<br />$~--tltt4~1
<br />Lsedee°a vrrasen agrament or sppticsfiie iatw. itarrowa t pry the aa~trt of s~ mtxtga~ it~trartse prsmiurtm in t}x
<br />rtstttsaer pM->ded tmda ptttregrapb 2 btsrcof.
<br />M aarrafrw ~sbstrsed by i.eader purawaret w tbie paragraph 7, w;ti€ thertwn, ahaB beetxrte adthrtionat
<br />indebtetbfeat of Btxrower aer~d by this Matgaga. unless Borrower arfd Lender agree to other term of payment, stteh
<br />titttaenn dtaB be payable open ,totice from Lender w Borrower requesting pttytttrtat thtRSOf, and shag bpr intaest 6+om the
<br />dace of ~eba~rsaeeeM tK dse rate payable from time to tune on otmtand€eg principal under the Note tttilaa poymratt ~
<br />itsto-at ~ stsdf race svodd 6!e eOtttrary m applicable taw. in which event sttr9t aatormts shag bear itttetest at the higlftxt rate
<br />permsible tinder applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall rrNtrire Leader to ineor any cxpEtt9e or talre
<br />nay tfctitsn baataler.
<br />~. 1'sleeAaa. Leader tray mate or cause to be meek reasonable rntries upon and €nspeMions ~ the Property, provided
<br />that Larder shag give Brnroswer notice prior to any such irtspcction specifying reasonable entree therefor relates to Lender's
<br />interea[ in fire Proptgty.
<br />!• CeeietaoAae. The proceeds of any award or claim far dam:ga, direct or consegtxMial. in cortn8ction with any
<br />rnrfdturraaiion or oNta utking of the Property, or part thereof, or for rnrtveyattce in lieu of condemnation, arc htrtd€y aasigrted
<br />and nia~l be laid to Lertdta.
<br />In rife event ~ a total rating of the Property, [hc proceeds shad be applied to the sums secured ity thh Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. to the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lerfder
<br />othcrsvise agree in writing, there shah be aptftied to the soma secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the procada
<br />at is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage imrnediatety prior to fix data of
<br />eking bean to the lair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeria
<br />paid to Itbnusser.
<br />It the l~operty is abandoned by Barrowcr, or if, after notice by Lerner to Borrower that the wnderanur offers to make
<br />as award or sank a claim for damages, Borrower faih to respond to Leader within 30 days after the date rxh notitx is
<br />taaildt, Lamer h atrNforixtd to collect ae~ apply the peoeceds. at Le>~er's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the stnfn secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Uts#aat fatter std Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall nM extend
<br />~ pnaporx the doe date of the monthly ittstallmrnts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or cfiange the amount of
<br />such irrttalltnerus.
<br />11. Ilareawer Nat Bdeaeel. Extension of the time far payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by thh Mortgage grained by Lender to any suctxasor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to relesae, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original ltorrawer and Borrowers successors in interest. Lender shat] not be requited to commence
<br />protx~ietga agar stfch streceafor or refuse to extrnd titre for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the name
<br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the originai Borrower and Borrower's successon in interest.
<br />lt. Fatiaoastoce t9' healer Nat • Waiver. Any forbearance by tender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />oNtawlee a(fatded by applicable law, shaft not he a waiver of ar prtxlt~ the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The pracutssstera M it~ance or the payment of taxes or Writer liens er charges by Lender shaft not bt a waiver of Lender's
<br />rigla to accelerate the ttatutuy of the indebtedtfesa secured by this Mortgage.
<br />1Z iarMlr Craaiogve. Att remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other rsght or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage or aRotded 6t' law ar equity. and may tx exercised concurrrntly, independently or successively.
<br />13. 9aetaaota sssJ AttstRtu iaaath Taint aaJ Several I,itt6iltly; Crtptirfr. The covenants and agrecmenta he[tin
<br />coat»rfed shalt talent, and the tights hercurtdet shall inure tor. the respective successors and assigm of Landes and Borrower,
<br />sttbjed to the provisicnis of paragraph t7 hereof. .411 covrnanu and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The capteom and ltrxdirtgs of the paragraphs of this Mangagr are for convenience only and arc not to tae used to
<br />interptst yr define tix provtsmas ttercoF.
<br />t~. Nafkrt. Bxcsspt for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, tor} any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Mortgage shah he grven by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or at such Cher address as Borrower may designate by notice to [_ender as provided herein, and
<br />(b) nay notice to Lander shag be gjven by certified mail, velum receipt requested, to iender's addreaa stated herein or !o
<br />stteh other address as I.endaer may designate by nco[ice to Barmwer u provided herein. Any twtice provided for in this
<br />Mortgage shah lx drretaed to have bean given to Borrower ar E ender when given in the tnannec designated herein.
