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� � :�-.. � - �- . - . - �� ��x.� <br /> , �- • -� �� ik-i-���.- , . ` � _ = <br /> . - - - _ . • � , �.� ( , . <br /> , �f- _� - - -� . . <br /> ---- - . . . : ; , . :, .: �_ ` � � 92 �oiQ28-._ - <br /> . ��wav�+�s•�rarri.Ho�:ta�+n.a.�«n�.aaucc+r.n.��sana.�..n.ns.aTn„�o�.�rorinn.r.�aanat�� ' . . <br /> • p�.Nne ana tY� ana oeli��6ons ot Borrow�t ta�r►r a tlw�+N�auI a L�ndK wn�11N.dinec�aweR <br /> �� aD�a��br eontlnp�nt�and WiNMr rrUin�b!►no1R�►MY:owcd�Ra alhe�isa The No1R tl�ONd af Tru�[r�d anU sa4� <br /> . orwrdoc�wnlrtNtMCUrttluNol�btolh�whsex�ctA�dincon+wcSa►�rw�A.tncludin9vr��a+tlUtddYOnpu�r�elMa.a�cu�ih► <br /> � �prw�wNS and s�i�fn�nt�d h�sa and reM�.atalt bs rsi�rred 1�her�in ss th�"L,can tnslrumu►b". . ` <br /> TruMor cawn�n�a�eb M/'�es witl�t,snd�r as tolbwx .� . <br /> e <br /> — � �.Rs�ae d��Nt tnd�b�Mdness s�wree f�e_ceby sMH oe patd when duR � <br /> 2 7�.?ruNor h BN owr�d�P'ropsR�►.�as tli�►i�M and autl�orlA►���f1��•a��E���f1an-- - - -- <br /> enaMd hK�by b a fint a�prlor lieo on the PropKh•exospt for tfens snd encumbrances aet bM Df►Trusoor in writl�g and <br /> dNiwredtoEs�M�rb�lonureu6oadithb OssdolTru�R�ndlAe�zecutiqnutiddettveryof this DseQ otTrustaoq natvfoWrsny <br /> � , contrset a a�tl�er abtipWa�to whieA Tiu�for is aubHe�. �a and al!otha�char�es a�inst th�PrW�ty <br /> -- � 3 Tiw.AwwM�M�.To pay bMors dNinqwocY���� _ <br /> . aoMr ot l�wlMr iwi�d.� <br />-- - � 4.I�rietRTotwePtlreProps��Y�roda�inrid���udslacludeawithintl�Yrm 1zb�d�dcoverape:and . - <br /> " sudt otl�fisataa�s LsrMar m�fl��.i��and wi1A t�D�!��b tender.narning Lendet ss sn add�lwnd � <br />` - • named insured.wHA tas PaY�bN fo fha LenQer.In ca�s W fo�s under�i�ct�Doli�the lenQpr b eulh4rizqd b adjt�st cata�t anQ� • <br /> oon�promisRaNC4iimsth�reunderandshslFhavstheoptionotappiy�rr�aifo►Q!aut4fttrpinsnrancaP��(►�taa►�Yin40bted�f - <br /> - sscuncf haebyandinwch ordeEas Lei�der maY�ir�e:C�?tathe Tn�storlqbeusedtorMe�eW�rar reslwationAtthePrap�rH <br /> - or�loraiyolherP��A���«to La�derwithoetaltscnr�ylha�ienMfhlsOadoiTncsNorlhsfutismOUMSeca►ed <br /> ts t[ <br /> ' hsr�b�r Dators weN payment ever took ptaca My aDP�icahan of proceeds to indehoedness shail not axtend or Poslpone tAe dus. �_�.__ <br /> �M uf any.payme�nb under ihe No�e.a curo any dehuitthereunder ar hereunaer. -!-_ <br /> - 5.Earow ypoA w�i�en deman0 Oy Lendsr.Trustor ahail pay to sueA manner as Lender may de�ipnals.sulficient ���,._ <br /> swmsb�bNLenO�►topsyaslbeyb�canedueanearmoreMthtfbitowin�(i�alt(axe3.assestmerttsandotherchar�esessi��t , ��--� <br /> • ths P�p�N.Qi111f�D��iumt on tf te prOpeAY InsuranCe required hereunder.andt��!ihe premiums on snY nartsege t�wrancs �;::-_ <br />,_- .: - r���L� .�,;��_- � <br /> ° 6.Mfi�M�e�����wiN�Lf�T►ustor sha�l Reep U�e PfaRe�t�►in�ood conQtlion ac�repafr,ahall ' ��`r--.- <br /> .��..:. <br /> ,:* ' prompHy rep�ir.or r�sptacs anY imWrnieora�nt whic!