<br />ii 'rs- A
<br />F-1~1~1A ~~~-~~R ~~i d"~~ I ~""P
<br />Rena. 11.21~Ci
<br />'1'i41~ t~CSRTGl~P is mark ami catered imo by Gl-~ iti_ ~
<br />and Betty ~. 1s, ht~s~aarid arsd wifer
<br />resitl~g sa ~, hall Caunry. ±4sbsaaka, whose past offscs address la
<br />Rc31tt+~ 1 B~ 45-A. ~ .?~tcbrasica 6$$32
<br />hereist called "$osxavser," and:
<br />Ysif~113REAS Rotrawer is indebxed to eke Untied Stasis of America, acting through Lhe Farmers dome Adminiartatian,
<br />United 3tstes l3epararaem of Agriculture. htreixs called the "'Goverttnt=t:t," as re~esus! bJ otr or mare promitat:rJ nnte{s)
<br />or ssastmption agreement{s}, herei» called "noxe." vchsch has hart ezecuted by Borrower, is payable to the order of the
<br />Goverrtrt~at, authorizes accekeuioa of the entire indebtedness a the option of the Government upon any default by Bor-
<br />rower, and is described as follows:
<br />Aarital Rats t3wt Bare of Farel
<br />i~ of ftvsrrssnserri P1~inc~ad ~irrtotswr o tnrercst /n8a8ewast
<br />r$X~vst i?, 1981 $40,Qf)0.~0
<br />13.25$ A3.igus-t 17, 199E
<br />{if rtes interest me a less than ~ for tarn ow nershils err operating losn~si secured by thin instrument, then the
<br />rate may be changed at provided in the sate.;
<br />And Lho note cvtdences a 'soon Lo Harrower, and the C;ctvettunent, at nay time, may assign chc note and insure the pay-
<br />meaL thereof pursuant to the Consolidated Farm and Mural Development Act, ar 7itk V of the Housing Act of 1949 or any
<br />other statnto administered by the l;armers Home Admirtistntion:
<br />And iz is the purpose and i1smaL of thu tnstrument tkax, among outer things, at aU times when the Wort is held by the
<br />Government, or in the Brent eke Government should sssign this instrumrnt without insurance of the note, this irtstrumtnt
<br />steal? secure payment of eke note: but wher. the-note is held by an iawued balder, this inscrurnent shall na secure payment
<br />of the note or .attach to the debt evidenced thereby, but as to eke note and such debt shall constitute an indemnity mortgage
<br />to tecctuo rho (:orttatrteaL against less undo it: irtsurancr contract by reason ui any ~iefauk by Borrower:
<br />And this instrument also secures the recapture of anv interest cradat err subsixiy which may fx granted to the Borrower
<br />by tbo Govetttauttt pttrsuanL to 42 U.S.C- ~1490a.
<br />NUW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the u>an(s and ~ err at all times whrn the nott is held by the Government, ar
<br />in the wont the C:orernment should asa}ps this inurumrnt wtiltnut taaurartce of thr payment of the Wort, to secure prompt
<br />paymeLat of rho note and any ttrttwala and e7ttens~rns tkcrcaf and any agrrrmonts coataitud therein, itscludittg any ptovia~n
<br />far tse payrnortt of an inatr~_x.,:-.. err other ehargo= ::bi at au eiTnea vrazn t~ Ware u lt~ld by art insured holder, w secure pes-
<br />r~---- -r
<br />_.--- flr ~s 3 a.~~u~a8 eat= t~ --~',-e*s>~~, ~d sg~ 1'______ ~__ ..__.~-~_x ;g~s:,s= :oss ttad+et i._ i.~iss:artss
<br />cs.-~t.aoe by ~~..~ €af a»goo~`aa~lt by ~r~~~. ;isd i4a in auy ~.rt a~ at ail ti3~3 tzr s~t:~ era: prts~pt paymoat of all
<br />advaatxs and czpeaditures mock by Lhe Goseeamrnc, with interest, as hereinafter described, and the perftxmartce of every
<br />covenant and a6reemenx of Bortovrcr coesaitted keeeia of in any supplementary agreement, Botcoarer does hereby grant.
<br />bargain, sell, cornet' sad asntigts, with gcaaai warranty, unto the Government the foUowiag propertp situated in the Sate of
<br />tVebrsaka,Couaty(ias)of Hall ,
<br />'!!~e East Ralf of the ~etth Half of t}~: 13c>rt2n~est 4~'te~ t~s[} of
<br />6+act~xt fix (G} : ~ 'Ii~l (1©} ?3Dt.'tti, Range Eleven (11} West of 6th
<br />P.M., lirall Gaelnty, Nebraska,
<br />-~arx3_
<br />FmHA 42]-i 1VD (Rev. 11-214)
<br />'__.-.
<br />