<br />rr.A~ tt~Aly xo. __L_ 2386
<br />A[.L i~ti BY Te£ e~e~FtvTS- That ;.~~~ L. 4t3e1Ctt, ttGStT ari t~¢narrias3 persOri,
<br />Mlonp6or. whether om « more. r$ wnideratioe d the area of
<br />~} ~~ ~tx1~100------- ------ - - -- -- -----._ _ _ _----- - aoc.t~-t~s
<br />iaaa~ >?o aria taoet~ar by 14r F.gtisabie ,.a t.raa Asetscatioa of Grsad Idaad, tiebruka. , trpoa 194 t~ of start of
<br />aid ~S90C[A77{H+t, t'.crfU'aau Nu. t_ 23986 , do trexrhy ptaat, coa«ey aril tttottgeg taro the stdd AS9UCtrR°e'ION tee fa®oavias
<br />d>~rt'bed r~ taaate, situated ar teak Ct+tnrfy, Nebrat4a
<br />Lat 13izse i41 in Block Ftxir (4) in i;'vacis Addztion t'A the
<br />City of c,rarid lalapxi, Ball Caau~ty, tdebraska.
<br />tta~tha atnlh a8 she tmetateaes. hetedttsraeatt and appwteaamrs eherratrrtu #+clttttpurF, tttdtstitrgl attached flax tanerxrp., all artador screen,
<br />wiadtew , Mhtdt, sentta wtadtsws. awamga, hesttagr arc cacttdrisrams[,ssd ptttaadmtt sad water rgttiptsreat std acoestttatst threeto, pmeya, eoaea.
<br />tsftiperaxtats, nil cxiaea 3catWd add tstpttgcnsenz now <u hneafter attsclud to rx steed nn ~smesecisart wah said teal estate.
<br />Aad wherea rhtr tad ntrxt~x inn +Mtre'rd and don tttee6v aRroe clot the xartagarAK a1r13 attd will pay all lases and attssstaaeats letitd a
<br />awed ttpaa and ptettaass and tins rtarrtJptse tttd the tttrsttt secucrx) ttsrrcby F+eime ette same dttN betsxtae deLtr}uarl: w ftannh approved
<br />saaararoe t6!u! the nn soil prt:nrsea mustsd m the rasa :si S 19 c}00.00 ptryaeie to sad ASSQCtAT'tfMv and to deevm to :rid
<br />1ti1'S0E7AIHN! 4tK pttt-iests ttx sail aaotmoe, sad sax to aarmatst ttr pertr~ any wassr nn tx sttsxst tad premirs,
<br />En rase ~ defudt re the prrisxsrtaaca .a am .,i the teems aaa caadaroas of thn m»!tuMte rx else !tend ae4vred tretaby, the aro!i6sdne shall.
<br />aRt nkettua%. he rartiiiest zc tmartitsic patatmstcm .a the rew.xtitsate.! perrtuaes and ehr rttutt-,fix turrby rstttdtta, tcattdets aril sees urez to t!rc
<br />taxt~e all rise ecatts, reaemtcea taxi ntuntta to ire dctrvcd ttttm the mc+rtgded trtatncfrr dtutrtK stsa:h ttttre u [ire ttrartplpe xrtiebletttre shill cemam
<br />uap®d: gird the msrrtpder shtU tuvr the ptrarrt to ,pFrwat ai+y rtpetx re aarnis ss tgey Sessrt krt the Pu+T't~ ai rapsieitzh mttd prtttnsm tad reatutd
<br />tee ss~ anal arkeatte~ tlst rants, trvertraea atad uauma, and tt mey tsy cwt .a tad ittcudve all expeaaea of zepwht{ sad premises wd zteaeaety
<br />u~Prta~ws sat? rspeasea +n~Wrcd to crtrUfit aunt ttresgar{ tFtt tauar an! .,! catteccttrq tratdr tltarofrum: the biiartet retttstamk. U aey, to be
<br />ztrtrrsed zhe ~.tisciaypr of tat emxiglpe ra3eet+teaiaex, thr: rq$tts..t the exyxt~tne my Ne csncasri st say ttaaa durtpd tee asareooe of sttdt
<br />aa~. waelQtetsflv ~ 3aS te3~.Marry wens C~ iiae SSE.
