<br />
<br />a~~~t~-:.-_~
<br />~ ~~~~~ ~ tt~......... ~.,t~ . .............dav of...._~~r.......:.........
<br />19. ~~., bettrettt the Mart Sorrell .T. ALbaf+ arxd :siaa A. Alrx;<, st*as ~ and ut_fa, joir~ly ana
<br />eat:3i 1.tt,tb~lx. .L~glrCr .............lf~rtin "tiorrowtr", and aht AQortgagtt,. rT.~AStt?at......
<br />..5~.~~t7&~ .~. Lt7?dt A5S€tCI.AT.7.pT'i .Q~. LI~~.7,ri ......... . . .... .. a corporation crgani~eri az>d existiag
<br />under the taws of..ttTe . Siat~ .of . it~bF~itW ................. whose address i~. ~ 3tb ~ ,N . St~~4e .... .
<br />...tftacolu..:"iebrasl~a ...68508 . . .............. . . " - - ............. • .. _ - . tt~rein'•txrr").
<br />Forty T-rxousand three tiandred and
<br />Wtxt_nE,ts, Harrower is it>dtftied to under in the principal sum oE . .................................. .
<br />(PitIIQO ............................... Doitars, avttieh indebtedness- is ee~denced by Borrower`s ttott
<br />dated... ~t.;gt:st. ~.:. =.~~..... . (herein "Nrste"7, pmvtdsng for tnanthly it>sta!lertents cif principal and inttrtsi.
<br />with the batattce of ttie indebt~ness. if not socsner patd. due and payable on. . ~ePye~taer "? ,, ?071. „ _ . „ .
<br />Ta SECURE. to ta~rtder (a t the repayment of ttte indebtedness ev,denced F.y the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />p-ayment of alt other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in a~co:dance herewith to protect the sec:trity of this
<br />1~lortgage, and the perfortnanix ,7f the cnvrnants and agreements of t3ormwer herein contained, and (67 the repaytttent
<br />of anv fstturc advattces, with interest thereon. made to t3rrrrower by E_ender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Fatart Advancts"), Borrower does ~a1I mortgage. grant and eanvcy to Lender the following described property
<br />iocaeerf in the Cotutry tr€ ............. . ........................... .. State of Nebraska:
<br />-a~* _iQ~v ; ~_ } , :dest~rn Heis~itta ."biro. 3ubci: r aio.^..
<br />;A11 '~ountY. ":`ebY'HSiSa.
<br />' 623 Lariat Lane ~rartd Island
<br />wtrtett hat: ilea adt9rtas <~....'' ..................................... ...................
<br />;Srcaftt le,yt
<br />rt~la~'a~~ 5~~91 -
<br />.. . .... . ......... . [ ttearin "t'rtrpertp :~ddtes~ ' j
<br />€ zen i~ Celt
<br />3'esstrt~Ea witb aii ts~ irt~ruaett~nts now fir hc::attA:r e~~ctNd cnn the prc~rer°; arui alt easetnenis, right-s.
<br />artorea49tt:es, c;,nts, rtaya,ttite~, ntiraerai, i>tit arxt g:+s rights and prcF;tis, water. wat~-i rights, zcnci u+ster stvek, and all
<br />ftxture# rxsroir or hereafter attastsrd to the property, all cff v~iush, irtaiuding rcpiacenrents and addiiittr~ u`t<reto, >hait iae
<br />tv rert~in a part c.f the pnrty ~ias:ertd ftv .his ~1€rrtg,; :~rtcS alf of ±he fe~regoing, tc~gtther s+rith said
<br />perrpe~rty tor'ttte tet#arehutrdestate i( tttis'vtttrtgnge is:.,t} a kas.hoid}_atr lxrrin referred to as-the "Aroprrtv'`.
<br />Bstrrr ;:crvrrrattts-that iiorrvwes is tawfttttt ssitw;t t3f the <stSte irerr~y +~~nceyed roxt has the right to mortgage,
<br />~rtxrtt grad cey tart f*n±r~rty, ?hxi tip pnrprrty iti uneowtrrnereu, anti titer utirrav.er wilt svarratet :t[tii dtf4nd
<br />~rit:j =~ #"~ .~'-tom :*r;-x~tT a~#'.~t ~?!-L`?~#'.'?<~tH~ L~'°tT3~tt~'~. kllt tst .~{i7~ ~teS:laSati[7ns> saSet~rtr~ ~}r rcr*iriCfi~t}=_
<br />!~ ,n a ~~ cif ex;:,:{:~~ .ca cr~rrn~e =t; a:t~ t ~!c ts`st,r~si~.c Ixaic. 's~urir~ ' .,der = i:tter~t ,,. ttt€ :'r€rt~
<br />,~€~=a !c"`- ttNIBlStihit6 Ott tl~fiFiidlFtti
<br />