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<br />� ' 'fOC�'1'N�R WI7N nll qho Improvcmento nov� or hereafter croctad on thc� properly, nnd ell easnmPnta, appurtennnc�s, snd -�.�-•
<br /> � fxtur�s naw or hereettnr p nerl 01 tho propeAy. All replacement�and acldlUon� ohall nlco ba cororad by thls Socw�ity Inotrument. �
<br /> A!I ol iho forcgotnp lo rafcrrcd to U thl� ��cudy Inolrument ao tha `Propcity." � .
<br /> HQf�fiGWER COV�NANY9 timt 13arro��rcr la lae�tutty odsc� 01 Ih� catnto hcrc�y comcyed nnd ho�Iha dnhl to flrnnt nnd
<br /> ccnvcy tiie Prv�erty un�d Ihat tl�o Propeq^��g`�I cl�lrc�snd dxt�mando�,EUbJe t t aAny�encumb�nace Bof oy��favnrrents and ril!I `G ` _
<br /> de,teid penc�c�y the titl..to the Property �
<br /> TNI9 SECURfrV IN9TRUMENI' combines unitorm coven�nte for nAtlansl uso end a�on•unllorm covenams with limitad �
<br /> - verl�llone by►udadlction io conotllutm a unlfurm aecurlty inatrument covednq real property. `� �LL�"
<br /> UNIfOHM COVENANT9. Bortower�nd lender covenrni md agree�e(ollowe: � __-
<br />�� clua the pprinc pwt o}a dpntxo tpon he,d�ttw Je�ced 6y�fl*o Noto t �d Lat p��tg'd•lete char�nshdu�nderNh�eNoto�n � �
<br /> �:�
<br />- 2. Funds tor 1'�x�s �ntf Imsurane�. SubJect to applicable law or to�writte��weNer by L.erndor. 9oROwer ehell pay � __
<br /> to Lender on tT�e dny monthty paymmts ere due under the Note,ry�til the Note Is pald In NB,s sum (�unds') tor. (a) yearry _,-,
<br /> - taxea tnd �aeeasmente whlch rnsy atiain pdodty over thls 3e�ud Inatrument aa � Ilur� on Iho Pro ie (b) yeary leasehold ��,;;.:
<br />_ {�aymente or pround rente on the Property. II eny; (c) yeeirry hetard or properry Insurance premlum:�; (d)yoary flood Insurance ��._
<br /> prcmluma,If any: (e) yeariy morl�ttge Inaurenco premiums,U nny; and (Q eny sums payable by Bonowor to Londer In nccordanco �.:Y
<br /> wrih Ihu provlslone oi peragnph 8. In tleu oi the payment o1 mortgn�o Insuronce prmiluma. Thoso Items ero culled 'Eacrow --Y
<br /> - Itemr.' L(MidP.f hlFy, at any tlmo, co!!ect and hold Funds In en amount not to �ecaed the meu�mum amount e lender for e �-_
<br /> tedRr�lry ret�ted mortpage loan mey require for Borrower'e oscrow accouM under tho inderel Roal Eatete Serilement Procedurea _
<br />� Act o1 187a�e Amend�d from Ume to tlme, 12 U.S.C. @ 2601 et eeq. ('RESF'A"), unloss enother !aw thet appllas to the Funds _
<br />� sete � tesser amounl. If so,Landnr may, at anv time, coilect end hold funda In an nmount nat to oxceed the lasser amount. _ _
<br />- Lender may estim�te ihe emount o1 Funds due on the basis of curtttnt data nnd reasonable estimatn� ot expenditures ot tuturo __
<br /> Escrow Itmns or otherwlae In aCCOrdsnce with eppllcable law. -
<br /> The Funda shall be heid In an InstituQ�n whose deposlte are Insured by a totleral agency,Ina the Futnds tor a tl thelnEscrow
<br /> I.endar, it Londer Is �uch an Inslitutlon) or in ar�y Federal 11omo the FBnds, a nualy ana`lyzinp he oscrow eccou t,or veritying
<br /> Items. Lcmdar may not cherpo Borro�rcr tor holding end epph�ing �.,
<br />� tho Eocrow Itema, unless Lender nays 9orrower Intc,Test on tha Funds end applicable IRW (lEff�l�lS Lender to make such n
<br /> charge. Howevur, Lender may requke BoROwer to pay e one�tlme charga tor en Independent real est�te tax reporting service
<br /> useJ by Lendw In comlectlon with thls loan, unleas aAp!icable law provldos othernisa. Unless an sgreement Is m�de or
<br /> sppNcahle law requtres fntereet to be pald, Lender aha�1 not 6e requlred to pay Barcoweq any Interest or etemings on the Funds. -_
<br /> f Borrower and Lender m�y egree In writinc�, however, thut tntcrast chaH bo FalJ on the Funds. Lender ehaN glve to 8ortower, �
<br /> wfthout chsrge, en minua{ eccounting of the Fund�, showing credlis end dt>bita to the Funds and ti�e purpoae tor whlch each
<br /> doblt to the Fu�de wa�rr�de• The Funds e�ro pledged aa eddftlonal security tor aN sums socurod by the Secudry Instrument.
