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<br />That R4$ERT L. PERRY and LESLIE X. PERRY of Ha21 County and
<br />State of Nebraska, in considezation of the sum of Five Thousand
<br />Six Hundred Twenty Seven Dollars'and Eighteen Cents ($5,627.18}
<br />in hand paid, do hereby sell and Canvey unto- I,flTTZE 'rtflGZLt7ER of
<br />Colozado Springs, State of Calorado, the following described pre-
<br />mises situated in Hall County and State of *+ebraska, io-wit:
<br />Lot Ten t10}, Meadowlark Estates Subdivision.
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee
<br />simple, ineludirg all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TQ HAVE AND ._,fl HOLD the premises shove described, with a21
<br />the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Lottie
<br />Mosjilner and to her heirs and assigns, forever, provided always,
<br />and these presents are upon the express condition that if the
<br />said Robert T,. Perry and Leslie K. Perry, their heirs, executors,
<br />administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be paid to the
<br />said Ltittie :r,~iln€r's !:cite, executors, administrators or as-
<br />sicns, the sum of Five Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Seven Dollars
<br />and Eighteen Cents ($5,627.18}, payable with interest thereon at
<br />zero percent per annum, payable upon demand, all according to
<br />the tenor and effect of a promissory note beating date of June 30,
<br />1981, and shall pay all taxes and assessments levied upon saiT-
<br />real estate before the same becomes delinquent, and keep the
<br />bui2dinc~s on said premises insured far the sum of StNot applicable}
<br />loss, if any, payable. to the Naid r:ortgacee, then these presents
<br />to be void, otherwise to be and remain .in full force. Principal
<br />payable at 2S Gpland Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado 917906.
<br />IT lS ~'2'RTHER AGREED:
<br />1, That if the said ;;tartgagor shall fail to pay such takes
<br />or procure such insurance. the said rsortgagee may pay such taxes
<br />and procure such insurance; and the sum so advanced, with interest
<br />at trr~l gserce~it i1s9} per snnu-a shall be repaid by said riartga-
<br />', and This mortgage shall stand as security for the saw.
<br />;,. It is ~,ti.pulatea and ~zyre that iss ~d~e ~f ~,ny d~Zc~ult
<br />in ~y of the said payments of rinses p$1 .:.r interest, taxes or
<br />in~ur:tnCe, or of any breach or v.rolation of any of the covenants
<br />or agreements herein contained by the mortgagor, then and in that
<br />etrent the whale of said principal sum hereby secured. together
<br />with interest, may at the aptian of *_he holder become due and
<br />payable at ante, and the said premises sold as hereinafter pro-
<br />vided.
<br />3. Zn case of any default as above specified, the benefi-
<br />ciary ar holder of said indet~tedness shall at once becosEe en=
<br />titled to foreclosure and sale of the premises, and shall be
<br />entitled. tit iams?diate prasseasion and use of the property, and
<br />ttt the teats, iSSUet9 and profits thereof, the safm? being hereby
<br />pled~d astd assigned as additional security for the indebtedness
<br />wch is secured. try thins instrument, and the holder of said
<br />inde~t;~sa shs~l 3 ~*~titleci tQ a receiver o~ said pmperty,
<br />a~ is the rents isstt~s and profits thereof, ia~meaiately upon
<br />suds s'~ault, and a receiver tray be appointed by any court of
<br />oampateat ~urisdictic upon ex--party application., and without
<br />notice, notice tseiz~i7 hereby expressly waived, and the appoint-
<br />satnt of such receivez on any such application without notice
<br />t+~ting hereby ct>nsersted to by the s~rrtg$gar and alt. stetsons
<br />c1a%x#i,ng by, tlsrough az under- him, and all rents and profits,
<br />