►may`be dama�ed or desuelfed:aha(1 not cosnar;�a�•Dg►a�any wasb or - y._'— <br /> �r;�. asbrbration ol the PropertY shall nae�em�av�demoliah a aubatantiall�after arry ot Ufe improvema^��r:i�k�e�rOD�Y�� . ��,�,t-.. <br /> �'�,;:,`: �,t�f�,� � �pinmiRsulferorpermitanyfacttobedoneimcruRonfheP�opeRyinvto[atianofany(aw.ordinance.�:!�gf�ar�andshaflpaysrwf� _ .:-��! . _ <br /> , ' ,pypmptly dtachprss Rt 7ruator's cost and expense all lien�s,eneumbranves and charges fevfed.impose�d or ass�asalnst f�s .., �.i'���c.-:;�- <br />' property a any paR ihsreot_ � !���"�'J s <br /> t ^ �.En�Y�nt pqnNn.Lender ia hersby assi9ned atl compensaUon,awacds,dama4es a�d other paymerrts oc re�tef(hereinatee► �•�6�f;:', '� ". <br />� ' ;�,� °prpceeds"}in connacdon with condemnation or other faking at the PrapeRy or part thereot,or tar conveyance in tieu af .: _ �1��`�.. <br /> . � � ` r in and rosecute in ib own name aay�.. ._ �`:��°_�=�;�•!•° <br /> : -�. condemosdan.Lender shaTl be entitled at ita option to commenc�a�ea p - r <br /> .'i;4�:' �-;.� pro�eedin�s.and ahall atso be enUtted to make any compromise or set�ement in connectian witb auch taking or�e . 1'�' :.T�;• �r <br /> erent arry pallon of the Pro�e,�ty is ao feken or Eama9ed,lender ahatl havethe opti�,ic�its aofe and absotute discrei�on,to a���;� � _ :`.x:. <br />" 'f. ` J': « a%6•such P�oCeeds.alter deQrs%�n�thereirom all costs andexpenses incurred by i�ir.��nnection witt►such ProcsE�9.upon arry ix;,y.;`;�, • .=; <br /> f, cii�ebtednessaecuredhere��dinaucherderasLersC�pcmaydeterrnine,ortoapp"�at�3ucbProcee0s,atterauc�;�lttions,to 5#�?;�:sc��,_-�=- <br /> ` +� . t�he rostoralion et ths Properiy.rtpon auch Condi�ons as 1�n!Jer may determine.Any appheaUon ot ProCeeds to 1r.�a=�ess shall F�'�•�•-";1,•-- <br /> �r••�:- nat exlenQ or poslpone the due date ot ang Fayments under tha Note,or curo any default thereunder�os hereurt�s;e�r--�pnapplled . ._ <br /> ;�=f: : � , ,..:... ,... -- <br /> � : ,� ,; funds shail bs paid W Truator. 8 roeeed"m � ' ,°' <br /> 1:�,�' , �� ,�,�: 8. p�rlorn��ele�pr�M��pr,n 9,��rtence ot a�Eventof Qefault hereunde►,or It any fr�?s'taken or:eg� � � <br /> �`��:;-.� ' ,'�:� , commenced which materiatiy a8eccs tei�3��s interest in the Property.Lender may in its own discretion�but withor,�d6'��gation to do . , . __ <br /> . .,k�'',r,,'�.�`�. ; , � . -. <br /> , � � so,and without notice ta or de:�artd u�e�s rtrustor and without raleasing Trustoi from any obligaUan,do any actw`t.�s TrasWr t�as <br /> •.���?' �`� agreed 6ut feita to do and n!ay d15o da 2�y other act it deems necessary to protect the securiry hereot.T►ustor shaii,immediateiy _ <br /> '�� , '` �=� '- " upon demanatherefor by ta f.ender atl costs and expenses incurced and sums expended by Le�der in eonnectton with , <br /> .!;�'�.'�" �����:� •' the exerciseky Eender ot theforegoing r'��+ts.together w(th interest th�eon atthe detault rate provlded in the Note,whtch 3h2s�ts� , <br /> •' '' '�=�`.