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!iliUeebtbaas fGtipJrAlCiS. igrs~rrnwer aat7 Letsder t~+enatsr arra3 agree as ftas- v ~ -}-~ t }r ~. ~~ U <br />i. '>flyaat t4 std labesaR. Sorxower sfsaid pro'+nPtiy` pa} nf>trt dint tht ~sr,cspa! of arrJ ;ntere~ ors :iss• <br />evidtmced by the Pto3s, preptytieai and fate charges as prtrvidod t.^. rite Kota. artd the prirtnpti asf and rrrtc~st <br />ors sett' 8r8tae Ad~Prmstta secured try Morigase. <br />Z. linstis he Tttt+s at/ iE•atattaee. Subyract tit appiseabk !aw or to a written waiver by Letisier, B~rtywer shall pay <br />to lxadw ut the tiny reetathiy inrtailmenu of prirtcipad atx# interest are psyai~ie under the'+iote. omit 2fte '.vote is paid in tail. <br />a fherefa "Ftitads") equsf !tt one-twstf<h of the ytr.riy rues artd asaessmertts which may stain prsoriry over this <br />Ittortpdt, ate grtstttt! rents on t#e FYVptrty. if atty. plus one-tweife# of yearly prrxaium trtstalitxnts fix hazard trmirarttx. <br />pt~ ematws#£t# oP yevly prtariiaet irntat#meets for rtxutgr~ itrsutyrxe. ;f any, aft as teasetnfsiy estimated inrtia9y acrd ftostt <br />facie to twee by L,et~r Orr ~ ttaata tsf asarssmertts acrd bills atxf ressimabie estimates ihetsof. <br />the Fttsds ati~! rye held in an irrstituficxt the depersin or accounts of whiet: are irts[trr~ ar gtiaranta~ b} a Federal or <br />state ayenty (itsetig I,mder if finder is such an ittstinttian)- fender shall apply t#c Funds to pay said rases. assessmertta. <br />i pteas+iaaia sad gttymid terse. Leader may nc~ charge for sa hvidirg sad sppfying the Funds. analyzeng said account. <br />or von€ying stet txrrttpFiirts ssh! asaesattiettts acrd [sib. unless !_ersder pays Borrower interest on the Fttrr~ and applicable taw <br />p' t,eader m make wc# a charge- &srrower and Lender may agrtt in wr+ting a the bare of czecutitaa of this <br />Atortyyle that interest on the Ftmds shalt rte paid to Borrtwer, sad unless suc# aereerrsoat is made or applicable taw <br />regttittas Nxh imteret# to be paid, Iender shall not tx required to pay Borcewer any irtertxt or earnings rya ttte Ftrnda. i.errder <br />tdtait ){rve W Brsrrosrer, without clurge. an annual atxouruing of tlis Funds showing credits and debits to ttte Futtds sad ttte <br />ptsrpoae fix which cacti debit to the Fuaebt was rrtade. 72te Funds are pledged as additional security for the strtm sxured <br />by than allmtP/e. <br />If the aaiowtt of the Ftmda ftetd by L.erxkr, together with tf~ future monthly ,nstalltncnts of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates ad taa+s, a>sessri>eets, tateur:nu premiums and greutad rents. shat} ext:eed the aristwnt required to pay saki tun, <br />asspameAtt, iewraiiee preeriturts sad groaand rents as t#ey Calt date. such excess shat! tx, at Bnrcower's apitoa. etthu <br />promgtly repaid to 8orrorser ax crcdtred to Borrower on monthly trtxtalitnents of Fuotls. tf the amount of the Funds <br />hdd bg t.eader shaq t~ ~ suit to pay rases, assessrrterzta, irrsuranct prcmrirms and ground rcruz u they fat{ due. <br />i3txrutaer tt1a11 pay to Lerida any atnotiatt :uceasaty to make up the deficiency within 30 days ftnm the date notice is mailed <br />try L.eadet to 1lorrassa ttxpieating psytneat ttureeL <br />Uptart paytteru as ftdt of ail stmta raxtired try this Mortgage. tender shaft nrvmptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />httt~ try ft under pan~rap# i8 hereof t"te Propery ;> said s :hc Fropen; :s athGtwi~ acquired by Lender. Lender <br />shall ap~y, iro later titan tmmediatety prior to the ;ale of rise Property or ets acgwsrtion by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Leader to the ttmt of a}+plicatioo as a cretfit a;itnst rite sums secured try this Mortgage. <br />]. .