<br />
<br />t~arssnitatt ebv~ssartir. sarearar sad Laa6ar > aid agree ss f~s_ S71 ~ ~~ (} `i U 7 ~~
<br />f. l!agt~t .t rtft+rr sat italsrattt. 9etrroara task prom fuY wheat tote the pritat3pat cd sad hrurr~ as
<br />iadrfeeiaas avitdsaoed fry ~ ice. psi a~ tea t a: proridttd in the Noe, and flee pritscipst of sad ;aareu
<br />as nett P,tstte tdvaeess setaxd by tltie -
<br />t )>~it fYr 17reta [tai Lwe~ to apptieabir few or to a srritxa vatt+er try Leader, Bortower shall pay
<br />to f.aadv ore t6s day teoadtiy tau og t? sad itrtsrmt are psyabk wades ittc fVrge, usail ttse htaa i; paid in fitif.
<br />s Seto fhsada "Faxdr7 atprt ~ ~ ~ ttre yearly taxes and a~rwtts which may artmt Priority aver uses
<br />std gonad ee~ oa ffie Petapcety. it say, phss atx -tvctfth of yar}y Prcatissm irotattmertes t~ haTSrd itsstuartre,
<br />~ d yaeeiy pttt~mioas for ir~rtsacx. if say, tU as reasraetbty esthaued ittaialty and from
<br />tees tsu tma t+y Loader aft tfse barb sd asestrorms attd ttitis sad retuomlrk atirtutes tfsaeof.
<br />t3a f~smtde td~ be irdd fn as irtstittauta tbt dttptteits ar of which art irttcsaed or gtursnteed by a Federal or
<br />stets sgsacq tme Leader if Leader is stacb an itsstitufioa t. Letatler zhafl apply the Ftmds ifl pay said taxes, asazaasneats,
<br />iswtrataDa pe+i: sad f~ teas. Leader stay net charg for so hotdiag sad appdyimt the Ftmda. anafyuag said acccttnz,
<br />or veti(Yried sad said meats atsd txiUs, oaten Lender pays llorrtrarcr intermt on tbt Funds t~ ttppfitable 1av
<br />pssat~ Lender fa ttaalta taat3t a shvge. Borrower sad 1-tads' may agrtx in writutlf at the time of exxution of this
<br />thtt i oa ehs Ftrads abaft txe paid to Httttrow,er, sad tratera such agteematt is rttade or applicable lay
<br />t ttaea itpse~ to be paid, Leader stuff rtot fre required [o pay Harrenver any itsare[ or ttarniegs oa the Ftends. Ifader
<br />tt6ad !1~ tai 8ottoarar, wittsota chine. sa annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits m the Funds and the
<br />pttrpatse torarbic6 each dt~a to the Funds was nude. The Funds arc pledged as sdditioral security for the stttm secured
<br />this
<br />Tf the tsasneet ~ the F~dt held by Landes. to~ttter wfth the ftsttsre tnoothly instafiments of Ftmda payable prior to
<br />rtes doe date of teens, asasraezab. inference prtmttttm and grottsrd rears. shaft exceed the amount reyuittxt sa pay said taxes.
<br />aasstat~s, iaa8asa peessait:ms std ground rtxtts as-they fstf due. weir excess shalt 'x, at ttorrower's trptton, either
<br />pttomptfy amid to Barrowcr or crw4ted to Borrusver on moathty tmtattmenu of Ftt~. If the amount of the Futu4
<br />6dd by f,eed~ shaft rtos he stfidsat to pay taxes, atrfeasraents. ittstrzattce ptttnitnas sad grrnsad term as they faU due.
<br />Bntrtra,er theft pity to Lmd~ say tttnotmt necxssary to make up the deficicrrcy wtthin 30 days from the date ttatite is mailed
<br />by Ltxder m Amrosser ragmwag paytrteat thereof g p refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />Vpoa paymetst la fttB of tdt oasts secured by this Mort agt. I.emi+er shall rompdy
<br />hdd by Leader. ft trade paragrepb i5 tttret# the Property rs vrld or the PmpertY to otherwise a<:quited by ttttder, Lender
<br />ffuH tspdy. Ant tap tlssa rstsme&aaly pries ro ttet ask of flee Property ar its xquintion 6y Lender. any Futrds herd by
<br />Larder si the riser! Q# appfieatian a a craiit sgattw ttte auttxa stctrreel by rhia Mortgage.