����`•`•�_ � to thg irtdebtedntss secured hereby. tender ahail not incur any liabitity because of anylhtng it may do or omt�ta da <br /> ,�,� -�,�s:�. addep , <br /> '� •a�r�. .�u�� � h Pro e in com Ifance with atl applicabte Iaws,ordinancea ead reQutations �`.�.'�: . ' _ <br /> _�;, � 8, llssarAous MstN�f��n�stor shall keep t e p rty D _ <br /> �• �c:.: relaNng to induatrial hygiena or environmental protection{cottectivety reterred to herein as"Epvironmental laws'ry.T�uator ahall . <br /> � '.:�..` ..� keepthePropeRy �1 . <br /> free trom all substancea deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmentai Laws{coltectivety referredto F <br /> ' i���� ,..:���.'. � hereln aa"Hazardous Matertats'�.Trustcr fiereby warrants and represents ta lender that there are rr�HazardoW Materiats on or <br /> �':�:�; ,:';;�';':;t:r uaQertheProperty.Trustorherebyagreestoindemnityandhotdharm!essLertder.itsdirectors,oRc�.empioyeesandagents,and �. , . .� <br /> •;'��',��;;��..`5��;'<< dny wccesaora to l.ender's interest�irom and agaiast any artd ail ctaim9,damages,tasses a�01iab'':°.ies srising in Connecttort with •. <br /> _ ,��:;� �; . ftle presence,use,dispoaa!or dansport ot•any Hazar4a•,,s Materiats on,under,irom or about the Property.�'�1'c FOREG01Nti , _ <br /> . �' OBLtaATtONS PURSUA!'�T'O THE FOREQOINf3 iNdEMNITY.SHALL � <br />. > •r- �'�`�4•P. � WAF1iiANT1E8ANOREPRESENTATIONS.ANDTRt1ST0 5 4 , _ <br /> �',?�:`'3 SURVNE AECONVEYANCE OF THIS OEED Of TRUST. � <br /> � ,,�`z,;i:`� . tp. AW�nnwnt d Rwt6r.Truator hereby assigns to Lertder tre ror,:s,issues ana protits of the Property:provided that Truator <br /> �-:; �;�?���� she11,unW tt�eoccur�ence otan Evant ol0efaulf hereuader,have t�:a r��:tocoltec!and retain auch rents,issues and profftsas fhey f � <br /> ' � � t� ��'-='��' "�� become QGe and payeble.Upon the occwrence ot an Event ot Qeta:::L Lertder may.either in person or by agent.witb or with�fi! i . <br /> . �F,�y�sk.:. :1.. _. 4,` <br /> � •• bringing any attion or pr� by a rocelver eppG:^'_d by e cou►t and wtthc�*_r�gard to the adequacy of it�aecurity,enter S;:• • <br /> �:�`-'.; upon and fake possessian cflhe Properry,or any paR the.�o`.ln its own name or in tr.e�r.a�ne of the Trustee,anddoe:�y acb whtcb it <br /> �'�'�� deems neces�ary or desirablato preserve the value,marketabitity or rentab111ry of the Property,or any paAehereatGr+r,teresttheieln. , <br /> , ' _�u• •;,:,4:, • incresse the income theretrom or protect the security hereof an0,with or wlthout taking possession of ttfe�ra�arty,aue for Or ���� <br /> ' � � �«�:'� � atheMriss co"ect ihe rents,lssues�and proiits the�eof,inciudirsg tt�o3e past due and unpaid,ar.d�+'y tba sa:*.^e,less costs and <br /> •' '�'�� � {.'�<'. nsesotoperaUonandcoltectioninctudingattomeys'tees,upor��dYindebtednesssecuredher�:�:altinsuc'�orderasLender <br /> ���'� ` �. c^�.