~ Lirikss aanLcabic law pravtdd csihcrzv:se, alt payments received by Lender under the <br />Ntxe atsd para;rttp3ts t and Z hereof sitar} >x appiacd fry Lender first m payment of amounts payablee io Lender try Barcawer <br />tiadcr psradttp# ~ hermf, ttsen io tnrttest payattk vn ritee tisxe, then tv the prirtcipai of tht Moto, and then to internt and <br />pritxisul on sny Futtac Advances. <br />4. t:T,sgec IJats. Borrower shsll pay ail fazes. assessmems and either :hargcs. fines and imposinorts attrtbutabie to <br />the tsruptaty zritich testy :ttast a pntmrf aver tots .'+irarigagc, and iaascitt>{d paytitzttts err graurtd rents. if any. in the manttcr <br />put9vitlOd trader pataRtap# 2 hetsof or. iC nest paid m such manner, try Berrowcr making payment, whrn due, directly to the <br />pttryes thereof. Norrevwa t3iaii praatptly CurnrsCt to l.ertder sit rtarecez of xnwums due ttrsikr this paragraph, and in she event <br />Bottots~tr shall ttsitke payaaeat dtrect}v. Bsxrawer shah praunpiiy fumtsh iv Lcnatu rtceipts evtdenctng such payments. <br />1lMrosatcr sail proatptiy dasettarge any tans which has fxutrtty over this Mortgage: praviafcd. that $orrvwes shrill not he <br />ttsgtttred to dtttr.#arta arty suite itcn w tursg as &xrower sttatt agrr. to wr,tmg to the payrttettt oC the obbgaiion sec;urrd by <br />such het in a manna accpi~ to Lerukr. yr r#aEl :n gtxtd faith crsnrest sut:h iten ht'. or deftnd enforettmem of such hen in, <br />1ttt+i pencetidt~s wfiictt rrperate to prevent the enCvrcemeni a1 the itcn ~+r forfetturc of the Yrapcrty or any part ihereef. <br />~e f9ltawiti Its~tastea. liaxtaswer shall ktxp the ,mprarvoments now exisirng or hercaf let crested on the Yn+lxrty insured <br />agaitss# loss hY Ptre. ha~irds tnc}wkrd wtthtn the team "cxteradect _,,rataye -. anti such .N#ex hazards as !.c:attat may rcyuue <br />and to air# atitxrnta and far xxnh periods as [.ender rrasy reyutre; pr„vttkd. that t ettaler <hai! net rcyture that the amount of <br />~~;~ :.t€s~ti ~ha atn=st=~? ~ ts,#e~a#c .r;-garired ri'- psY ±}u ~ ms ~'t,aui t-y 4A~ A4ortgag~, <br />'fhe isurr~-`~ ~al~lter prc+vnissig rho tmst€atac s#alC rte 4hk-ben by B+trrvwer subicst to approves} by !-en.ier: pruvtdni. <br />th11 sus# apgrovai shdt twt its unreascxuttty wiihkteid. Ali prctrtiunts t,n it:attratx;c fx?}ides s#a}I tx psrd m the manner <br />prati.drad utdta pstadtaph', tsaeof or, :f trot paid m sia:h maatter, by Bc4rsa+.rr making paymxttt, wirers titre, dtreetiy io the <br />' ;t ~a .~~~ ttut~:f -'i be to ferry ~..~--~pta!N? t-, }_€a,;1€r an=d 3!tsit t;t~d,tc~e 3 .t-stnJ:trsl m:,rtga€e <br />s't.~t4pF ~ to-_. tYF a9@ tB fixrtn = is ?-.f.~?+_ f~ndcr shad hate the rtihi ts± maid lire }w,iiaio a...i ee.-,~-wa :Yr:.= r. <br />4.i ,,, ~. ~~t ... r.~ r ~.