<br />'THE Its~R~t~[:~i°-~4tt~~t cx7s~t?~w#~"i's ~~T~ ~rc;REE.s r~~ -v~s~~i~~":%
<br />'Fhaf fhe Morl;atlcor vaiii t>rS' the rtsdai>terfrxea as heretnt+r•fnre pru+siried
<br />'fitatp.Ei~ it itttt r~vrrter BE agldd {rtsga4tfJ in #ea aitt aai }~aa ~ std iataiuf xuffwaitb' trc sell and
<br />crraa>efr tFte im~`rlrilf t"lllta~Fllfb~~t~'a mr} ehsr d am Yt'n nr epc>tm#srattre- seed that `?vf'oxigager vrifi warrant arRt dr€eatt the
<br />title tan erid ty-ewsset atAiaM~:~+a rf all ptr!usna m-hrarunc vet,
<br />Td _~-.~~ f~ t+a7~t, tg~tF1 taxis. rr~ecrai e~r€unent. water ci:arges, ss+ve: serv-
<br />ice t`h taA W3sr-xs:as l~`'`1~tf-i•- afNtl ~ t>tat~~vrvd en the ,irbt aPevred iterebY< and to furnish Ihas
<br />~.=.,-tt>~t1R~ with' L4B~ ~ r>r-- tit~ittstc rteuiiftts tisesefax. The MartgaAor aRrrn>s that tfxere shaif tse added to
<br />eseei'i tttttttt€tfw f''itsgttirerf t+erranrfer nr under the evidence of debt >rtttred haretry an amnvnt estitrsated tsy the~:Nortgager
<br />fo }~ t~.to enable the NonFattee w f~3, adt flog peea>me dui. aI[ taxes. asetHtssments seal ,.imdar ctsarRes apse the prern-
<br />trrM tasbjeeY Lhe;aet6;,arty, d+zcy .hetatsae of the ttsata2Tttset~ir at -~,srPx addit¢attal fsayments ,hail kxe forthw:fh daposiud hY the
<br />M+trt$abcr > > drmarxd Hy the SSnrt¢agee. Aar defattit Under tors paragraph shall be derntad a-rlefudt in
<br />fiaYiaten€ ri€ ~Casex,- aaax+rrientsi. r:r similar r}sarA a rerfnired },emarrdrr
<br />3'be ~ MrrrEiKatSer agrera iitst t4rrrs ..halt air+o f:e add to t•seh munthiq payment „f pritsr•r}sa# and ixtfer~t required hem-
<br />under an amrwnt wttitxtautd trY the Martgaftee Io tie suffitrerrt tr. enable the MortAaR~ tr: pap. as it treeomr's due_, the snsuraaee
<br />fxranium an anY rr+xurattrn fx>ttcy tfeiivernd tv tttr M1lnrtgaFer Any +frficrr•ru~y t,ecautr r•f [tie x~ of .Ruth addititxtal }>ay-
<br />anenta »trall ta+ forthwith defvntted fy tfar SS,:rigaaor u~rt}x ttsr 1{•.rtAaKsv ufxrn demand by the 1toriRag~ AnY default under this
<br />paragraph ahdl t,e xiatmad a default to the payment c.i mxu ram'r pr,-mruma f[ fhe paisr~: nr }wlu~ars: depnutr•d ire such tts Ftome-
<br />nwttttta rx tit riatz poiirier, and tfw• depaait an snauffuient to },ay thr• ,-rstirr• i>mmium, the 'tifortgaRee may apply the defw~t to
<br />twY Pzwntums nn risks rrrfutrrri to tw ,rota rid by this mnrtRaKr•
<br />Pavrrsents trade by the `.i nrtRranr sr n:ler t'rx »hr=.-e t,aragraphs n,v at the ~:ptinn ,.£ the ~lurtgaRee tw held Fry nand
<br />tvatamittgied wrtfi ether sueh 3srnds s.r Ctrs sewn !antler t:,r tht payment +,f -uch ifr-ms and anal u: appheti. such payments art heretry
<br />pledged as st•ttrnty for ttse un}xard hatant•r •,f the rrureeaee :esaiv ht,<clnexir
<br />Tn pzca°ure. debrrr b+ sod rraxntaut for for tn•neht ..f rtu• 31.,rtiraKer =lu rrr,K the hfe of thfa mortgage ursginal poi:etes end
<br />tennerta tltetaa€, dehvrxrd xt .r=axt tin :taus ta>furr th.• • s:,srattc,n •.f ;r nv «vrh t,nlxcre« :rtsu nrtK agatnxt fire seat •ri her insurable
<br />hatarFM, t`iFetdtira. and rontfngenex+ as the MnrtAaRe.• rosy rrtfur re, :n an amount equaY k: the irtdebtedtt~r Bleared by tis~
