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_ :.��,- ._ ----- T� —�;>�, s . , _ <br /> . '. _ _ .__' _. . . _ _ i� . . . - -- . . . . .....: . .. _ <br /> . . . _ . . ' _ t.t . ( . ♦. . . -_ <br /> . .':' . " - .— ;- '��. ';_,LU= — <br /> - . ,� , :_.: .... .. _'..'._ _�, �`.� . . _ .� _ .— <br /> . <br /> _.. . _.. . ..p-.. ° - . � . -2 <br /> ' -.s �<..` :. � _ _ �� .:.. - '_'._.—; _ .. ._�_ ._ ._. , <br /> , _ i r— . . , . � , <br /> . . . � ' . . _ ' - r . , t ' . . . . <br /> '__� ' r''p'C..�o. . ' . .� .• . .(. . '. � . . . . . . _ . <br /> _ __ __ . - .. - . _ , _ � 9�--i��:a�s . _ � <br /> � _ . . 4 . - _ ' ' ` r <br /> '' 'j'���1H�i1{i�l�t�[OYp1�S f10W 11[.1k!!�Q1�OC1ld O�t�IG��11QGt[y.�i�l'�SC1�EilIS.iQQIt�CTI�[IOCS. = <br /> ' apd fiatiaes noMr ar heraifter s pnt of tlx pnuperty. AU.�pt�cemeot.s�d addirians siull�tso be covmed 6y dtis Setutity � <br /> � Aq of ttre fae�oir�g is refetred to in tlds Sa�uatY(�o�un�a�as the"Pnnpecty." ;, . _ < <br /> BOR1tOWE�R O�VENAN7'S tNst BoRO�rer is IawfWiy seised of the esata hatby conveyed ard l�as the right eo�� <br /> mmd cuayey tite PtopRty a�d dat tht Ptopeny is wiernweber�d.eXCept far enc�mbadces of rocad Btxmwer wartants and <br /> --�- -- .irib defeqd�aitY�he nde w tAe Pt+opecty against ali cpims aod dem�nds.subjea w any ercum6�ance�of remcd. ` <br /> 't'HiS`SECtJ.Rri`Y'INSTRiiMEN'!'combina wufomt cover�ts fo�o�tiao�t eisc�ud�iftKm mvaunts witfi -- <br /> . • 1i�ted vuiations by jurisdiction w constitute a iinifam sec�aity�t wv�ing�eat p�opecty. ' . � <br /> tJN�RM Q�YENAM'S. Bat�uwer and I.ender�eoyenant and ag�ee ac fdlows: <br /> L !l��we�t o�Pri�!a�d I�:A'eN7weM a�d LNe Cl�ari�s• Boauxrer sl�t!ptumptlY P�Y w'�due the. <br /> .• prioc af and interest an�he debt evrdenced 6y the Ha[e a�rd mY P�paymeat u�d ttue cweges due ander�he Nae. <br /> '.'� ��L�d t�s.7i��es aM L�rucG Subjoct to x�bk tiw vrto a vmetea waivec by l,ender.Boirowa sNall pa►y w . <br /> uca <br /> l.etder an 16c daY mo�thlY 4aY�+c�s�re due wyder U� orc.�mtii tUe No�e is paid in fn11.a san t"F�ds"1 fvr:(a)Y�Y <br /> =� pueea aMassessmenl.t wliid[nsay attam p�iaritY over.this Security fnsomaaent as a IieA on the PtqpertY,(63 Y�Y le�sel�old <br />:*�- p►yroents or�au�d_raw oR the Ptape�ty. if any;�tc3,ycariy!�d ov pcapaty sns�aan�x Pmaniums, td�YeutY flood <br />= i�suc�ce poemiutns.if any,(e)Y�Y�8�8e iuswuise psanitmu.ef_a�,ud(t)anY swns P�l'able 6Y Barower to <br />' Leadec.i�sc�witb the�ptavisians of par��pE�8:�in iitu oi thc paymeat of morigage inwr�nc�prem�was. These- . <br />�-t,� ittat�atie ca!!ed°Esaow tums." Lender Any rime.collect ain3 Iwld Fvn��n aa amwnt not ta eacced ttie mauimum <br /> anwunt s tender fa a feder�lly rpiatod moctgage loan may�+ec►uire for Bomnwer�s escnaw accaint under the fodenl.Rat, <br /> F�tate Se�meat ptocoducies Act of 1974 as amendod from time ta tim�.12 US:C�2601 et s�q.