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_ ~_ .. <br />'` EASitT 1~D RIGHT-4F-NAY <br />~:2kT.L HY THESE PRES~TH, that (3scar v. Mueller and <br />C~ra~se E, t3~il:er, husbacd and wife, hereinafter referred to as <br />"Grua," fcFr va3ua#~le- canaideration paid- by Grantees, hereinafter <br />daaazih~esi receipt of wh3,ch is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, <br />gxa. ahd convey unto Anita A. Hansen and Robert D_ Hansen, wife <br />auu3`hd. as-joint tenants and not as tenants in common, Grantees, <br />a parcel easement and right-of-way across, under, through and <br />up~sn the following described real estate, to-wit: <br />A tract of land-Forty {40.0} feet in width corsprising <br />a part. of the bleat Half of the Northwest Quarter <br />{WAS Ng7r} of Section Eight {8} . Township Ten (10} <br />Ptcsrth, Range Ten {10J West of the nth P. M. in Hail <br />County, Nebraska, the centerline of proposed Forty <br />(40.0) feet-bride easement more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southwest corner of said <br />Northwest Quarter {NW~t}; thence northerly along <br />the west line of Bald section Eight {B), a <br />distance of Eight Hundred Twenty Five and sixty <br />Four Hundredths {825.bA} feet to the ACtJAL <br />place of beginning; thence deflecting rig thth <br />36039"1C" and running northeasterly, a distance <br />of wee Hundred-seventy six and Sixty fii.slht <br />Hundredttua {175.E8) feet; thence deflecting <br />right G7052'25" and running southeasterly a <br />distance of one Hundred Ninety Two (192.01} feet: <br />thence deflecting right 11025"37" and running <br />southeasterly, a distance of Three Hundred Forty <br />{#te and Sixteen Hundredths {341.16) feet: thanes <br />deflecting left 50020'13" and running northeasterly, <br />a distance of Two Hundred Seventy Three and Eight <br />Hundredths {23.08} feet; thence deflecting right <br />21041`1:" and running northeasterly, a disttence of <br />Tiro Hundred Fifty and Eighty Five Hundredths {250.85) <br />feet. <br />The abcsvs easer+t is fssr the purpose of providing ingress and egress <br />frx~ tlzu: county toast running along the west aide of the :~orthweat <br />Quarter {NF1i~}. Section Eight {8}, shove described, to a tract of <br />lam eontazns:ng 1. a acres, mcxre ez les$, heretofore 4onveyed by tke <br />3u€~tor~ to the- GranGeeS by a warranty deed dusted-duly 27, 1~'8, <br />-ended in the Kail c'~iz~iity s'~egister of Deena office ss <br />t No. ?8-0D565`7. <br />Tlt~13 int. is for- marl right-oF-way purposes in cor-nection with <br />tea was" use ansi oxa+arahip of the above referred to tract <br />glrevicsual,y cea+veyed to the Grantees and such easement shall contain <br />thus- rim o! ingreae a~ es3res~t above, under, upon. and through <br />maid dteoaribed propmrty. It is the intention of the Grantors to <br />i~5+ a p$tpetual eeateraextt Forty (#0."J} feeC in width. the <br />rrtenance, rgspair, and operation of which shah be the sale <br />_ ace:apasriE~ility of the Grantees with the express intention that the <br />owpas ai ttwp land upon w#sich said easement rests or his ar her <br />hairs. succssgars and as»igns shall have the right to use said <br />r~Y in coa+ct.on wins the farming of said adjoining property. <br />Ta h~v~.. ate to ht'sld said easea-eszt unto the Grantees, their- baize. <br />s aaeefra aril a,8signs as appurtenant to the land and every part <br />- -~a~~ °.-hls ea~tt ~,s pertuet~ and _sh~ll r=un nth _the_ lamed. <br />1~tet#sea} hera~- a-a-part hereof is a pine of sand Forty (90.0} <br />fem. wic4"- ess+uar~tt detailing the- escaat lactation thereof as prepared <br />Ewnjaliu.ri ~ Asiate<7i-. T~ and dated.- Febs€sary 18, 1481. <br /> ctf ~ 148., <br />"" ?~-- <br /> <br />