Opewerd, to aet~tre t and fatm~- obiisations and aaianoes
<br />XIRIC G. ARNdL71 and PfA1JF%,? .', F=3=:>I:r`. Jf's?P`r" ;. ~F~v~~
<br />Hus~'and and W,-,_ bYII t. _,_ '3e i'ers~
<br />Eslled the "~tagor" wttNt@er oae or mere, iet coaaateration Uf the advance of the priiteipal was recited is the
<br />ante ~elnafttr deacn'bed and in ctstsideratlon of any taLttre advanees made by Sfortgagee to lfaxtgsg~ as 6ereta-
<br />after ptevided, hereby mortgages and ctmtvcys to PIONEER SAIZNGB C4MP~'~Y, here?n caned the Dtortg:gee"- ittt
<br />f desert§!d real estate together with all the right, [ilia and itHereSL M the .lfortgagor therein or here:fttr acgaa.
<br />ed iaetf>~aj all httildinps and improvements tax on +ar hereafter placed on sash real estair~
<br />t,f7t-~gv8l't !i; in 3;r~ek r=nn _ ,_ r:ontrt.u .-:act =,n Add)[inn r~ the _itc ...
<br />r~rtd island, Asti --;:unt:r, .1etr,rzk•a
<br />.-t :'D
<br />',ats Tlrntu-E:=tht ~??+; ,n:i ::^w.~.nt::-':... t<"'l nt rtaWt?srs:-ne ~:ac•e' ::~c:atr•:i :~n _3 .:?art
<br />c1f t..i~ ttii~tt.°.1a.~s8t i+ttiert«r i ":~ 1 .,. ~f-t .:;rt ;'s:~.rt z; !: wc? , ~ Zl ... .'crarsh r; -.Zc± can (Ill
<br />?_, Ral4~E• 'R~17E f~? Wewt ~f th.~ Fth F'.M., flair ;'azlnty. ..r~brastca.
<br />This mortgage is given to serutr_
<br />Auvrut i=r, ."~"Z rtgagartoMo
<br />p note dtued._... _~. given by l4lo rtgagee in the principsisum of
<br />s ` $ ` `I~ ~rvable with iniereai acwrding W the terms of such note attd sny instrument taken in conntcLion with
<br />rei&nancing, ~ or rextearirsg the indebteclrteas evidersced by such note .x any part thereof:
<br />B. Ana[ f®ture advatstatta}, with interest, whtch may lie ntadefrisrn L[tne trz time by INortgageeatita option in any
<br />amount{s}, provided, however, such future a~vcttt~c:ea nt~nll 6e tw Limited that thv wtsl principal amounts vutatanding
<br />~ say sal®tinw shall ~ exeeed the stem cf =~' `_.= Jv_".,._ ._-.~__._. dellars, m be repaid in accordance with the terms of a
<br />pror3aiasery t:atelal evidencing any such advanc'Ns). Aay such advame(s} ';hall be additional to any advancetal
<br />hereinafter aathorit:ed to be made by Mortgagi±~ for fire prcuertien of the erecttt3ty .1r Mortgagee's interest therein.
<br />IatEix hereby t~veitanta witf9 Mortgagee and its statt'Ftuwra and tta+sigrts that Morgagvr is lawful ly seiarrd of
<br />euelt-t+rl -and is the fee rnvrtar thereof, Lhat Mortgagor here tttxul nigh t and lawful authority to convey the same,
<br />h raisngttialtes all ritfhta of ltttmeat+esuf tltereirt, and that Mortgagorwarranta and will d~end the
<br />trr~+~t~S~ta>e~ta~nirtattl~lawfuL<,:aimr:t~.aliper+wrs:vhUt~,ever, r',dditinnsl:y.iviortgngvreovetratatnand
<br />- 1;, ~ shall-pay a1! [saes and aaac~aset;~nts in respect of or levied npcn such real ~tat.e before the aatree
<br />bsotmas chat sad shall Fay when due any Beet ur jttdgtnent ort ouch real estate.
<br />~ lidl~#aeigettt:tdtall p€+acure and maintain fire, windstorm and extended coverage insurance on ail buildings or
<br />gtaftat improvements now on or hereafter placed upon such real estate in an atnount satisfactory to Mortgagee, such
<br />inau;aace to have s mortgage clause, toes thereunder to be payable tcs Mortgagee as its interest may appear.
<br />3. Attortgagsx shall not atnmit nor permit any waste on such real estate. shall keep all buildings and
<br />irapttaviuitmtts in good repair and shall not impair far permit the impairtnent of Mortgagee's security in any way.
<br />{ mar hereby assigns to Mortgagee all rents in ccuttsection with such teal estate.
<br />Ia the avant Mortgagor fails w pqy awch taxis and assessments or fails to procure such itnsurance ac fails Eo
<br />cauoe the;reenoval of arty Lien ran such real rotate. ~ioit{Lattek :tray at its option pay atteh taxers and aaseasnryeaut or
<br />ptvcure.~r]t iteaur lx-pay an amount tteY.easary to satisfy such lien. sad-all a advsmpdtlNtsfaroah~l
<br />bticome a ptst of thaw secttreti hereby. shall be due sad payable immediately and shall hear interest attba
<br />taaxitatms rate allowed Dy the law8 of the State z>f Nebraska at the time of such advancement.
<br />to the event Mortgagor ~fsftalts ia? in the paytnenc when due «f au~:h prirtcipsl sttm ur any inat~Itnent thereof
<br />m spy iater~t ther'eott. tb) in the repayment when due z,f any advacea3 trade as provided her~tt or any ini~aea
<br />that, ~ (cl with raspecL to any cnvcrtant to cotLdiLictn c4.t.tatttc~tl in this mortgage, Mortgagee stay, at its optaaae
<br />trtitlafltst ~ and at any tip dpring flee txantittuattc+e of sveh deiaetk. deelare theentiteindebtednrtts ppxtuad by this
<br />tg.bgatat3ety ttr~e an4 pNyaale wuh ittte;es~ as ttt+: txsaxtmum €ate [hart allows[[ by :v ebraska ietw and
<br />~teiy Iruack>ae thip_Awrtgagrx or ptussxe av.,y- othsr as~ ailable legal x+ettte~, (n_tltp steer[ of aug a~tioa ty!
<br />~~~ tp e~knra txslla~tagn,of ice. secuRed hereby, Mortgagor agrces Lhet any expeltae. incYRF@tr is
<br />esrAittsptxta th~`eu~ilh 'sncltulixtg tyotrta and rtiasonabk attorney fees shall 1>ervome a Fart of the tttdebtedneas a«-ared by
<br />t~slnt ~itdga~e-
<br />ht tbu m~atit.~t atny d~l!_nait ft+rth -its she. foFar'agrcepl?= h~ tslegll ba ~ttitleai t+. iruttterlirtts
<br />f~«t jai dnc~€f ~ .~tecte rsttd aC Ll~ recta, r:'-+~ec mid irtc+itue derived ilterefruttt durittg stu-h Time as flea
<br />ai~tel€:i~-: retse$iLta ten(KWi ah~ll #a~applie$ by the vrtt~+it3~ Lu Lhr, ~' r:ttirtTL aif our. h 1iYilCht[~itn
<br />~. tit S .. t~b`rt7i$a ice. eta--~i.h~i~°°.
<br />