("RESPA").unless arother <br /> taw tb�,t�pplies to thc Funds seu s►lesser�rt�omt. if so I.ender ma� any ti�wltect and hold Funds u►an amount aot to� <br /> eaceed the lesser�nwutu. I.ender may estuaate ttie a�p�mt of�imds due on the i�asis of cut[ent dafa and n�sanabk _ <br /> �stimates of expCditiaes of futune Fscrow Items bc athawise 6m aaar6�oca with applicablt bw. <br />�:• 'Ilre Fvnds slult 6e held in an institutiaa whose deposits are insu�rd 6Y a foderat aga�cy.a�suamenwlity.or entiry <br /> - tincluding l..ende�if l.ender is such an inrtitu6oa)ar in�ny Fode�al Hame Lmn Hudc. Lender sbali appty the Fi�qds to PsY ==-- <br /> � the Fscrow Ite�nc. I.reMar may not charge Borrowa for holding and applying t6e Funds.aaaually anatyzir�g the escrow ____ <br /> accatn�or verifyiag tbe Bsctow Items.unless Lender pays Borrawer interest mn the Fvnds and applicable lav�r permi�s ' �� <br /> � Leader to euake sacl�a ci�uge. However.LetKler may re4wre Sonuwer w�Y a ane-time�charge for an independedt ieal . %��- <br /> = estate tax re�n8 secvic�used by Lender in connec6on witb this Iaaa.unless applicabk taw provides othenvise. Uniess an =>,��_. <br /> �� .'._ <br /> -= agree�rymt i4 made.or.applicable law reqai�es interest to be paid Lender shall cat be nquired to pay Borrower any imerest ot ��=-- <br /> '�^ eannia�aa the Rt�d.s..Bc�rower and Lendes may agree in wnung.hawever,tbat interest stiaU be gaid on the Funds. Lender ;cz=.:��;�:. <br /> �'� sbalB g"�e to Sortower,without annual accounbng of the Funds.s6owing credits and debiu w thz Funds and the `"t`�.� <br /> , '}'. . p�apose for.whieh each debit to the Funds was made. 7he Pimds aze ptedged as aAditional security for a13 s�nss secured tiy L�.�_` — <br /> �:�:.'��-_ <br /> , � tt�is Se�r,r�lasuumen� . . , `��"Y--,- <br /> �.�.._x„= <br /> ' � If t6e Fuads heM by Lender exceed the amounts perrai+tta�to'be hetd by applica6le�-�;L.ender�shall account to _.=_.�-.,--_ <br /> '- - Homnwer for the excess P�mds in accordance with the reQuir�ents uf aPPUcabl�iaw. if�:�aunt of the Fundc he2d 6� ��e„�: <br /> - � -•. � L�ender at any time is na��sufficient to pay the Esctow Tt�ns when d�ue.Lendec may s�i aa�:%:i�q Borrower in �-;. <br /> Borrower shalt malce the •.:,�.>f^---� <br /> i �; : such case Barower sha19 pay to Lender the amau�:t necessary to n�alce up�d�e�esicy. QP ,,,.:.-,�,,_,. <br /> {f:;.: de6ciency in no mooe diaii•tw�lve monthly payments.a¢Ler.�s�s sa�Ie�scr�i4� � '.;:;;�:_-�:: <br /> . ':Y�.',.•. � nt in fvtl of all sums secured by thr Sec�tty taas'tsumeraa L.ender shall pcomptly nfund to Borrower any - <br /> ; ,� ,;.;, UWn PaYme <br /> � •r�� `�:., Funds hetd by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acqu�a�vr sell the Aroperty.Lender.prior to the acquisition or . - . <br /> jK, .! j����_�_ sale oS.tF.c Roperty,shall appty any Funds held by i.ender at ttie time of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sums _ _ - <br /> �;�u' �-_-� securedby tliis 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> . . ; Applicallon o�pf�yments. Unless appti��5k law provides atherwise.all paymenis received by Lender un�ler . . <br /> •r paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be appiied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the amounts payabte under � <br /> .,,. <br /> x paragrYpbe�t��o interest principas dtte:and tast,to any tate charges due under tAe Note. <br /> 8. D . . <br /> :�+�':� a.. Liens. Borrower sha}1 pay at#taxes.assessssKnts.charges.fu�es and impositions amibutable to the . <br /> �;'?'