<br />Ix~er'€ w~t'etwea a~[I~+tnunt ar aupjp[itaFrl6ir :al~~ Ik3lutrrrarun r t'r:,n€ ;mti the an-~>i,;n; ~.=t .I} rpllr,rt'4ut,Il,~ ~,~rt~st~ralr. c,r nr+^rniitsinnsu iru a~rre
<br />ma:tneF pr'NI'!rvtd~tr:ll ,cadet paragFap#t 2 h¢~rtcaf.
<br />Afty attmttrns disisurszd by Ictrder puruant , thin paragraph ~ >k•th ,rttr.--: ',erg shalt czc:>?z?r arx,3`':zinra;
<br />rtdvt~tttd of t3sx~[+wtF s~uttd bs' this ?tinrt¢a~te- tt'nirss Br,rrnwer end I.endtr egret in >,t*a•r terms of pavmeni. ;tsch
<br />arrtart*.fs shah tre payalde uprm rxttice frnm Lender t,, Px?rrt-uer reaexsttng peyote-:? '~er~=,f- and ,haft r=ear i =t2res; f~;t the
<br />daft of dssbrarxrxrtnt at the rate payalsie frnm tune to time nn etatstandin¢ }rtr.;:pat ;:rider the \nre uniess pavmertt of
<br />interest at such raft wr!uid be ctttttrarr :+- appti2abir to<<:. to uhicit went such am~.rnts sha11 hear interest at it•z hlgt-RSt rate
<br />permistibk ttrrder aplrlicabtt ?aw {vnthine c~t?tairtrd in this paragra,h ` sha11 requsrr I coder *.o incur any expense or take
<br />any artiott hereunder-
<br />a4. Imo. Lender may make r+r ~..=:*.r to !+r made reasonsr,lr entries u^~n and irspcrttnns of the Property. pmvidcd
<br />chat Lattdtr shalt giYe &t,-.^•~tt nn*.tre pri<~r t:, any' such mspect+nn bnectfv~mg resnnat+k catrsc iherrfnr rrtated t,• Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />B. Cndtsra:aflest. The +~'ncrrds of aav award or clatm fur damaees. dirty :=r _nnuqurnoal. in connection with any
<br />ccmdemnaficrn ar ther taking of the Pmnerry, or ;tart thereof. tsr ft+r convecaner rn nett of condemnation. are heretrv assigtti=d
<br />and shag he paid to [rttfler.
<br />in the evtnt of a facet taking :-f the Pr-:petty the r r:xeeds :hall >w ;:pp?led tc3 ..,~ ;:ems :..cared by this 'vtn2Ygage<
<br />with the excess. if anq, pa+d to Bnttnwer. in the event of narsi;r( taking .•f €he Pmnrrn~. Emlrss 8nrn,wrr and Lender
<br />otherwise agrte in writing, these sltati ix applied r„ the -+:ms sec;rred by this \fnrigage ;,•ch proportion of fht proceeds
<br />as [s equal fo that pm{x,rtion •.'hich ;he amount of •he ,umc ,crttred i,v this R{nrteagr immediateh' prior to the date of
<br />taking hear., to the fart market •:alue of the Prnt+ert~! :mmrthateiv poor , tttr Jet:, of taking, with the E~alance of the proceeds
<br />raid to Borrower.
<br />if the Propem• is ahandnnned t+v Bnrrnµer. <,r if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the cnrd:.mnnr otters to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for :lamaces. Borrower fails t.~s rr,pond to tender •~rshin ;~ days after the dale such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authcrizeci to cnitret and apply the proceeds- at tender`s Dolton. either so restoration ar repair of the
<br />Property- or to the sums .ecured hy' hi•: ?.inrt?aye
<br />tJntess Lender and Borrower :;thrru:<c agrrr ::t t.rtt+nc. an•. .ugh aisphcatton .,r proceeds to principal shelf not extend
<br />tfir pa",tpotte the dtrc date .'f the mnnthts ins*,:+!Im:nts rcf±°rred to in , ata¢raphs i and '_ hereof t±r change the amount of
<br />such ittstaitments.
<br />iQ. Bartnwu'Vot Released. i:ytcns:nn .=f ~hr time ' r pa.tnrnt ;=r mt,dificat€t •t t,f amornzatinn of rite sums secured
<br />by [his Mnrtgatee granted bq Lender to any surcecssr m intcre•a ni $t+rrnuer ;hall r.ot operate in release. in any manner.
<br />the tiabiliiy of :he .,riginal Barreuer :rid BormwerF succr:x,rs ;~ intrerest. tender Shari net he required to commence
<br />pnterrdin~s ae~:nst such successc,r :•r •rf:: sr '., extend time i•,r paymrrt r.. ,sthe^a~ise modify amnnization of the sums
<br />secured by tfiis :vton2a¢e h;` rrawn :-~, ..n•. dcmaocl made 4•: 'izr „rrr_mai t;orrnwrr :.rid B<xrnu°tfs ;,tccessors in interest.