§ rr, 1 ate;..: ~t r -,.,ter re•*ruY+ ar><i 3ti r,~,nrx .rt p„L,d pretntuau_ In the event o! ivss, <br />g~a~°,= <br />! snail give prnmpt atticc tv tits inaurartLe .;artier acrd f crtefer, lxmkt may makt proof of lass tf nae made prompiis <br />tsy 8ctrs>,usr. <br />tlydgs Lenskr acid 8orrvwrr atfietv.tsc agree in writ- Wig, tnsarance pru:sety shall bt appircd tv reswration or repair of <br />tttc Piaparty daiaijpbd, provided rteslsxaitan of reps=s is ec:attoma:aity teastbir attd t#e seauttey ut t7tts hiottgagt :+ <br />ai?t thttfeby- ir~swrdi- If suc# testcuattsm rtr repair is rare cconom~aily Ccss:ttk of tt the s€:uttiy e( this Mortgage waudd <br />be rpmtired, the tasertsece prerv~a strati be a~r}itYi iv cite strtris vecureil by this Mortgage- with the czcess, tt any. paid <br />ps 9orrosrcr- if the tsrxiparty s slxsrtdttocd r+y iiartvwer, c:t ;} Borravva }at}s ta, respond to Lender wtt#m 3(r da}'s from Gttc <br />dsu twuce to nailed by L.cisder to $otnswer that the ansuram.M c:arrtcr >atiers to uitk a c[aam fvr truurancr Cremfits, [.ender <br />~ arahoriaad to aoiiect and apply the iasurans:e prac~stts ai Lender's option ut#er to rtxwratton or rcpau c?t the Properly <br />ax tat the sates secured try ttLa Mrxtysde. <br />L`'ekr E,eader and 8surawet o4heewise agns to wnttng, say such appiicatitnt cf pr+><eeds to prtncrpa{ shall not exieruf <br />eu pusreoae [tic due date cif riot raoat#fv instaktmenis rrtcrred ta? tat paraLtraphs 1 and 2 hereof or s:hange the amount of <br />such ttiAirtiiffpeab. if tissia paragraph 4ti #emaf t#a Prazpraty is suyutred by i.eutier, ail ngitt, rule and interest of Borrowu <br />st ausd sa any rasisrutce puitcaes and in anal ts, the ptnc'eals thereof resuiucig from Damage to the Property prtar tar the sale <br />ar - - steal} peas tx i t,., tt~ exteuc -?,` tfsc burns sccurcai }?Y this 1~fortgage imtrtediate}y prurr to ruch ,ale ar <br />f, Patrtera~as [tat! 'iftttit~atrtc of pssa/tstyr; t tottttitwraitar; Plaswad tJtit t?ev,ukspttrNS. iivtrower <br />ttpsli kaagt the y ~ good repair sad sbti! riot txmtmit waste err peraut tmpairetent or dsxerlor:lion of the Property <br />cad shall t3otapty w~ the ps~oviaieras ut soy terse tf this Mortgage n coo a leasehold. if this Mortgag,: is an :s anti in a <br />;r : r tom: ~`:. rFa--~,. - ,,G ,~ ai c s~sro~~,, - =~<~a.t,.--his i;rt''..,°. e;~r x~:ir-,: ~tie~;, <br />at calsiBrAts s~eit ur govtuiuag fns :taAdnrttettituii er ptantrcd ~,nst deve#oprarcrtt, rift: by-laws and rcgulati:,tts oC the <br />err pataaad orate detseizrltaxut, and swWiir~nt alris.uaicnts if a aevtaiomtniurrt yr ptantscd unit dcvelnprnettt <br />t'idGi h ~ by 8rat'rots'er acid xsicardr;d targetbet wait this M:~.gag€, t}to cuvenaats and agrecrticnta of such reilet <br />t~ tyt: ittatttd irk amf shall ttttssutd at~l suppktncrx tits lavt::iials acrd agftdeertents of this Mvrtgage as if the ride <br />+trtxtt a put hrnaot. <br />7, # e[ (,# ~tafty, 4f $c~rt,wtr farts is p~€rfa;am iCse caitertanis atttl agrecmeatta Ea:tslained in this <br />~= err d sty a€twa xa prw~dxrig .s ::sxtinerxsd whafx tnatuially awn fertder's tntcrest is ttte Preipery, <br />but ntR litaited fay, tt#Yiaerst desti+iin, tnaaivency, :udt entar~ouni, a arraagements :*r prxnxedittgs tnuolvmg a <br />lri~'or t#esi~tt. thrift ieasdar u LaaOst's opuvn, span rruttca: u, lta?rr:twct, may nuke sttc# appraraxrzes. disbutxc xtrch <br />~tattu sad tike twrts ac'ti€~ aA w tt~;assary to prvteat !.a^itder's :n,~resi, ;xit;dtrtg, Met ,ux tenured to, dasburzentent of <br />rtes attwasy's lead ettrry tipitn cite Yrropcrty k7 make tcpaus_ 1C icztder re~utrcd trtvttgttge insurarn:e as r <br />rtf' Shs lasn sictrred t''¥ ttua 1'Ia+ssgsEc. &atttowct sttsi} pay rite presnttttsis requtrest iv mainiatts such <br />~"_ t~kt n~ h r" sip rt~~+~ fm s~t± e~_~ e.~~A.<nak- -n ~~€ wti!! R~,tee„tr€r`s ~,t~i <br />