<br />~tam,t s
<br />u~A-tea ~ ~ ~- i} ~# ~~ ~ ~ `~
<br />f4rirm Fm3lA 427'-I N8
<br />(Res. 11-21.8G)
<br />REAI, ~3'£'A'PE A~tB~'!'CAGE F481il~NRA~CA
<br />7'H~*s Ad©R7GAGE is mask aed entered iero by ~ I.. -7 aLY3 SI3SRt•I L. S~.Z , Yusband acri
<br />tai Fn _ aarh i n hie wrr~ her fl4a2 Y? rsht dTlt~i aS straxsa O~ t~ CIt_F'c'~',
<br />rest je '~ Coutay, Nebraska, whose pot offue addreu u
<br />Ibute It Ecni za3 Grard Island , Nebraata 58801
<br />~~etY.r,r,,. andc
<br />~ffFfGtREAS Eorrovc is indebted to the United Staua tsf America, aeting thmtt~t the Farmers Home Admiaiwation,
<br />Unwed Sous rieputmeat of Agiculzutt, herein called the "C.osetnmrnt," u evidenced by one or mote pm+nir-try sore(s)
<br />ar ataompsixm ayster»entfs), h®tei;n called "note," wltieit hu bees e:eeuttd Ity Borrosrer, is payable to the order of the
<br />Gaseraa[tm, attlsaritta acctlrratioa of tht Latin indebtedness at the option of the Goserattutu upon any defattk b f Bor-
<br />rower, sad is described u foUotva:
<br />Ansnd Rste Ikte i7ett of Ffrof
<br />date of Itsserr~ssrrt Ammrwt o Irtrttrsr fnatafbnerrt
<br />A11t~sc lzr 1982. szo,ooo.ae s4 Mist lz, 194b.
<br />Ff the inttret tau u Irt than '--° 'pi for farm trwnsrship or operating ban(s) secured by this ntstrutneet, thw the
<br />rate easy be changed u pmsid~ ie tht Wort.)
<br />And the rtott rsidxacrs s loan to Borrower. sad the C:owerameet, ac any time, may assign the ttott sad inat:e tht pay-
<br />tnesR i6eteof ptrnaw! w the Coesolidatad Farm and Rural ikseiopment Act, or Title V of the Nouasy, Act of 1949 ort any
<br />usher tatttu adr~nisured by the Farnttts Nome Adme»stration;
<br />Add h is thr ptt:pose axd bteat n[ thir inawment that, amoapt other thLya, at all esaea wbea the note is I[r]d by the
<br />C;o+eraraeat, tis in thr neat the S'xrretttmtrtt thank! aso® this iasrntmant wahout insuraact of the rwte, thin ittueument
<br />radii recess ~ymtnt of the nrue; but whta tht nou is bold by as insured holds, this atstmtnrat aha9 sot seetue paymtn[
<br />of the twsa of attach to the debt t~ridtnetd thereby. but as to the wore sad ruck debt dull conpitutt as indenmity moetgrge
<br />to secure [he Gosernsneat tygaisur lur udder its insruantt coatsact by reaaoo of say dtfsult by Bnrtower;
<br />Add this iasat~eat alas asctses the rmtapaut ci any iaterast credit ar ntbaidy width may be ~aeted tv tht Borrower
<br />by ibeGoserta~et pntsttast to 42 U.S.C. ~1490a.
<br />'t1~PC11lE, in cas>atkrtina of the Luau{ ss artd tai at all tiatrs wbea the ttete a l by the L;fzvernt, at
<br />ie test went the z~tssreatast ~auld ads the irrtrueaeat without vuruaact o{ tht payment ai the sou. to secure pmmps
<br />paymtent of iht sou and any teatwais and caasasions thertai and any ageemsars cotttaiaed thsreia, including say pmviaLon
<br />far the payment of an issrtrat=re ar udtes shtrge, tbi as all times when tbt epfS a `stead by as inwtrad ho#eiet, to rtttrrs prc.
<br />f~a:..sa of P~s;:aar's aga~at a~:a to iedt~ __s ~ ar.~as. t~ :x>~aastet a~iast Eotia irndet its v-tstttaace
<br />tf ~ ,~ ~y r~ ~. ~:.r.~. ~ rte) : = ; ~rw .~ e_ =.!t ~. tc :r.~~ a :a p~ey.t ~ .:set of a=a[
<br />~.
<br />sdausQe-s .+ad ~tt[res ttaadc by tlss t~?~r~tertt, w~-t~ex, ss heseimfter ~~-,- `- a, t~ osaf~------ of r.sty
<br />cesrwat asd asrNm+sn[ of Botrotett coe;~d luseia a in say atpplrateotvy agreement, BQrower does Lathy goat,
<br />bergaia, ss8. cotrsey ~ aas~r, with gtaarsl wwraaey. ~~ the <:tnemeasnt the follogniaegproptrcy siatsud in the Stott of
<br />tle6sr~ta, Courtty(i~ of Hall .
<br />i3artt Gh~'G~~' RJd~it) of Seet.acur 'IM~lve tI2) , 'Ibwrtship 'ISaelve (121 , rkzrth
<br />caf (1~) , West csf the Sixth P.l~.
<br />~."T 'IC7 an Agreenertt for Stile of £tsal Estate art fawr of 7CNY
<br />~.+ iittttti G:.2.ti~w t9 ~, ;:tisi~ctn[i atxi wife, dates :~rii i6, i98b.
<br />F>.FiA 417.1 MB (8ev. f 1-21~9J
<br />
<br />
<br />_..,J
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<br />