<br />i1. Forbearusce try ixeder \nt a Waiter. ir, t;srhrarance f v i zndrr to rsercising .u„ right nr remedy' hereunder. nr
<br />otherwise .tfForded fiv apphzat,le :,w -++t I : € e ., •.va;,er . , :r ~recladr .he rsrr;rsr -t un ouch n¢ht nr remedy.
<br />Th. procurement of insurance .+r :he ; aym.. t : ~ ,:yes , r •th_r ! rn. ,. _na._cs ~. t ender *hail not hr e ..aiyrr :'f l.endcr's
<br />right =.u ncceierate the mat;sr:r:::f fife :;,dchrednc.s •.~.:..r:i 1-v ship. tifortcafe
<br />12. Nerrardks Curaalati+re. \!i remrd:rv :~*, .~drd :: thk, ~i nrt~aa;r arc list:nit and :::mutative to any other right nr
<br />remedy under th+s '`9ertxa.¢r ,•r afforded h, !ass- -:.- cyutr-. :n;i rttas he rerrs`t-ed ~tmcurrently.:t;drprndertly t,r =.t€ecessively-
<br />13. Stfeeessoes aad asetRns Beuud: Joint acrd tieycral i.isirBity: (:aptions. the .,>vrnartts .+ad :sgrements hereto.
<br />contained shall !rind. and the rith[s herettndrr hail :nst;r +:. t*e re.oc~ttar sutce}s.,r< anti a,si¢rr.. f i.tndrr and Borrower.
<br />cubjwt to the previsians of paragranh .' herrrt. '<h vettanis xnd eq_rcemenh „i Bor,*c+wer sha11 he jr~int rind srvrrai.
<br />71te captious and headings of the paragraph, ,•+. `.htsi`~1.=rte;tgc ?r.• 'nr ~4=nven;rncr :,n14' anti are not !., he used to
<br />interpret nr drfitx the prorisiuns hector.
<br />14. tiotice. Except for any notrrc rryuucd under .:ppiir.:bie E; . ,> ne e..vrn !n another mann~.r. ta; any notice to
<br />Harrower provided for in this ~inrtyage ~hxlt i,r r.:vcn ~., t*tailinf; ,=fete ~rt,trer t•r .-crtrfied matt .t;ldree,ed to Borros+-er at
<br />the Pn,pertY Address ur -it ,uch ,.,[her .,ddre,. .,, Botr:+ucr ,t,ay d=s,gn.u+• h} nt,€i*;r in ient3er its pnwidcJ herein, and
<br />ibt env ntxtice to tender steal! x ;..tr, is • ,.. s+ .,.,,.. :rt ,~_ :_yt.•rliest 1 r*.,tser'; add-ess sated hereto .x to
<br />such outer address ; ,.,triter _ ;e-rg..... - -- • is. _ ~ ,t', , =~d.+.i `crN,n- 1n, n,:+ticr pnsvtdcd for :n thi;
<br />Mortgage shaft ire deemed tr ttasr i,een ityen +,: B .+< < € ? r::dt•t t,r n t, Yvt the manner designated herein.
<br />1S. Unifw~ MoAtrer, Governing Lam: heserabtlht~. t =us t.,nn . i n ,rtgaue ~.,mhtnes tmifc>rrtt c„veuauts for national
<br />41St tend nott-un}fnfnt ic~Yet;IInf3 vW4tit trmttc,: =.,r X71 -r.= I`y' •.. _-_-.-"n - _,~R+t ttt±t _ ~rt orY :Eltertil~ m-(ri:t~,cni ti..2rtriti
<br />r•'ar nri=~'- ~!~:t; !e4e :~'•r t rt _ t. -- t '+.t !•'• ~ ..,_w ne t : il t t: , xria.n i- x r rr vcrt - - .-.3 •t ;he
<br />etvnt that my pre visiUn or cfawc , t tht, .turigagc : , :nr ti.:t .. :.;h. , .,tn a, .n. a?'tc raw €.+. ct n1... ,?.all r tfrect
<br />other praviaia,'aa of :ins +a`ciigaKc _.,. ~ , - "•-• - _:•c.~, ~..,.... -_,,...•a:€ .,._ ...._. ~ - ----- -- -- `°.+~
<br />and the pzt~lstvns a~i ittr :~dn@agr .,, r . r:-c, _ ;- '=L-.
