<br />
<br />Pay the fl~rchase pri£e ,n fu}}, oeith ail interp~t tnrrers^, any ;:er`.^.*`rr a?? the
<br />cvvenanzs and c€~:sditiens wftiCh, by the terms of this ~vrtr.-=.£t, are `~ be per-
<br />fOrs~ed by Buyers. S2}ters sha13 pay ~ecur~enta, r ax ~ta~lps.
<br />'.€..
<br />gayer, agree that this contra£t ~+i}} ^et ie assz~ned :;r sold irithcrut
<br />first nbtainir~ :~r?tten trnsent n` he Lei}er and any atter+~t at assicinrrent ar
<br />sa}e rf 'his cTSntra£~ ha?1 ^~t be va?i' xithout she ~~tr~tten c:a„sent of said
<br />party. FurtfternTOr'e. ??! ':.a}antes erein ~ha}i !-,e ~~ue and aayabiz to Set}er upon
<br />-the sa?e gar rental of 'the prnper±y.
<br />#(::.
<br />'se}}er represents tt;a*_ the said rea? estate is ~;;rr-entty ;abject to
<br />a tk~rt4age in favor ~= the irna State z~ank ,,` t~,2rna, `ie:rras~Y, uecuring a "iortgage
<br />~iotE due 1y~2, and bearing: interest a' '^f, raft cif nigrtter, t`errent ili}rj ;,er
<br />-- a=;n:.e~, r:ith ,}ril~cipa} ',at3r;£e as ;Sf ,'•l.~~ust t, 1~~}. Uf pprcxiTrx~te}y $50,G04.u4,
<br />and- ,*.hat said i#ntc °s l;ayable in °-,emi-rnnuat i;~staitrrents .Ind further that no taxes
<br />-arid it=urance es£rcw is prpvided ir, ~. iri ?iate and Mlartgane.
<br />3~t ieT` a(~r2$.`, t3 iJay <;I! '-. F3i:! :`~?y~len:.5 i3n ;ald ;r'^5 ,~,rJmGtt.y -,~,g tney fail
<br />dtte an8 to Have said "3o~e5 and t,*ner .: ,ars7F, 'Fercu•~der .. y -aim <~rid the =:3itt
<br />?brtaages reieaseu lie#rre fine} ;aay!~r:t ''^ereu.~der nciudin;s fait ;:repayment, if any:
<br />is made by vuycr;, ~ _~,e ever„ Try _.: .. _ ~a art: lr€ ., t ad2 ~ t!°~ _, ~-''•
<br />y~ of heir .~" -~. ;.!:~ ~ ay~snt ;'_nr'. t;aduC t. i.n`J ,-~l?;pLntS ::v
<br />!'S~_i~ i`fi1lll-tf#e J3'Tn~:: Gc~i ='alanCe es'u - =~~+y~f'+ -.- :ie4}~rS -~. .^.."~17 den !)arel(t. ~5 i~r5
<br />- -z#L,~3'~~ °~€". i-f3tl~'.~7T~ ~uyeT-~ +37!` %lY;T~-`_r:.n. ~rn~,:c3~ :_. -+~3 .,, .. =i': ,i r `!zl3, _~_
<br />aCtirti£!s ~r causes ;.,f actin cf any =nature whatsoever, .n£'suding a}? court posts and
<br />dttQrtiL~}f5 fees, arising [~T~t ~;'€ ur i.=i any n;anner ±-etati~sa to the -ufrrerr~nC'~red trotes
<br />afld t~trtgac~5.
<br />~.
<br />ii# ~~' ~y~Tlt any .~£r=anit~` ?iera i~ fi?~?d .3Clalest sai~ rea? ~St*I tL' t~J Y'
<br />~~':'.yfT?r'~:}~"~d r~.r Pz.zYnri ~iS furniSt;ed ;~i"'1,3r t~ L?1e Ye~`~rdi ng vT this ~.:E?n tra Ct>
<br />- _.. - - "~--arm-. ~~ ~- t~"~ °~- t f''i~} ei4~`~i?~~?Il Ch[± Yt?{g+~5~ :;?f 5a7#~ i?€n c3 n#~ shit i
<br />- '~
<br />{~~ arty dt ~4 s3al~ fr€!sa the pr9nC2i:~i tsaiance due ,ender 'h 15 ~~9;+trar v- l?Uy=°T'>
<br />- ~~- ~,I3 !bC:B~fI 1[t~5 .and irt}21tT$LL lefitr'nlfl ..~ ~arS =tf €'%hi'V%:i:.: i:' rt"$ '-~lreE?t!Tent.
<br />~.
<br />$ta}r~r, nf~ ~??}~r3 ~^wS~T+~s'.i ',tl~ ~.ic1 it ;~r;~, _.,l.E£?~St• <trTri ',_ .s;i~:,
<br />bt: ~. ~'athFtt? ~=~rfn±n~e c;f the .~' f.:f th'., .,;,;-~°~'.-.
<br />