<br />
<br />;4cCloud Super $ ?+otel, Inc., a fiebraska corporation, herein called the
<br />Grantor, in consideration of (' tJ~ 5-/tiLti--~. receipt of which is
<br />hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />a ~cunicipal corporation in Hail County, lebraska, herein called the Grantee, a
<br />permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-.ray to survey, cansttucr_, inspect,
<br />maintain, repair, replace, extend, remove, and operate thereon, overhead and
<br />w~derground public utilities, fncluding but not lim!.ted to, electric utility
<br />lines, telephone lines, cable t.v. lines, and all other appurtenances connected
<br />thezewith, in, anon, above, alms;, across, underneath, and through an eight (8)
<br />foot wide tract of land located in part of Lat Twenty Five (25) of *Satthew's
<br />Subdivision, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Yebraaka, the southerly
<br />line being more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot Twenty Five (25)
<br />also being a point on the East right-of-way line of Locust Street;
<br />thence Easterly along the South line of said Lot Twenty Five (25)
<br />a distance sf two hundred ninety sight and eight tenths (298.$}
<br />feet. Said tract of land containing 0.05 acres more ar less as
<br />ehovn on the plat dated 3118181, marked Exhibit "A", attached
<br />berets and incorporated herein by reference; with the right to
<br />ol.ace eiectricsl line anchors or anchors with guy wires attsched
<br />titereta an Grantor`s property, as shown as "1lnchor Easement" on
<br />the said Exhibit :, ,
<br />together with the following rights:
<br />Unreatri~_*_ed ingress and a„~-ass •__rf~ss E:rantur's pre-perry gar any purpose
<br />necessa:~ ir, conn~..~i:~3; nit?: 4.... var. co:.structlcn, ~sp~rtian, ~aintananca,
<br />repair, replacemenC, extension, removal, :uxd operation of such utilities and
<br />appurtenances. ,
<br />Grantee shall have full and complete use, occupation, and enjoyment of the
<br />easement and righC-of-way herein ;,ranted, including the right [o excavate and
<br />refill ditches and tra.nches, to remove, clear, and keep clear trees, roots,
<br />bashes, hedges, undergrowth, and other abstractions interfering with the
<br />surveying, construction, inspection, raaintenanee, repair, replacement, extension,
<br />removal, ~~r oparaticsty of such utilities. :fie improvements, strur-tares, or
<br />buildings of any kind whatsoever, shah be allowed in, upon, above, along,
<br />across, underrt:ath, or through t}i@ easement and right-of-way heroin granted.
<br />Grantee shall not be held liable fur the removal ;:+f such iaprave.~nts,
<br />sCructurea, ur buildings 4f any are placed wi*.hain the easement and right-of-way.
<br />