<br />MortRtyea•. and ux cwnpantr,n actxryrwbir t:, [hn~ \te,rteacr.• ,+~th I~-.., t.ac-ant+- <€ausr ,r: fa,-ur of and sn Lrrm arreptahfe to the \inrtga-
<br />~. in ttfr• eYYNt any trs,ircv :r• nett ro-rxr w,+t „ .u t,,.L:rr t. :~ _,-rc« :-t :r* , tnratson. the 4inrigager may pnsru re ussurance> ,gin the
<br />etnprwea+entx. thy` the prernturr. therafr,r :Brut s:rr•t: ,~rrn .t:af' t - r • . ::nmr,irateiy ~tur• and payabfr with mlrn•at at the rate :;rt
<br />€artit rn artd rmtn• rm i pa;:+n,.:.,.....- -r=...rtf €.: s..._ .....-._-._rt F~ar}un,: ,~n the Hart +;f ihv ~1<rriyaRar to }u rntslt .uch renewals
<br />rr are: tena>tn rxqurrwir s•r failure t f.avsar tma x f .. ~:.• ~ Ii a[ [t.v s•ptnrn of tha• \ioriFag c;,nst it utr a riefauit
<br />unaier the tartna ..1 Itln nautFaar ~1 lrr d. irvx rr „f o, ~: ~ Lr~= r xii ru .t <<.-nt ~:f ,!etau{t r,-:nwitiui n a.crxnment ..t fhe r:n-
<br />ratrttd pn!mrrtm
<br />Anv +Uma r+.+rr ra'e--' ' she ti •>ttPaKe+ `,. •.-ar ~n ...x. r 'lxmat;P :n•utr!f nF,:irRai may iw retained by ShP \iuitKeRee
<br />aa$ sfap{ird tnsrasn the tavnsa t i ~+: -t t her t• - sr.d~~ ~t :fir •-pUr:n d ihr \lnrtgagee. such Burns rtiher wholly +,r m
<br />fMrt may tie pat$ rw>Fr r., the .'vf-sit RaA•rr ... f-~ amt , r.a -.. !-.u:idsnFS •.r , hurled-n w huddrnge. in their }+lacc` ~.r f..r an,
<br />other fwrfrrae ter ..ttject wtrafactnry t,r flee \t..rtRaK r w:tn< s - riwysre th•~ !:. n n the nu+n Faae• fa•r the full amuu rt . ~u reel hem
<br />by before xac-t: fxaymrnt xwrr e.artc t•€ace
<br />Tv prcKSrptiy sef_wir. r.+•st..rr r r•-trut!d »ny .,u,t,hnx. : r :rtri,n++..rnent. uA.u ,..r r.«reatier •nr the €,n•ntisrs chick maY he~
<br />;~xee dam^~d s>r r{axl wveal_ f=, Lr.«p sasJ t.rrmr.e~+ :a ~K•u,t .:,red, t:•.n :rr>n r<•pa:r and tier ir„m anY mechatno+ iron r.r astir. r iron or
<br />clam +rf f,en rv+t rxpr.•><al>- .uMrrcttnate<z t., ihr- ;~. n t~.er=•. ,;. ~t r. ..rtk~r ~ rrnrt .,, , -..s -,~,. ,•.. .. r an. msrsancr t.. exist =,n
<br />xssd ptegsrrtY n±>r us fra•rmrt »astr ~a, sa t r r, s. - r t.. t .~ .. t ~ ° ,~+ .- .. .+ ,-.i Bali r.~,.~m..
<br />taN valvaNe, reor in rhmrntek+->r rmt~rr s .+s-rf~e an+ ~,~t •-r - , -,••-r. t : x.r . , ,mp{• unh nil ^•-[tmn•menls of Saw urth r«.aweT
<br />kA the vnorieaFert }ere•rnsxr•s an+} [SM uw~ te,rr...,{
<br />That atxwxit the f•rt~ =,r a» ,. ,..~ ,~ :ae -., .aarr,~ - , ,_ •r. +..f ~n -.:,k>Src nnprt.vrntrnt :.r remdepsnatrnn
<br />prnrrpMithB• ,,r under th r:Rht - mrru• t -1 xx to - air -- manure +•:•~ 1Y t•.aK :r .tall - ntitkr•~ f+s a~ currx}tetraalmn
<br />axrrda: ruxd am Mhrr paYrnent s,r r+tret ter r~Ft.r n u ,tsri€vhe ntrtfrd [ a .,t+t r••r* n, , rr n »;sfa=ar~ t grid prowecvte• a: re
<br />.reYA rtrs=as an_i" settee !'n~oeea}utg •,r E.. a,xakt~ tit t-~#r:t?. ~*~t-'re ,.,r s ttf -ntrnt r. _ ,eerie -- o -qua Sts :: ~amai.+ i.!: 3::tt?
<br />,_~~ - rgtst ~ _-irtsr ,ttLrt t:nx`rtt~ ar.• her><by a~i}Ft ~i +.; tiae dirt.-tRaR~ --F.~ may atie.:tr-runsnA
<br />t6entitma rlt rut exfrrett,rs. ^rr}ra+ae saY nxmrYz ncr rre¢a : - .=r apf=1Y tise xarter :ten ;nt r :..tetke^slrsesr± crr-vrerf ir:•reby The :inn
<br />- - _ ~~ xs..~ ~'-t=-g='it¢ rK ~*_~ ~-,---arxx_ ~rvn. a. Ps€s>`s, :.ara -- ..::t r Rrx;x €.} ~.e... a...t n ...L a» the
<br />__..