<br />tg. llai[wr 14lat/gifge; Goveralog [.aw: Snerahrty. "[his farm of mortgage combines uniform covenants for national
<br />tae and ttort-uniform cc~venaats with limited variatjtxttc by jutisdictio€€ to rnmtitutc a uniform ser:ur€ty insttumoot coveting
<br />veil property. This Mortgage site#t be governed by the law of the jutisdietirm in which tix Properly is located. In the
<br />evert that any provision or datwe of this Mortgage or the Note con8ists with applkahk law. such conflict shat! not affect
<br />other provisioaa of this Mortgage or the Notc which can be given efkct without the conflicting provision, and to this
<br />etd-the provisions of the Mortgage attd the Note are declared to be severable.
<br />t~. >iwwsttr's Celt'. Borrower shall 6e furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />of execution or after retwrdatiwt hereof.
<br />tT. 'tYartas r! the ltalntyt Aotf-rapNe~a tf all or any part of the Property or an interest tberein h sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower without t.erder'a prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encumbrance suboniiaate to
<br />t[ris Mortgage:, (b) the creatitm o[ a purchase trwrfey security intcts:af for household appliances, (c} a transfer by devise,
<br />dgceat or by opetasion of law upw€ the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of any leasehold imereat of throe years or less
<br />trot caeuaieirfg an optba to purelsase, Leader may. at Lender's option, declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />itutatditttaty due std payable. ftdar shalt have waived such optitxt w accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender
<br />sort the pttsoa [o wlsom the Property is w be sold or transferred reach agroentrnt in writing that the credit of such person
<br />is ea[idacteMy to I.enster std that rite interest payable on the sums secured 6t' thh Mortgage shall be at such rate as !_ertder
<br />sbaB ragttest. if t.arder tw waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's successor in
<br />infarct bas tsxecuatd a writttQf aetstttt[ption agroeafeat accepted in writing by Lender, Lender shall releatse Borrower from all
<br />obi~weas under this Mortgage nett the Nate.
<br />If I.rnder exercixs sorb option to actxleratc, Le€ukr shalt ntai3 Borrower notice of atxxleration in accordance with
<br />paragraph 14 hereof. Sued notice shall provide a period of cwt lets than 30 days from the date the ttotica is tttaitod within
<br />which )sotrotrer may pay the soma dtxiarod dtx. !f Borrower faih to pay such zutm prior to the expiration of such period,
<br />iestetat may, without further notice or dtattand on Borrower, invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 1g herrof.
<br />Nuts-Utrtt^mtst Ctfvere,suTS: Borrower attd Lender further coveaaai and agree as follows:
<br />ti. ~[ RaateJlee. F,aselt er ptrwvilei is psragraplf t7 hereof, upon Darrowds 6reaclt of nay cavateaat err
<br />~ +d !lrsunat tw Nis Motu, ~ the cerewaate to pay wttpt dare at4y sera taCatad by tint Maalpge,
<br />1(atliaE ]dos to acedraiiels akli raY rt€adse ~ llerrawsr r ltedded i4 gast€g[agi !~ hteae[ apecUylag: {t} Ira braacl;
<br />(~ ~ aslloa t M awe tarcit raait!i; f3) a data. eat kta tlur Ji Jays frrwt lhrt iota the rsoNre b maBcJ b Dwmwer,
<br />trystir-aleis ifdsts^! ttpat is e)lra~ and {4} gpst faiw'e fa ewe welt btaaeb at err batart rise ~ slaciisi iw tlsa aeHce
<br />epgr ~lttt.~a-ot lien wtrs treca[ad by Ht;r Maryo®e, faserJorttes i€t jrdieint Narceiiag aM rNe of ttta RorartY.
<br />7<ir.iaaMn a~ httttre~ iztt~rw rotrsr_ of Ile rt;M ~ faiaetttte alMrr arcdertNoa aai the right m assert ~ the fasYCloweb
<br />plkty6ltl~kil4, lie fir. at • lsttttit err nay offer ds[etre a( flatrowa b a€ccetaraNafs ttad taceelawre. >i< the breach
<br />4 ttlt cila+e/ as err Y#'we dle Jtt6t yetMiad iq Net arrttca, t.ealer N l.eaiar's option easy dec6ut i~ K the sacs sraarrJ sY
<br />t4it tiljt M io tetteteJi(~MAy Jw lead Mydlo wNiaat ftartFrir Oeraad ttsd clang farecMae bt' ~W proasaltag, i.eatMi
<br />tBli1114 atri~d tQ eeYect la sadt lracaaiiog ell *slsoor aE faireelaan[e, idtrdis€g, bet not SrdtaJ tor. caebs of iaeartnm~Y
<br />t~tthttels€ ettttd tfNe relert#s.
<br />to LfAlgtFe. Notwithstarutiag i,.ereier's eleraticu€ ~u the swru soured by this Martga~.
<br />t t lave tics r~ to have arty ptstc'sodiags tsegten by tender to enfc~cr thix '.Nongage disL`antintxd at any Mime:
<br />