� � pcopeicy,w�ch may„auain priority oves�is Secu�y'Iastrument.and Ieasehold payments or ground rents.i!ai�y..�orrower . • .. <br /> .i���?:�,.. shall�►Y i�.ese abligations in the ma;�r�provide,9 nr�paragrapb 2,or if not paid in that manner.8orrower shatl pay tdem on , <br /> �; ,�;'�,, 'time ditectly to the pec�ae owed paymz��. Bot�rax�,:�all prampdY fumish ta tier,rder all notices of amwnts ro be paid under ,.�•,. � <br /> :�;�'T';;�;.�� this par�gpa�h. If Bcscza�•r makes sl�se paymer:s�x�etJy.Bor�ower sha!i�r.;r:nplly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing , ���: .. . <br /> ,,.;,�• . � ; , ,•. <br /> . ,�., , the payraan.s. • <br /> . B�;s�o�ver shall promytly discharge any lien which hav pri��i��°�tier tbis Security Inswment untess Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> .;z' in writi:sg to the payment of the obligation secured by t�e lien ir.�uz�:e�'acceptable ta Lender:(b)concests ip good faiih the ,�' .,. :. <br /> _ --,�:- ; '-:, lien by,a defends agzsr�st enforcement of the lien ecr..te8a1 praee�.��s which in the Lender's opinion oper:�n:to prevent the <br /> . enforcement of the liem:or(c)secures from the ho:�:r of the lien an agreemec�c sa(isfactory to Lender sutrQ�:lating the lien i� , <br /> � ,;'.„�: � . ° to this Security Instrutr-,ent. IP Lender determines that any paz1 of the Propersy�us subject to a lien which rita�adain pr"cority . ' <br /> " Y.,� .• over thi�Securlty lnsW ment.Len�r�ay givc Borrower�+notice identifying the 1ien. Borrawer shall satisfy the lien or Wi�:. _ �� ..� <br /> �; � •�..^ <br /> onc ot mare of the actions set farti:2[sa�e within 10 days of the giving of notice. '�' <br /> r.,r, „,.:= 5, H9rard or Yraperty Ins�sznca Borrower sh�ll keep the�mprovemes�ts now_xys!�rg or hereafter erected on the I ; <br /> "''�_•`.�••�'`:�'� ° Roperty insured agaiasE:�oss by fire.hazards inct;,�A within the tem�"extended covera�a`;�rl any other hazards.including ' ' ;;?s'�� <br /> .,.. Y, • ;�;; <br /> '� �a,•,. � �:: fluods or flaoding.�x�:hich Lender requires i�:ar�.^.ec. Thia insurance shx�'!tie ma'��,ia:d in the amounts and for the 1: . � �:�',;�,� <br /> �%�,,• • ;�;. <br /> . ��,y.1. , . , ..} ... �• ,•i:;'�'.�. <br /> ' "Y° , . , &'ia7302d 919!'IpaSr2 nJbpc�r � ,.!�.��,�,;.e•: <br /> ;�'»'%�:; q..:� ��4'�'i <br /> . �}j� . � ... �� . <br /> _ N:�].:' :. <br /> � .�r� . - _ - . . <br />. ;`, _ . � ' . , � . <br /> 't� � . ' . . ' ' <br /> "�_.!t . a. . . ._ . . ' . .. <br /> .. �t! _ .� � . .. ... .. . . . . _ . . .. . _. . . , _ ' _. . <br /> ; � - '' . . • � . - ` ' <br /> . ' • • 1 , . . ' ' . .,' <br /> . i � � . . . . . � . � � ' . . • <br /> i ' � '' •. ' � . � . - ' • . ' <br /> .:. . . . ., _ - - — __ -___ _ __- - - _-�_ <br /> ._-.. . . � - ��- _-r:-. ... . _ . - .-. ...... . .=_' _:__ '_ .- -.- -- =z' .__. _._- - - ... -_ _ - ,-__.__ _,- _ _.'__ __._ . _- ___ .. _. _._' <br /> l � ' - .. . � . � .. . , . . .� � . . . . . . • .� . . . i <br /> . � � � : � �. : � � � � . ` � :- ; _ � _ _ . � .� � :_1 � �_ �_. � : _ <br />