<br />3, Attl elf !'gaMOSS. Uakss ap~tcabk few prat tilts otfatrwiae, aft payments m~eitred by Lender ustder the
<br />[Vote atsd paragsystn i sad 2 bttrtmf shaft fs. appfted by t.ctttier ffnt rn pagtmn: of amounu payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />trade pantgrytb'' hsratf. then to mtectst pay°abk on the ;volt, user: tc: the prirtupa9 of the Mott, and thin to inttreu and
<br />prittcipai oa arty Pte Advaswxa.
<br />•, t',*afrt [jute,. Bgrrotsxr shah pay all texts. avessmeab and ether cftarge.s, fines and impaaitions attnbutabfc to
<br />the arfdf~ stay atisia a prrariry aver shin Mortgage. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. in the manner
<br />pttovided usdatt partaapb 3 hereof or, sf not pawl rn such manner. fry A<srrtswtr tnatcing paya~tt. whoa dae. diracdy to ttx
<br />pttyas thaeaf. tlorrotrer shaft profeptty futntsb ea tender aU txxtcts of arnatrns ilex uttdri this patagrsph, east in ttx event
<br />llotfortr shill make psymtrstt ducctty, Uatrtswrr shah prompttY iurnah to !sn<kr rettipla €vrdencmg attch payments.
<br />1 shaft f disc§argt any lit Much has pruartty aver thss Mongagt: Provided. that Borrower shalt net be
<br />n;$tared to detteherge arty srtsb tirn so king as ftcrrrawer shat! egret en urit,tig to rite paytxxnt of the ohligatian securttd by
<br />aacis hat w a austear aosepuWe to L.tader. or anafl to gaol tatth eottent such iron try. or Mend tnforctsttent of ssw:h tint in.
<br />l~l psos which operate to prevent the entoK-ttarnt of the teen or tortetturt a# the Property err any part thereof.
<br />S. Ilaeeed tftetsears. ttorrowsr attttttl kao{t rtie amprvetmctsts n<tw eataun; csr tserraittt citiiatf aft t.`,e Proprty ~.,aurt~
<br />_tt~fR ktA ~ Qrs. hti~ hsshtdrd wttl'sn she ttrsn "eata-rwicd ctavusgs.'- and tueh ether hazards to t_ettder may txgetsrc
<br />fad aaaunts std feu atach tserrads ss feneier may requtrt: prcrrdeti. enat t cruier sttatt net require that ttre arrwunt at
<br />such ernsxage extatxsf that ttmtxatt t T co+,erage rtqutreaf to pay ttsc corm sesureti tsy this Mortgsgt.
<br />Tits iatura>rs~ carrier pmstidiag ibe imbiuss~t atuil bt s ftat~i by Bturuwer subject to xpprovst by tender: ptavrdtd.
<br />itat carets appmaval stall ea tx ttttssaszxtatrly avt€httetd. ~t gran:wens on itsaatart~ paia:acs shat! tx psid ,n ttre manner
<br />prpt'~p$-tom p~ F ftaa+ppt cr, tf ra5t psw# tst aat~ sttanntr, try lktrrawa tsukrag payeeont, when dim, direetiy to the
<br />ieeaiOCe [airits=
<br />-~ . ,~ gala thertaf sftatl be rn fora[ atseptaMC to i.endrr and shaft uiciude a zsan<fard mortgage
<br />ctausf its favor of and in fum asxuptafxk to i.tader, f~etde strati h:se tart right t:s n~ [tie pcnic~a arm zrrewata t`.°f,
<br />~{ ] ahsff ~ fen €o f_eatlet• tu`t tratewat r=x:i~ a~ all ta~tftts .-;f paid p't~- to t'~ trt~ of tom,
<br />fierretarer chaff give ptratep rstttite to ttta tmurancx carrier atxi S sstder, i_eadcr tna} make proof of tots if net made pxamptly
<br />by ll~rtte+cr.
