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~-- tlCl4.I1 ~ RESaz~t~TZax <br />A Resolution of the Village of Aida, a Municipal Corporation, <br />authorizing and providing for the execution of a deed conveying a <br />certain tract of land heretofore acquired by-the Village for the <br />construction, maintenance, and operation of a waste water plant <br />site to the previous Grantors, Qscar G. Mueller and Grace E. Mueller, <br />Husband and Wife, in consideration of the said Muellers reconveying <br />to the Village the said pragerty containing said waste water plant <br />site together with a Thirty (30) Foot sewer line easement and for <br />the Village to further receive in consideration for such transaction, <br />an additional Ten (10) Foot. easement for additional roadway easement <br />adjoining its present Twenty (20) Foot access easement heretofore <br />acquired ksy the Village from the said Muellers an July 12, 1978, <br />and to provide for payment by the Village of any damage resulting <br />from the use of said sewer easement. <br />WHEREAS, the Villaqe of Alda has heretofore secured title <br />to a certain tract containinq 8.3a acres, more or less, situated <br />in the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (w4NWh), Section Eight (8), <br />"'owraship Ten (10} :3orth, P.ange Ten (10} , 'nest of the 6th P.M. , Hall <br />Ccsunty, Nebraska, by warranty deeds recorded in the office pf the <br />RQgister of Deeds of Hali County, Nebraska, in Sook 156 at Page 269 <br />and Book 158 at Pane t~95, and as tx>cument No. 78-0047Q5, with the <br />first described c9eed conveying absolute tide to a Thirty (30) Foot <br />tract used for sewer purposes and whereas the said sewer easement <br />in lieu of absolute title would satisfy the Villaqe needs and uses. <br />WH£RF.AS, the Village of .~elda ::wares an additional easement <br />cif Ten (10} Feet *or use in connection with its Twenty (2t3) Foot <br />roadway existing Eras~nent heretofore acquired by the Villaqe from <br />asear ~;. Mueller and.,race E. :~2ueller, Husband and Wife, by Easement <br />and Right-ctf-Way, 3bovt described, so as to have a Thirty (30) Foot <br />wide easement running r..o the =>ast side of said ialant site; and <br />WHEi~CIt.S, «scar ~_. '9uella_~r :~nc t,rnce E:. Mueller, flusiaand and <br />Wife, have c~ffer~:w to ~onV~y to the °s'i11aq~ , without ;:onsi:seration, <br />said z~dditional °t'<an (1^i root casement, above described, in <br />consideration thc~rfc~r that the Village reconvey tc~ them said <br />described plant satr~ which will be recon?cyezi tv f.hc Villaqe with <br />as ea-sent fcr sewer p'srposw zc~ther than xee *itle; and <br />WHEREAS, the t°i.llas~e beli~:v~s it is to its best advantage <br />to accent the offer above set forth. <br />+, r=iisacf-%a7=~, in s=-,~,ridEā€¢tatzin cs~ the p>=t'misti.s, t~i~ Vi%1~+~~ <br />-_... _. <br />1. That the C;hairman of the Board be and hereby is authorized <br />to execute in behalf of the Village a warranty dEed in favor of <br />aacar. G. Mueller and urace E. Mueller, Husband and cdife, conveying <br />the folloring described property: <br />A. A tract containinq 8.~i4 acres, mare or less, tocatcii <br />in the West Half of the ,3orthwest Quarter (W~SNW~}, Section <br />';fight {8}. Township Ten (1t}}, North, Ftange Ten flq), west <br />gf the 6t.h P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />described in the following described deeds: <br />(1) Warranty dew lateci March W4, }968. anc3 rF=cc~rdud <br />in F3ook 156 at Page :69 of the [teed kecords of <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />(2) ti,~arranty :teed dated :~pril 64, 1969, and recorded <br />in Rr3ok 158 at page i~95 of the iJeed F#ecords of <br />xall ~'ouoty, Nebraska. <br />(3) Warranty Deed dated r~pri2 21, 2936, anti record+eci <br />as Docts0tfsrsF '~to, 76-t3Q2732 in the Hall ~~'ounty <br />Iteaisttr of needs office. <br />