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<br /> <br />D~€~a ~~' €a~~r`r~txa <br />.............................................................. as <br />Ttf~ 0££!) is rrrade ®v .. - .David C. Totrne <br />~eetsonai t~eisa of tlte~ Estre of A. Tawrte ......... . <br />David C. Towste <br />fltt~settd, Granite 4wi+ettu+ arwe pr moreh to ..................... . ........... . . ........... ........... . <br />CtFSrttes !~#+er one or motet. <br />tArfi£R£AS, teu t~ tNits at ........Adeline A. Taume ... Deceased, <br />swsdWY edrnittad to wee in the County Court at .. , .... HaI.1 . ..... . ............... . .....County, Nebreslsa; <br />ti11!li5, Gntteer rrM .~.~"~ '~'>:.r *apraw>1MiN of rid area end 3e now ~riRed end actlnp in rid uvecxr. <br /> <br />W#£R£145, the ~irantn+e iz r~termar~e$ to be the txrson entitied to dntntwtion of ttie hereinafter-desuifxd real prapsrtY. er+d <br />Grants is rwtlrortxed to dYStribuffi ttx same eo Grantee: <br />~Yif; 3i#Efi€Ft3Fi£. Grarinr cwrveys~ assir~xs, transfers arKf releases to Grmtec the fdtowingdescrEbed reef property: <br />_ Pant of Block Sisc i5} in Plt~sant Home Subdivi.sipn of part <br />a£ ttte Fsst Half of the Sout;1>~xt 4t~~' {EhSE~t) of Sectirxt <br />~~ {22) , in 7tstrrtsh±i^...3' .eves:t {11) !V~rth, ~3e dine {9) , <br />_ Waet of .the 5th P. ~, , t..rattd Is3.dtttd, Hell Wsttyr i3et~aska, <br />dertierahed as foilriwa, to-xit: C~ana~einc3 at the nas~theast earner <br />of £ilt~c}c Bix {6), above described, x~aatinq th~ce West along the <br />Pitta'th line caf said Block uix {(} a distance of 90 feet, th~ce <br />. Stsctt2t at ri.t~tt aux; a distance of 66 feet, trsserice East at <br />. riot angles a distatce of SQ feet. attai thetce forth alr~ng the <br />East i~.tte of ttais9 Stock S:.x {5} a distance cif ~5 feet to the <br />mice of beginaing, being a rectangular Piece of grotstd having <br />as Peat fxtx>tage of 6fi ft3et on St. :4axy'>~ StTOEt, anc3 a depth <br />of 60 feet alCetg Cbtnard Avet~e in .said City. <br />tuoal Des~atsrtua,l <br />--. , veldt ~ tertnrursts. fenedFte~ntnd snd appurtet+anoea ttierste beiun~nq, Gut subject to aarmsnts arW restrictions of reeved. <br />~trc:<-~ .. ,-~~~ .. ~ ..... X9$1. <br />-------- ---- <br />P~Sd{A {.X~U#~i~l~1t~Y. <br />STAi-44t TAX Estaie of . , ..ADELIT3~_ %?... ~X~1,t~F., .... ,Detsred <br />~ ~. tj ~ , <br />' _ .. <br />~t_i~if~G~,~+-_ sipnatl+,ao erson.l sVre.n <br />~ a~ ....~ ................. ) <br />~ ss. <br />a~ ...... Wit. ................. } <br />~ , , . , - ~~~~ ............~,~$~......, aefore me, tt~ untlr!si~tett, a Pkstuy Pubire, duly eom:nnsioned anQ <br />t~sti+TirNd far teed at said t~rmty aF+e! t;a~. f+e~+llY sNtpeared , ... David . C<..Tuwri+t . . . . ...... .. . ..... . . <br />Adeliatp A. Tcxtrtle ......... 4e~ated, to <br />Ot! 93M ~3!_iYFtU rsf_.. -. ..... ...... .......................... . <br />- = s9fFtteYt3wtsi tt+b4 f5sran teho ~ ifs! ~ t3ensf of [fiittftfilS3{#i eaaf acfinowtedgatf the tan+e ~ Ir.. - . - - .. . <br />- - .. , txi s _ . , . . , , , twiurttattr +~ utd drd, <br />,,. _ _ r _ <br />1l <br />_ 1 <br />~~ <br />=~+ ~ ;v~>< ~ tt>~ F.3sus*.~+v,. tr.~,,r~:.:~ f'A~i£ ? tzt i f'Ar~sE5 <br />