<br />Lfaisfa Lt:edp tad.arressvor ttthertvtst agree m wnhag, uisauarwx procotad+ afuU be spptial to resltuatian ur repair of
<br />eht pr{tppty dar+ ptOrtdod hitch ratorat[on ar rcpatr u eccsnosawaUY feasible and Ehe sactrrtty o[ thta Mortgage is
<br />~ r ~. if stscb restctratson or rt~tait is not ea'asxcstaucsity feasible or sf ttx stx:utity nt stns Mortgage wa<t!d
<br />6a tgtp~eed, toe ias€aasca pttacaeds a~B be spplfed to the warms aecutswl by this Mortgsgt, with efts excess. if any, ptud
<br />w tlotrofrsr. l[ Ifaa Property b abaadttnad by lkrrrawer, err if Borenwer fatfs t3 rspwrd to Lender within 30 Jaya from ttu
<br />fists antics b ttsaiibtl by Leader to Bturvsser [tut the itttursoce earner atfen to settle a claim Far inwttusce bttrtNts. Leader
<br />is aatf+orttmd m cailen! sad apply etas trttwttrx pt as teredcr'z option ttthet ut rtatorati~ or repair of tea Property
<br />or m rl;se }feet setaretd by thsf Mwtfl~e-
<br />tialMts Lendts turd ldttrrtrnrr exherxae ngsee in wnttttg, arty s.zch application of proRa4 to principaf aftaU not extend
<br />or pteftgaoe the due ilea nt the snotxlbty inftalhaenes referred t<r in prragrspha t aril 2 hertsof csr change the amauni at
<br />a~ instaitmtau. if trader partttgrapa t g beteot the Property as x.iuet,xi by Leader, aU nght, tide and interest of Borrower
<br />is-atad tee say itraraa~se pttfietas sad in atad tt: she prosaetts efxereart resuluatg from damage to rife Prottr; tY prier to tf~ salt
<br />ors stedt prat m [.radar w [lac extent of ttse aorta ztcured by this Mortgage tmrtretiiatmiy pricer to gush eels or
<br />/yarassaYaa stated ii#Miietsraea st rsstprst#: f.sataitsiit CMdretiaitwts !!Iretuud Daft Dmdopstseru. Harrower
<br />tt~nfi tilt ~ r~aar ah~ r~x ~ w; ~ p€€atts ttgpairTtt~tt to ~a of the Prapeay
<br />~,~ . tftt: ~ any sf thn Mrxt;~e as <*n a feat if tttb Mortgage i$ an a trait i^ a
<br />` or a pttuaed €taN dtvelapratat, Bnrruvrer shaft per#orm ati of t3orrt-.wets atrtigatisttta under ttrc dtriaraitan
<br />Cry €u gt7vara~t eta et~€dnm€ntsua or ptaarttd usut dtve~meat. iha by-taws asd teguittiorts of the
<br />c~dettraudium-tx pMeaadawit Wit, sad cotaMiftrcnt docurtxnts. lF a cundomiafum err punned unit <levtfoptrtettt
<br />x9ds m ettetesieed by 11:trtosner sad seettrtfttat logaitter with this Mortgtye. the 4oveMMS and agseameitta at stt~-h rifler
<br />:-awed ~ tdt~ statsad ancf ac~M rite cttveauats and agsostatrua of thu Mnrtgyte as tf the sidtr
<br />teat! srpte®t ktM'aef<
<br />T, set I.ettief°a daaMlq. tf dortawer tai€s eta perfarm :ire eavrstaass ant! agreanttr€3 <txttaiastd ;n this
<br />ter if M~ 71L'tlne err pr~eteat#ieig is ~ whist[ rtuattslty amts Lttrdet'a trttettst in, the Prapertv.
<br />ipdyti~ittd,. ~ rase !# w. esse~t a#a~i+a, irartlveacY. co<k trt€orakrtsctet. cx arxantrs err pri>cadinga mrotr;ng s
<br />ar-dlPldatYt. fllart f.esrdtE~at Lilftirl``i gptaaa, upa+s ~tiee to Sorrttr~tr. ttsaY tuatte s€wh appearattrrs. di>rtnerse ss>th
<br />steeea ~ ; txtaiea at er aaitY to proarf I.ersder'z rttt~aat, rsx~ewiiog, but tsd liuu`eed ta, disbursetnetst <rf
<br />~ t3st't ~-arced etmyr the Pr'~r~tY to rrtake tEpeira. tf :.ender regttitccl tttnrtgagr it€wrane+r az ~
<br />r ~ ~ t '~= 'rf`-"~€ smolt pay ,)tC ~ rrdf ra srtaint#en rsot-h
<br />+ t was as tMe rzatareNrast #ax sptch suaruum temxitrateat to aset~tutst with t~ttutrtr'a std
<br />