�.ayedetermine:The entering upon and taking possessicn c!the Properry,the coltection of suc`r�n�s,issues as�arotits and the � � � <br /> +1};::�..:. :� <br /> �,..,, „ , appilcaUoe thereof as aforeaaid,shaii not cure or wa�ve aryy aefauit or notfce of defauit hereur.��r a►inva1idar�Gny act one n <br /> � a�:;`;�,..� relponsetosuchdefauttes`p�rsuanttosuchnoticeafQe.+au::and,netNithstandingthecantinuanceinpossess�onctthaPropertyor . <br /> �;;��,: •::�.1,;,�,, the calfeeticrL reCelDt a�^fl�aPP�jcatlon of rents,issuea or prv!.'ts,a^d Tr�gtee and lender shall be e�n.*,�1ed to exa'G�,se every right <br /> ;, ., :��, .; ,,...., provided fer�n any ottr06oan tnslrumeMa or by law upar cee�trer,�c`.any Eventot Oefault;InctuC�ng w�tnout t;rr.:tation the r,ght <br /> , , ;�,�.",�'}:::.,,�.``• toexercise�'s,spowe�atsafe�Further.Lender'sright�artpr��reCsesc;:�C�rthisparagraphahatibecumutativew.fts.andinnowafat : <br /> .;,.,; � , limitatlon on,LenQePs r�g,�',s�nd remed�eg under eny assi�rr�ent of ieases and rents recorded againsttha Properiy.tender,tr�sc+e� <br /> and the reeelveo shall Ge+:3fstB to eccount only for those renta ectua�ly receivacl. <br /> ��!•;`..'`'.' � 11, EvMM o1 pN�wiF.The foifowing shali constitute an Event of Qefautt under thi9 deed ot 7rost , <br /> •w � (a)Failure to pay any instatlmenf of principal or interest o!any other sum secured hereby when Qu�: , <br /> (b}A breach ot or detautt underany provision cOntained in the Note.this Oeed of TruaL any.Oithe Loan fnstruments,or any ;' <br /> :_, � other tien or encumbrance upon t�:e�roperty; <br /> � y , . . �� (c)A writ of execuAan or attachmeat ar any simlfar process shalt be entered against TruSm�which shatl become a tien on -, <br /> � the Property or any perUon thereof or interes!thereln; � , <br /> „;.� . • (d)ther��haii be�iled by or agalnst Trustor or Botrower an acNOn under any present or tutu►e tedeial,atate or other . : <br /> � statula,tew or regutation releting to bankruptcy,insolvency or other retiel for Qebtors:or thers shail be appolnted any Nustee. ; <br /> � �'`�" "•' . �,:.,i recelveror UquiQator o1 Trustor ot 8onower or ot all or any part of the Property,or the rents.�ssues or proflW thereot,or T�uator <br /> � ,=. , or Borlower shatt make any genera!aaaignment tor ihe benetifaP•�reditors: � ' <br /> + r. {e)The�ate.t�enster,fease,aslignment,conveyance cr irt:br encumbrance of all ar any part of or gny interest in the <br /> -_-�-- - --�-i�_�_�, ... p��q�y,��r.voTsstitmr8g ar Imrnlut�ffirity�witl��the.eYCresa wNfen consent ot lender,provlded that Trustor sha,ll be _ - _-.- _ <br /> en ? <br /> � • permittedto execute a lease olthe Properry.that�ces not ecr��n an opNOn to purchase an4t�e ferm of which doe!r�otexa�d <br /> , -. . � one year, . � <br /> ' (n Abandonment of the Property:or � <br /> . , , , <br /> _-� _.. _.. . - -- <br /> =- ---_- • - - <br /> --�----=---- - -- -_ -= - - - , <br /> -_ -- <br /> . - � - . <br /> . <br /> -- . ��._. ....._..._ .. . . _ _ <br /> �: � . . � � . <br /> , -. - -... 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