<br />
<br />~~:~ srrl-~-~+~
<br />-rft~s ~a~~ i>; trta$e this. ~ _": ~= .. - ......... - ...dam af... .~.~~ u
<br />I4..`~~ bttvnert the !alartgagar,. -?p2to'rt ._. -.~ar~tter -arui. Glenda ;.. :~asdnas, i::.tsband aad +~ife, jointly
<br />arm- eiwh - is- tts~is -owa- right ..... - ... t I',erei-t "Borrower" ). and ttn< ~nrtgagee, zI~«ST . ~~$N..... .
<br />...S9YZ2~S :IIID, dAs13tF ASS4Ck1T.T;t;~ .0~'. YZr''zC4,..l.N ........ . .... . a cE rporatian organized and eaiatipg
<br />under the Iaws af.. GhY . StaG~ .4f . Nebx~s ~ . . . . .. . ......... . whare address .s . ? 3t~? .'~..?~ . S t:;~et$ .... .
<br />...Z,iucfl~l~ .=tek~ra~ka ...685t~$ ...... .................................therein -Zander"}.
<br />i~+wcxe~s, Borrower is indebted to Zander in the principal sum af.. Six Thousand s'ix 3sndrer~ Fifty and
<br />04/1QQ . . ..... . .. . ... . . . ... . .. iha!!ar. which indehtedn~ss is es~idenced brr Borrower's Hate
<br />dated.... %+.~`?~r . ~~` ~. -.~'`= t hercm "\ote" +, pmvidine for mornh!y installments of principal anti interest,
<br />with the balattre crf the indebtedness, if not uxancr paid. dtte and payable on....=Fpi~-qer ~. 1~~~
<br />Ta Sacutte to Ixnder t.ai 'hc rc:{-u~ment ,+t :he :ndehtedness .•ridenccd by *.he Sate. with interest thereon, the
<br />payrttertt of all other suttts. with interest thereor::. siiranc~a an .xcardance herewith to protect the seLur:ty of this
<br />S<tnrtgsge, and the perfortnance of the ~c:senarts a:id agreements ~:i I3e,rrower herein contaaned. and (hf the repayment
<br />of any future advanc:s. with +ntere~t ?hereon. made t, Bnrr~wrr h~ Ixnder pursuant to paragraph 2I hereof (herein
<br />"'Ftmsre .Advances" ). Borrower dixs heseh~e mortgage. graTt and ~onv_-~• to Lender the fallowing described property
<br />!orated in the Cnunty of... tial2 . ,. State of Nebraska:
<br />_~,r . : `~.v~A - . -~CZ'! € ~. _ _«-...._ .....-OII. .:9li 't7::-I'.t- e
<br />~tSlb feast :loth ctaad .. rand island
<br />whuhfists.fhaaddreasuf ............................................ ....-...,
<br />.5lreut3 tCN3r7
<br />. , a;s v;i _ ! In:rein "I'rt,f~:rtx :itlc!r~-~...+;
<br />t xio e0aa,
<br />T'cx',tTitsw with all the itnprovens€:nI3 tww <<r here~ftc-r ~re%ted on the prUpt:rty, attd ali easements, rights,
<br />:tppurteratsa~:, renix, rayaJtica, mittrral, ctii asxl tas nghta atsd prcrhts, wetcr, water rigius, and wat<r stc~I:, and all
<br />,`irtitirt:~ :rtrw :x h€:~azaftc.r attac#tf€! io the ~€rp€ rty, ail. c?f svhiih. including ra-pl3acntents anti tsdditiottn therettca, shall }+r
<br />:.ittzxll to ha seed rvtrtain a art cat tla. prc~rerty c~vertl hs thih Mortgag:-; anci a!i of tltc foregoing, tottxher with said
<br />pruy~rty r€~r ihr leasehold estate it this ylart}~gt: is ~,,n a 3cas~Ik3ld) arc her.ist refarred to as the "i'raptaty"
<br />t~tr=rtm4t usceautnts tl-stt Z3c~rrataer ix iawful!y 4riac:~l isf the estate herehg <ortveyi.d and has the; right tc+ tnartgage,
<br />g£at€i ref ti€~ P'tcrptiri}, that ttt~ I'rrzp~tt} is usrta:t=irnla~r~i. a€ul brat Ifart~sv€:r :vili wrrtcant au€# cleC:truE
<br />-~ is~ Y~fi ;rocs ftSic+ '? s~ r.s~ € ~sa_Y.u nv ~'x$tia ayr4{,i «Rldefe,[4, N.til~`Ct t€i ally :it=r;taldtl€)tE5<'-a8€: ms'rztS ~JI rC3ir#k:t1~)n1
<br />stt<r~°rl trs a ~Ittdtsl€ rst chicptiaar: t» e'3a~r€rakv esr .ury t>ti€ nx+,ttrat,ct Ixati€:v !7tautia~ I ~!tuer 3 +hierest tat the Pn?fx:rty.
<br />s!>~::t: `.;-., fl~ItAifill9sC ipt<iFt~il 1!#itt~Yt
<br />