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<br />81--t}Q9~ 8? <br />6. is the ex~e~ said property is sold at a jxstticgaI fortxigalxare sak s~ pttrsuarxt to the powea' txf a sate ixereinaibave <br />gratxad, and tl5e proa+oeds are n~ sttf$ieiettt to pay the total itxdeirtedr~ss t.x7it±ed by Lhiis i;nstrttrt~nt atxt evidexxc- <br />ed try said ptot'tssuxy note. the mortgagee will bt eautled to a deftcietvt:y judgement for the amount of the <br />~7 x~rltrnrr ~ ro ap~iremnu: <br />7. to the evcttt the teasrtgagttr faits to pay any fsdera'„ state. or tocai tax asaestttent, income tax or other tax iirn, <br />charge, fee or ottxr eatpense charged amt ttx property the mcxtgagee is hereby authorized at iu option to pay <br />the satnt.'a'ny struts st> paid by tht stwrsga8::e scut! be added to and become a pa:t of the principal amount of the <br />itedrxatte+~ by said nme, subject to rite satrne terrtts and conditions. If the mortgagor shall pay and <br />dhcharge the itxiebtedness evadesued by said promissory Here, and shall pay such sums and shall discharge a12 <br />cartes and liens ate the costs. tees, atd expenses of making, rnforcing, and extcu[ing this mortgage, then this <br />~ shall >x cancelled acrd surrendered. <br />8. I'ttr covenants herein contained shad bind and the benefits and advantages shah inure to the respa7xve successors <br />and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singular number shat! itxetude the plural, the ptwat the <br />ssttgutar, and tiu ux of any gettskr shall include al! genders. <br />9. No waiver of any eovetunt httan or of the obligation secured hereby shat! at am time thereafter he ttetd to be a <br />waiver of the eertns hereof or of the note secured hereby. <br />l!). A judicial decree, order, or jud~tttent holding-any provision or portion of this instrument invalid or uttenforce- <br />atde shall nos in any watt impair o+ preclude the enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this <br />ittstnrttteut. <br />i i. Any written notice to be issued to [he mortgagor pursuant to the provtsions of this instrumrnt shalt be addressed <br />to the m6Rgagor at 918 N. St. Paul Rd.. t' n t;cox 2A6'# Cran~i Fctand NF hAAf)1 <br />.__ and any written notice to be issued to the mortgagee sha0 <br />be atttire53t{l t0 the mOttgagtC at tr_~_y._Sgjrd ~r F 4 A.lsz ?LIQh ('ranet 7gtanet !fit? hAB(S~ <br />(>ti WNEaEOF, tht mortgagor has executatf thts tnstrumrnt ate the mortgagee has accepted delivery of <br />thisp~as of the day~nd Y~'af~rsaid. <br />l ;f <br />e L. snnnn Will am R. Gatapbell <br />riot;' G ee er <br />tcd and dctivere+f in the ptessrtcx of the totiotvrrttE wttntl.7es: <br />...... t,i dd s~pprCiprtatrd ni~itrtv+tlsd~etnelxti <br />STATE t~F (VF.~IRAStCA Before rne, a grub ~ N°ylry~hc. pers9P~Y app~tSd ------ <br />~•ltll r' <br />t~'[)txIYTY t~ r~~ ss r f L '~~~--~ ~- ___-_ ___._^_ <br />ktwvra to ttx to he ideaticai person or persons who signed the foregattg ittsirurturtt and acknowledged the execution <br />ttteacvf to be ~____.~ v'ohuttary act awd decd. <br />Witrtmss my hand atxi Ntrtarial Seal on ~ lf~ ' ~' , I9 ~! <br />[tom iP. (Mal <br />($ ta.w au. ~. sa , gat _ ,.,~~_ .~ <br />rotary Pubh-._-- -_.. <br />iS1Y twomtttisxion Expires ___._.., /i.- `~ ~' , ! 9 sL.~ . <br />t~ ~R~.~t ~ ~trfote ttte a gtutiif=~od iv~ar-y Pct. ~1, 8,°~€arert .~ .. -~_- <br />1 as. __ _ .~. _. _...__~.._ - __. _ -- , <br />~Slil?#~Y f}f ~r..n,_..~ .} Ptcsit#Cttt of _~.~._~.____.~_.~_----__-.._ __ ......_ _.._ __._.. <br />a _c~7fMxtalisMt~ kern to the to be the Presidetst and ixlentieat person: who signed the foregoing instrument. and <br />tltrx exe€~ttian thereof to be his voltnfkary act and tired as such officer acrd the voluntary act and deed of <br />axad t3~ its corportue seat ryas aft5xed Lhesett~ by its authority. <br />Witness sty hand anti Notarial ;teal ate _._~__._..~._..._. _.__._~ -_~. t~ ._-__..... . <br />Notary i'ukrlic <br />_ ... <br />