<br />rL"sy}LeFtr-its- . __ ~--. r ••=,~T -
<br />-~-r~~§-~_ __ -
<br />•;rya ~y~ ~iii3t4-. i.-a.yrrfvtm aqv rtf tfst^:wvcrsant> lsarestt. ttx !.Sot tRaRea trek +lo on the ~tortxaMar s t,rhalf evrrythsrtX
<br />as txrwaatttrd: that the }Nartyasae may altro ciu any act ii maY derru rseax•asazy to {>xateCt the= l:err ttrrreo€, ttsat tt+e ~lerlaaRUZ u-sll
<br />*+'VeY ttfrtan cterrtrttaf aay n>cmeYe tad ="rz 3iutru rsc -i k,y tFre 'vfnrtgaRx.- f.,r anY sit tftr ahrwe ixurfn+ars. and !+urh rm>neyn tat;ether wash
<br />iAleflttK 1171axlOn at tfta rate prwtderi to Bard cute .#wif t,cr=:xete an much. addnxur>al sndeba lrtaaa hereh ~- ,rr urn f nrtd n:ay ter in-
<br />t-ttdtiti is r®Y der*tue fr>tee2urreng t€tts r3tzsrtRate artsi tsr paid t-a€ a=f the rerst yr prrr•.prts cif srste e.£ ;.stet irrrrnrsei rf nc>t nihrrwrur
<br />ftt~: tiAN st Ldtrll rtd tse t>blfffatprY upon tM> Aiot•tRtucer to tnqurrr mkt the valyddY of any (ire, rncumbratxea. nr c!arm in ad~
<br />vatrsiaft mtxrrtaYa as wbtrve autkunrrxwt. that ntsthrnF hrresn r.v,tarned shalt tw c,.mstxuavi as rettut rtnK the \SartFaRer r:, as}vancr nny
<br />t+taealrr foa ~Y tatFtt ft~*yttara tttq tv tto aaY set hot~uruter. asst tAat 4ipri(attea at,alk na+t uscur un> pr roans! iinl,ti sty lr<~t aua<~ ~=f axsy
<br />flNq[ i! trrY fir aft watt itr .ire hetwttndGr-
<br />.- lp tfta trtKrt.tf the dadruft ux Mxartaator rn the frrYmrna <sF anY imtatiment, as rerfuirral b> the Nutr srcurwi lwrehy. c,r
<br />itr tlttr ~r,y€. tote ~ set thta rttatrfsfa#e vt is flee r+o[e autvr.r+f tfterettY, the 'sftstfXagrr +bali Frei nUtiecl to +iec,€ars }hr
<br />€~t-a~ecttFaai }set~r+frY Jar atkt }uYaBie svct#asc+s rtu.r, ans3 tttr f~vr tffeRa'R ales!! 6r. <ritsttFSf at xtn ugt_wtt, wnfttnst n:.t u.•c•- either hY ttaelf
<br />tv t"t rt rkarxvs: t.r tx• apfxrznteci h+- ttx• k*wrt t~ rw # - ~r:t ,>rtIxsut rr,anf tea the x,.b qu+tr'v •.t air -e•c rtf f:.r st t ,de€rit-cln<_ r..•.
<br />~~ ~,~:a-arlex ai~A tai LRttr. tKa? ..+1 tis. n.;:rtf5a.4+tei prsmrxic+f, dprti w cu}}a:+'t and r=~Grs,-a the rn-ntx, sva.u~-asst} prvtfts
<br />t,•fwttt~tj, taati WpjY eha +rt!aa> itas cpfa of .rfteratitxts ar>s# ,vfie~r•[ian. stptm the iudebtsr€neaa xctirad YY thi': snzrrttlrlle: sail rents.
<br />SittpOl arOti ,~t44Ri. jagte+jty itatri~tlEd i<u ftte Ala#tYJf-ee as-iurther +oevrrt for the parxrent :=f a€I in,faht i-ews v~.rrrrt hrref+y
<br />- - ~`~ tYf~lt#tuiasa ripitll -!lire t~t~•r-+J ai•patttt alts} aAAr'rit +*r aXrttttt et tri#Y r{=wrxr` for ttfe pu rpn~ a+I retrasi rtnF raic} prrm•
<br />twat, reaifan;t tFse ,, z~€e.-ftnY ttee rents: re~errars at>ct inc-+vatsr. +nd let tarp fray nut of sat$ ttteartgs~ ail rxte'rtr:e* rri•~trr~- tr, t:•ttt•
<br />s 'r r ,,,. h~ 3f r.: _ ! t,.u xr,f :a.-
<br />!±rc. ar$d t~ t3fr rarafr ar+A ti€ €srlir€t}fW ttso rrrtiata ~rr•f rc:;t-t '"tw• 1.a.a>tt. m • - . a,,.
<br />_ -„rr -F€- -, rhsa efit>~sa~
<br />~_~. _, -- -_ -_ Thy-s~at>mrnt re t t>.xmtnatn arrtt l>e, Brix uuif sort . J -r,~n
<br />~~~
<br />
<br />