<br />~fi a t*rtta, ~r~'t.~..ue me t:~w~a. ~c .t i#se star der dsati re~.tp svt3 k~ txt ie #xtft~ ih~^ ntitwi[Y o£ seed ~s uy
<br />pgrtrar: pray tan¢ahiy to sand ~cx:eA txi!a er# thr tray speaticd ra the Hared >zamxsi !tear as tntettdlt tart pratraprv sat aril tare. oa us berets
<br />tht T wetttrth day .re eaKir std ratty rrrath..tnta trod iatat a ttdiy pttrt, Far aq tasra oat asroasasents kvrd altaiaa srd prancer aed ua thb Maept~e
<br />spa ~ vad th€€r~y. ~ _ . tannit atovatt -. ---- t ttu natdtr~s tts«atm a thr t.~ S lei, Qs;t4, OQ p:ty+!~
<br />iz3 ~ #-:FA~:aI~, e r~ e~ ~ ~`# _Tet t deoss~ ~ asaeq uti = i~ :°r ~ cas . a.~:x :ad wah iatar~ az
<br />tht rnasaaxav iadei tats staas.ta treat dtta ut paytaeaz ati to wha:i+ Mtxtdytx irreby agcaa to pat, treetad tae waste oe said pretarat,lteap and tarmp-y
<br />aster ~ thr a~ttaeaac»is aaa [azndttr>.u ~I ehs -ltiaei i~tt i19 t ~ ~ viii the ~y -~*va by the saw[ ~ _ tv A~"_ 41~1A77~t_l[+1, attA r
<br />wuyet r~ the t-„~tr+taa+ent€uti th€ t:~tsir~asa aa.; ttyd..sass of rata ~.° ~z,M'tAF-iNe: ttt~ tbe;e taesaats s#4ac*~e null saati wiwi. atthatwite shay
<br />~ rezaaso m ttdi totes sail ?raj br lw.x&rsnu at the .tpatwt ast tttr tad ,LS tUl'!A"IttXi s-tat fashaa ttx tltrac mrtnttu su mdce ray uF satd
<br />paygaeuia m be three tuusttha to artetua trr ettr~tztk aaei znsestdy psryrrtcnia, ut to keep and aa>pir wUh the tts{ratarnt+ sad amdslwtas of said litxtd:
<br />and Aistt;tysa arettaz tta tpvc a trutset appranlert futtitwuh m w 3r fwrJtiawc pnk~c~arltrt~s.
<br />(f thae ut any d uwsrrr~p of the Grad esttue taart;arrae harem, by attis u. utirar±', !w- the catxe ceaawptd ~ trraby
<br />taratsd , u tbie uptkw tat 7'be ~:ttsaadt6t ~ and i.acm }1ari.~atsun of t:raad es~r-, #dabraua, hacraws ua>aaddciy dtr sad able stithwLL
<br />firtthet tt.atioe, and sAc aarwai tam dwe ttaidw [said btmd, aatd say trepcv tread (ar racy additiiowat atesetwaa erde tearstredsr~heY, from the
<br />date of t audae .ef sus npieae, brta wtetaat at t#te ttstrsanatat iep3 cue, sad that tttotedye rtry Lira be tatwsiotad to sorry the amwW dns oa sod
<br />Csrad. awl uqe ailrr brow[ frx ttd~aimsa! rdt, ttepatAtea were aN atastrt pad by sand Ttts Fytatabie ~ ~d -.+rao Arocstttaan of (:esad taBsod,
<br />lieheaaiut flu inswaase, tttzes sitd atarrssmtsstss, asd te>seotactteb esttaaasm chrrUat, wtUt e»tatest tbwtxre, (ram dau of payrtttpct ai tee rttrsimtw
<br />~,
<br />Ax uvfttad M thr #itawt sttttura# hecaby, rtede ttm ttrxiYtl6e terastas to et7at:t the rrwtssapse may ttaeafttn +atvaetx at-dtttaaal [stmt to the
<br />taaRasx of sDid Y~fd. t-seit srs~ts ur :wxxwws w w!ercu, w~ctt wms slrU be wtthm t!r sa;tcrtty cd thts tauttpUe the saate u the ttmds uridiwUy
<br />~d tk.fs#ty, ttaa tvtai rataaat atF ~ ~t not tt, csc~cd rt asy tteze the tatjinii saaateet of title z~t~e~e.
<br />ilatcd t '~79tf1 =~S~r~i,,., uf. t A. i)., tv 81
<br />...-w..a,~......._,~~,......~..~_,__..._.. -~_.~
<br />~. - ~'~"~`A' sa. [Sa rim i'ltit day nif F1tX~ilrit iii . bd'ttna can.
<br />tYX3eiT"Y f7d` teil2d.
<br />cht tstsdaettt~#, a Piutary i'ab~.teC m sad fw ~ (-uuaty. petatmrUy cares
<br />~~ le. Vi441C~i, Sit7sas 3A cit>zTik143 ~, what. iS patwttai-y known w
<br />vee w be the adststtead petatxn tvhtat tease yg stFiard so the atwae tatttttRteat u et)tuttpdu: scat y}yt; ~e~
<br />aaa+a- sits anti ~t#ttmrrst=! !sk t•e at#attxat; ~t sett .'.
<br />YYt`IitFa?~; i ~#'~ti.~ i~ r~ d.rr st ar~at
<br />!i.#i!t Rt ~ ~ . t1ts. t~ ~ r-, t mss- ~-~ ' ~„~~ f ~.. ~-'__ ~ "' _ 5- .," s~
<br />t~~a..a%,LxS.r,~. `:ter. :~di
<br />