<br /> 11 the �unds heid by Lemdar exceed 9f�e amaunta permitted to be helil+ by eFpW:�ble IFtw,Lender shsll account to Boirower
<br /> iQr the excess Funda In accordance wlth the requiremants ot sppBcr.bto k1w. tl the amount ol the Fu�de held by Lendar st any
<br /> time Is not sufl:c�ler►t to psy the Escrow itema whei due, Lender muy oo no4iy Bortci'�'eT�n wdUng,and,In such case Oorrower
<br />- shaN pay to Lender the�mount necesa�ry to make up the deflciency. Borrower shaH meko up ihe de8clency In no more than
<br /> twehre monthy pnymmts,at I.ende►'s sole c#lsuetion.
<br /> i��.r �y,.��nt tn tull 01 nll sums se�urod by thls Securily Inst�unient, Lender ehall promptty ratund to Borrower e.ny Funde
<br /> - held by Lender. It, under pera�reph?_1, Lender shell ecquire or sell tho Properry� Lc�der, prior io ino acya�s�"a�s ar:::=�!�!�
<br /> ' Propat�, ehaM �ppty any Funds ha'd by Lender et the time of acquistdon or sale as a credit ag�lnst tho sums secured by this
<br /> 3ecurity Instrument.
<br /> �, Apglleriton o4 Pay�mnts. Uniess epplicable law provldes othorwise, ail paymenta �ecetved by lender under
<br /> paragrophs t end 2 shaN be applled: first,to eny prepayment oharg�s due under the Note;sacond, to amounts payable under
<br /> pare�aph 2;thkd,to Interest due; tourth,40�principal due; end last,to a�y tate chuges due under ttie Note.
<br /> 4. Chargef; U�OS. Borrower eh�ll pny aN taxes, assessnt�n;�, chtugea, flnas end 4np�sPdone attdGutable to tiie
<br /> Property wh�h mRy�ririn �x{ority over this 3ecuriry Inatrument, �nd len�o7�o1d peymente or ground�enYs, N�ny. Bonower shaN
<br /> poy these obl{�Uona in the manner provldad in pamgreph 2, or U ncli g+aid In th�t manna,Bo►rowor shaM paY them on Ume
<br /> dkecUy to the peraon owed payment. Bortowor shell promptty tumtsh to Lender a11 noltces of emoupts to be pahi i�ndar thie �
<br /> paragraph. N �orrower makes theso payments directty, BoROwer shafl �Orompty fiemfsh to Lender recNpta eYldoncing tl►e
<br /> peyments.
<br /> Bortower sh�ll promptly discherge eny�e+► whlch has priority over thle Soa+riry Instrument unleas Dortower. (e) agrees In _
<br /> wrrifnfl to ihe pnymen!ot the obllgntlon secured by the lien M e mennor accept�ble to Lender, (b) conteats In good fafth ihe
<br /> Nen by, or detends aganst entorcement o4 the Iien in, togal proceodings whlch In the Lender's opfnlon opaate to prevent the
<br /> entoruement of the Uen; or�c; secures hom iho holder m4 9ho lien an sgreement satistactory to Le�der eubordinetinfl the Ben to
<br /> thls Securiry lnatrument I4 L�n�lrr dotemdnoa thet any port o1 the Propaly Is subJect to e Ilen wh�eh m�y att�ln p�tority over t�la
<br /> Securhy Instrument, Londer msy pNe �lorrowor a notice IdenNfying the Iten. Borrower shnN satlsty the Aen or take one or more of
<br /> the acNaia aet forth�bove withln 10 daya oi the yhring of notice.
