<br />
<br />T#di tsmtttgayoe made earl ett€e~ ids this ii}th day of ~ettst ,
<br />t~~»~r c~rc xtt~+~t~t~
<br />(hftts refshte+d to as ~) and Cwt Naticxtal Baait aad Tnast Company
<br />(her,onafter referred to as
<br />~, ttr~ tnaBStaitts an office and puce of busittRSS at G28 isTest 3rd street in Grand !eland,
<br />FiaB Cottaty,l<tsM'aaka.
<br />WtttCitf that ftx the consideraEirnt he s°i;;tafter stand, ream of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does , seifi. great, awign, aad convey unto the mortga~ its suxessats and assigns, all of the fol-
<br />iowiag d propaYy situated atsd being is the County of Hall
<br />State of Atetrrasta.
<br />Y>Tartherly Eighty Feet (80'} of t,at Fot:r (4}, northerly Eighty Feet (80')
<br />of the tiesterly Sixteen Feet (I6'} of I,ot Three (3)> Block Clete hundred
<br />ttrettty eight (I28} in the Union Pacific Stailory Cotapany's Second hddition,
<br />Cite of t:raad lsl;snd, Hall Cotmty> ftebra$lw
<br />togetlaat with ap the tenter atrtf appnrtcnattas thereto betmtging, ati the rents, users and profits thereof. and atl
<br />, rigiEts, royahitst. taitserai, «l and ft~ rigists aed ptalits, water. water rights, and water stot:k, and rnctuding
<br />ail heatsag, phtmbittg. tefrigeratian, ltgtttirtg, equipmens and aU futures of every description belonging to the
<br />mnrtsr Hair or hetatfur attac~ted thet~+rr ~ u~i in eortnection with the premises herein descriixd and in addition
<br />~ tl~ ft~i ~'~" pr`~!r~ ~'' ate vend shah f+c deemed to ~ fir,tures aad a part of the realty, and
<br />art a ttortuxs of the security far the irsdaezz herri>3 stated. {lf norms, state "none"'; None
<br />T~ beret aad to held the ss~ onto the for:fie. es Eterein provisied:
<br />'T'he taottilstgp- is tstrfulty seised aad possessed of attd has the right to sop and convey said property; that the
<br />sense is free fuss ail eaattmbtassces ea`sept as hereitsabove recited; and that Mortgagor covettsnts to warrant• and
<br />defesad the title afots~id thert:to aad every ~ thereof against rite c-aitns of all persons whomsoever.
<br />Thin iastrtuaeet iz given to sectrce the paysttca: of a promissory note dated Austttst 10, 1981 _
<br />in the l~ earn of S ~s~ ~ ,signed by ~i1lias R, Gat~6e11 Bob Nhee.ler,
<br />is behttif of fAiC iaveatsaenta _.---__~ _.__~._
<br />aHo, as asap ~ tx tsota ttrgr hen tittle to tune be modified. renev+ed of extetsded in wtititsg.
<br />fn Hite ewpst the title to ntKi real estate is transferred, ar comracted to bt: transfttred, from tlu undersigned far any
<br />eaaaaa at tzy a~ mtttlaod whatsoever, the etNirc pritttdptt sum ate accrued interest shall at otter become due and
<br />pttgl~ie at tBat elation of the hakkr herattf. faittsre to czanse this aptiao because of transfer of title as attave stated
<br />opt ttsx tttitute a waiver aT the twit ter use the setae in the event of trey t tra~f~.
<br />1. ~r aad agtroa as follows:
<br />it: ~`~-~ pat! th~.iitddneas cvidetsad by saki promissory note at the tittles and in rite rttattncr
<br />tht ,
<br />b. Ter pay a$ tats, a~ttat, water rotas, anti ether governmental or muitieipat charges. fines, c,r
<br />fQr tride4tttrovit~i t~ ttai treat made hereinbefort. and wits promptly deliver the official receipts
<br />thsrrffor to the ~-
<br />~, Ter rstgr s tttpttnsa-std fees at, tttaY tie itt;;urred in tl~ grotectiart and mairtetts„~ ci ;std pmpertt.
<br />tixf+t+~ s=y ~ ~~ by the ttrsstgagtx far the e~~ctian cif arty 4t ail eI the indrelitedrte~cs
<br />~, ~ for^_c#re by ttiga'a sue. or =_•s~ff pr€tdtss9t~*. ns itt ani ctthcr iititratic~n ~,r t*rt~-e~Ing
<br />asiss€Fir prttt~e~iY.
<br />