES. LtaGeeea, i~dbarid and ci~~e:. jisf
<br />f~. ~ tfette~cen the Mbrt~rr> .... ...................... . .......... ........ ... ... . .
<br />ea~o}e, in tlsaair wen ri+~'l.~, . (herein "Borrower"}. and the Mortgagee, . FI1i~T .FB~T .... .
<br />. ..........
<br />...88VTN~+t .ACID. t:EIANt 50CIAT~aii .QF. I.INS~!t~i ................. a carposation organized add misting
<br />wade[ the lass of .. t12C . Stat:~ .@~ . R`IebF~kB ................ .whose address is .-131 § :N . 5txe~~$ .... .
<br />...I,E.~co~it,~ .Kebs`4S3rit ...6850E .................. . .......:..... . ...... (herein "Ladder-"}.
<br />y~ Forty Btght Thousand Ffve Hundred and
<br />44f108 mss, Borrower is iddehted to Lender in thr prinripa! sum of ......:... . ........................ .
<br />............. ............................. Dollars. S ich indebtedness is evidenced by ~rrawtr's dote
<br />dataed..... ~t}Sid$t. ~3r.:~~~..... (herein "Note" ), ravidin for dtonthly installments of dn¢i CXi ~ interest,
<br />with the batsance of the ittdehtsditeas, if nat soaner paid, due and payable an...$4D~gl4~r .~+.2........... .
<br />To SecuRat? to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness cuidenced by the Note, with interest therein, the
<br />psydxrna of all ather stems, with interest thereon, aduanced in axordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, add the prtfortnanax of the wvenants and~agrcFemems of Borrower herein contained, and Ib} the repayment
<br />ttf ady ftattue attvartces, with interest rherean. made t,~ Borrawzr by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Future Advarters"}, Borrower daes ~re~y mortgage, grant and Canvey to Lender the following described property
<br />located id the Comnty af ................ . ..... . . . .................. State of Nebraska:
<br />iuii~. ~g.:~r (iix v~sti~rr. ii~fg~ta Seean@ Snu3irisiar,,
<br />13aa..1 t:.ptan'ty, I'tebr°sks.
<br />4226 Enlist Guua-t ....., ....."rarsd Iat.atad
<br />atrbicba bat. the addt+~ aaf . ..................................... .......... , ....... ,
<br />~~; tsin.u ta;u>ra
<br />... , . , . ...... ...... . ..: f "pity A"};
<br />1#,a~./rnr~ 3iR ~h1
<br />--_- _._
<br />Tat~¢7t~±~ tv~. all t~s- iaeptaavar~rats teas Lr herikafttc ettxtaed on, the property, anJ all c;#se*±+~+.^_iS, rlghir~
<br />rte, resY°ait~a, tdis~rai, cril a.~td ~ right,. ami prafln, water. water righn, and water st~k, amt all
<br />QXi¢tt~cn nUaaC or laereAftcr attached to the property, all r?f which. inclwting replsucmcnta and addltians thereto, shall bas
<br />tfe~metl to-hC anti raid apart of ihC property cuvera:d by this Mortgsgr:: and alt cif the fora<Yoitag„ t{~ett~r with saial
<br />~t~igrty #ar tilt kasettc+td estate it this it4ortgage i9 an a Irasehald}are herein reterrett to as else "Ps<apeYty"
<br />>curt~trc~.cuvenants tbar.t}Cirrawyr is lavrfuUy seined art tt~ t:sttitC hereby cudveytd and lass ihr; right iv nit~rtga~,-
<br />prtint snit cavrey t#hit fa`r~p~tiy,-that ti3c Ptaperty is ttn€~tamba:rttd, and that Burnc~er will wartant lend defc~ttai
<br />St"+'?a-ati{~ ijr? title to react i~rtpgrt~ a~ir-st all.ctaitrts and demaaradw iubject tea tiny da~laraticut~, rnis yr t~iri~rianx
<br />g:ttetva a a:`tz+lulc t~exar~pt~ ~? ~t+vet irr anp ri.iFta irtsaararx. psi; irasttrittg I,rrtd+t's iater:st in else t'roperty.
<br />~..,i t~~tAad.e~- ~::i~, ItWfa~t~C.~ Y)IA tNitlif
<br />