<br /> 5. Hlizard or Prop�tty Insu1"31AC�. BoROwer shall kaep the improvanente now existing or herafter erected on the
<br /> Property inaured ag�inat loss by fire, har.ards Inoiuded wkhln tho term 'extended coverage' and any other haurds,k►ciuciln8
<br /> fluoda or Aood(np, tor which Lender requtres Insurance. This Insurence shaN be mainteined In the emounts and for the paiods
<br /> that I.ender requkes. The Maurance cartier providir�g tho Insurance sh�N be chosen by 8orrow�r sub�ect to Lender'a epprovel
<br /> whlch aheM not be unreeaonaby wkhheld. If Borrower taNs to msinteln coverage described ebove,Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> opUon,obteln soverege to protect Lender's dghts In 1he Property In acoordance wkh pamgreph a.
<br /> Aq tnaun+nce policles and renewr�, ahall be occeptebte to Lendar xnd shall Include a standa�e to Lender all recolpt dof
<br /> ch�►N h�ve the rlphi to hotd the poUcles and renewais. It Lendor requires, Borrower shaA promptly g
<br />— -. pald prcmiums and rencrral noUces. In the event of loss.�ortowe►eHeli give prompt notiee to tha Insure�nce c+urier and Londcr. _
<br /> Lender m+y make proot of loaa N not znado promptiv by l�orrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and 13orrower othErv+l�a agree in wriUng, insur�nce proceeda s�atl bo applted to restoretion or ropair of the
<br /> - Property damngod, If the rostoratlon or ropnir is aconomleally lensiple flnd Londor's security Is not losaened.I}the ro�toretlon or
<br /> = repair Is not economically leasible or Lender's seouriry wautd bo lo�sened, the Insumnco proceE.�ds shnli ba applled to tl�e auma
<br /> aecurad by thi� Securfry Inatrument, whother or not then duo, wlth e�ny excoss pAid to Borrower. II 8ortower nbandons tha
<br /> Propesty, or does not a.nswa wkhin 30 days a notica 4rom lender that the insuwnce carrter htxs ottered to setilo n al�ilm,1hEn
<br /> Lender may co!lect the inaur�nco proceeds, Lender mny uae tho procouds to repn!r o� restere ihe Property or ta pay sums
<br /> sxured Ay this Security Instrument,whotha or not then dut�. Tho 30�day perlod wfll bogfn when the noUce Is gtven.
<br /> Unless Lendw end Bortower otherwfae agroe {n wriUng, nny appYcaUon of prcceeds 4o p•rincipel ehall not extend or
<br /> postpone the dua date ot tho monthty Pt+yments reterred to in pare�qrapha 1 and 2 ar change lhc z�mount of tho payments. fi
<br /> under peragraph 21 the t��oparty Is acq�ired by Lender, 0orrower's riqht to nny Insurnnco potieteb nnd procoeds resulYng from
<br /> darr�ge to the Property �rlor to tho acqulsttlon sRall pass to Lender to tho extent ot tho sums by thls Security Instntmsnt -
<br /> _�����i��w.���LhIM
<br /> - �jfltf�lCf.1l�iCi�Intv� �v��.v o�^Ir.�...�... -
<br /> = 6. (lccupancy� Presarvatac�ti. Malntenance and Protectlon of tha P�operty; Borrnwsr's Loan —
<br />�JApp{Ieation; LeA88h01de. Bomcste��hall occupy, establiah, and uso the Property na 9oROwer's p�incipal residance witPiin �..
<br /> -- slxty days efter the exe�utlon of ih{s ':mcurity Instnsment and shall continuo to occupy tho Prope�ty as Bortowera princ:�a;
<br /> - residenco for et least one year after the dato of occupancy, uniess Lender othervrisA ugreos In writing, which consent shell r�ot �:
<br /> __� be unreasonabty wtthheid,or unless e:RenuaUng circumstances exist whlch ere beyond Borrower's controi. Bamowcrr shall not Y'
<br /> = desVoy, damage or Impelr the Property, allow tho Praperty to detedorato, or commit wasto on 4ha Properiy.Boreower shall bo In
<br /> = def���u Q�Y�fttheNPrope�tly or othrenn�ise�matertaly mpntr thu Ile+i creeted byghls Eecudry Instrument orf Lendet's cocurity 1'nterest't _
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