<br />16. 1%rrawers Copy. Borru.vrr ,ha}t !+e f,uu i ., , tf. ntsrd rpv .,i the ~%ote .,rid ,•f th+s Sorgage at tl,r t:mr
<br />of execution or after recordation here.tf-
<br />17. Trtfnedsr of the Pnrpertty; Assurnptirrrr. it aI: : .+u~ r,.,tt ,'t the Prntxrty :,r an mtrrest therrm is ,"id nr trtsn,terred
<br />t>y Harrower wittu:ut Lertlar's pr,ar urine„ ,,afoot ; y~;uding :.a; the :reatinn :^t a tern t+r encumhrancr suMx,hnate to
<br />this Mortgage, Sb3 the creatu,n of .+ put h tx nt.mcc u;nt} - u teat r aouschoid apphan rs, !a .= vansfrr by devise,
<br />descent ar by apetation of !au upem the death ai a ..n, tenant t ,.1: the t. ant +Sf am Ir.tsehold :ntrrest of throe v :ua or lass
<br />nut containing an option to purchase, l.rnder tnay, at l.endrr , ,•pu.+n, de.iare :tit the sum, ,c_t;red by this tnrtgagr u, be
<br />imntediateiy due and payable. I erdcr ,haft ha,c u„ttrd st:~h .,pti~+n ,, a:crleratr !t, !:ri.ar tt, the .ele or transfer. ! cntkr
<br />and the prrsnn to wlivnt the Property is [~, he vrt,f ur tran,trrred rea.i: azreement +n tinting that lift credit of su,h prrsuxt
<br />is satifa::tan to 1_znder and th=tt the uttrtr,t pa}able ,~n lift ,:~r.t+ ,cc:tred ht this tlortgagc steal: hr at su.:h rate :a. [ tndrr
<br />shag reyuest. 1( i.cnder has waived the ,~pt;ou to ,:E~eierau• p:.•t:ded in this paragraph i7. ;utd if florrowcr's wt..c,aor in
<br />interest has exe=cuted a wruten aesurnptton agtrrn:rnt acscptrd in ;tnmtg he tender. i.ender ,hall rdrase Bor..,urc frnm alt
<br />.ab;tgattons uttdrF this Mortgage and the tide.
<br />If lender exrr:ises such ,rnt;nn to ac~e;cratr. frn:Irr ,ft a:l matt Berrourr not:cr ~*? :t~,rlerai:,,tt :r: a.cordan.:e ante
<br />paragrap=`= 14 triteof Such troute ~itaii ptovtde s ~ntnf nt n.+! 1•„ than ?r/ t?a., tr+=m the dart the n,rti_c M ^,aileci unh,n
<br />which Borrourr ma) pay the +ums declared due. }f Borru.,er i.r:i: ~o pad' taste ,ums pri„s to the cspirat:nn .•t ,uch per+ocf.
<br />Lertdri mat'. wtthnut furtln:r antics or Jemand art Burruetrr.:ns~.i.e alt. rr€nedirs pcrm;tteJ n: nararaph iti her_.,f.
<br />~v+-1;t1~oa~fC tuft»nyrs. Bvrroccr ++~.lc `' ;tithe :,... - d:.rirc '!cosy}
<br />iB. ~tctitrtrtLan: Atmetlka. Except srs prot'tded is paragraph t7 bertuf, rrprnt BurruNers breach of any cuseaant ur
<br />of Betsuwer iaa tt~s 41nrf~:rire, intladitfg for casraani} to paE ahtn due any sotto srrured by this 14atrt~rrge.
<br />I.~t pti9t t4 reeeirration sba8 rw8 trutur to Buerawer as prusidrd in psru;,r8ptt t3 brrre! speciisitq;: iii 1nr Greralr:
<br />(~) tltt acti~a rtflt~rtd tw etr:e Bach breach; 131 a date, trot less than W dais from the daft iht ewtice is maitrd Iu Borrower.
<br />by wltii:6 awe!- hceach must ist rtrrrd; and 133 that failure to rare .uch bcraah ern or btforr the daft speiihrd in the trertict
<br />rF.attll is stctderutbn rcf tht attms secured bs thy, eortgage, frrreckroure by judicial proceeding acrd sate of the Prerperi}
<br />gW3ek trA>•11 ftarttrtr itr[orm Rfrrros+er of ehr riltlu to rein+late after neelrrufiun and Ihr right fu assert io rive tuceelusure
<br />. ptpf^ktrj f6tt two-exi:dtcoee of a dslatd! w an} altrsr dtftrrsr of Burrosser ro arcrieratiua acrd fureclt»nrr. fi ttre brraeh
<br />itt cured $ta nt tttfort ttm t4att xpcri/ird M rift tttrii.e, i.endrt al I rrrttr•r's option rru} de.iare aft of for sums secured hs
<br />t1iY ,'.~rt?pr~s to bte ~sls d~ atsd pa~abk aiFhgnt furtitrr damatrd and may fnrrcluse by iudiciai pr.xreditrg• t rredrr
<br />v$t~ frtt ep~led W rrrBeet to such pr~.cxdi~ a[l rtprrrsr+ rsf fc±rceb.sure. im•tudiag. tsui rrw lirrsitrd tu, a`+r'9fs of drxomcntary
<br />rrt, trb!rfrrsr to ttat3 iflh rtpor~.
<br />lf. fprrawar`rr Kigist to Rtta:vtatt. ..,.s:thsttr e.tg tY:~~r: .~_ .,,,. , -,.- t : ~,
<br />Iiiar ~cr~=za ;.a::.. ha.=c t~ r~^ a, .... .. - « __c_il-, , _~,-. .,..- . .. :. ..... .... ~ _ .. -..-- ~_ _ ...--
<br />