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<br />8I-- s1~s~~5'i <br />1101C2'GAiCE t:oaF+ F+fO. z 23 962 <br />CliDlALL1~1fFtY71~ElS~BfiS:Tiea LOiS J. alpt.4va, 3I1 t3CluidYZld3Ci'isi;lOiiTl, and Art:7E3R A. Tom, <br />ffii tHR182Z'~d ftiffi1v frsxtst~et, tr)iether os asr sere, o oettrda>moe d the na ttt <br />jrfR,.mn*~.n1'kw 'tfis~11R3fld O[12 Ht~d>:eti and I10/~. ~~_ ~~ <br />faarad b ai6 tatestptpr b7 7'ha ~~~ ~6 asd txo Aaa~titm o[ C,aaad tsimd, Tfebtasiu, , ttptsa 2u thtrea ~ taol ~ <br />ail A~piCfA4~ll1. C>e Tio. L 23,9$2 . do hste6sy past. ~ ~d ~+ tbs strict AS40GATiQFN the foilaofwiZ <br />Astatled reef ed1e. tiktred to f#a6 Cotmey. [sle6sais <br />Ivt Efghte~t (i$) In FlegteLn Height; Si+~ivis:txt, <br />Hall CExutty, Nebraska <br />der trittt aN tLe tsarameaus, hett~itamseus std ~'~ tt~rewtto bEtu.gyas, tne-t utar$ed fFoor txsver~, ail vriadoty adeena, <br />nsittdow tfatdes, bfatdt, fatxa srittdoas, s'ra+ai~t, bsaeitt6, >u evadttittnteyt.anct pFttatbla6 std vratet «et,na atx~ariea Nteseto,pttmp,rtores. <br />afti~potlan. astd artier futtaes rad uo+r or ltcraftsr attadtad w « wed m umaactsttn tsnah std teal estae. <br />Attd sAeteas ebe sxd mwtotru bm +~ arts ds>rn tter~y spssc thu ttm snorta9gtetr ~ sect .tr ptry a9 taws twd taaaaa~a Fevted a <br />uataaad soi psewrm and ~ fhs sad the Aoed s~cq~~d ore thr same >~ btseatee tfeYegtreat; to fwas6 4P'gOg <br />mtea3~aea tgne the baif~ to and ptanesss rttrted a the sty of 3 11, ~ pyabie to and +.'1SO4'fATION std to deHr~er !o Y;d <br />AS~OpATtUtt the poit5ee to >pd irtawttnoa: tmd aw !o astnettr rx paeat aav rants t>et w about old prtttttisee; <br />in ealz of deftwh a the petfvtatwae of say of the t€mss a:N# acMwtttsas+ of tfas rr~nsey~je of the tmd ercwed be[ebY, the mortypee sue. <br />oe deteaed_ tvr eatttted ar ~ p of tar retcutpitptl preemies and tha nturttta(ptM tsereby a>~. traesfen and sets ova to the <br />trtoveaae ~ Ltte r x!?, ee>em+ce and icteroee tr. ha dmtved from the mwtnned txe*nias dress sntctt inns a the mcxtgge tndebtedseas shall ttmaitt <br />luytpQ; Nte shah have the purer tzf rttprnnt scw stlrat rx s~tssts n teat' +~ for the pmywe of teprafst6 aid ptaaiaa tract rea0ot <br />tlas-tP1/ta avd tc+Ysie+is~ the tsars, ravasntes sad iaoo-me, sad it sarr Pei"'w of rand inuttne tiF esprams of tepairLat strict prtaeiacs tmd t <br />t~t~ sttd as ier:kud ~ r~s+tssp atW tFe ssmc and est co8ra:tatR zmtabt tlvettfram: the baftttoe tearamie6. if nry. to be <br />loraed the of said s~mtayr etdsbtsdaasa; thane t-wit rt tha a+o.tpq(ce t~ !+e cstsx~ a! any time dWiaij the esistatae of tttrlt <br />~. ~-cr<f auy t +a:uver ~'~ , <br />Tkvae Peeseste. itoartver. stn apart the t'.:tndi[ion. T3ot d the said isla'r[t~tlpH sd~ tepay and knn oa a tpfttm the itttttvtty d' nid dtseee by <br />peyaest= ~ ttmthly to used A~L7ATtfx+t cif the sane >pec€ird w rata ikad seaauad hereby as tetetett sad prtac~td oe aid iws, to a before <br />Nse'feaatSiatbday ,bf cads ~ r~rery tanrtti3. sari tnn+ a f+slly ptttd; { ay art trrtes stud aaeent~ta isevied apittu aid ~ and oe thn <br />aasi the aegeed thetefty, tom.:- -; -~-~ it+e ttadda~s theaaaa m tha satn d;21, IOfl.OD i <br />m ssii A>~UFiAYlt?t~i; tsspasi to se~A A~OCfA71UM uptas tFeasad ~ a:ccse-Y by tt P~ fix tt~ taus. aae~eeta sad itttaaanoe rlth ~tetett ~ <br />- - - l~g~;~raaaacaidgtssou:keePadessr~r <br />the attsl~atm tit rakr taz~tm frs~ t~ ~ ~i;i~wlt-ter icy>~t~e <br />sr'tir ail the sari axtditivAS ~ the Naett flu ~ :l r i8f3. Gt1 tiro dirt' ~ !ha s~ l~ t, said AJC'tA7~tY~i: ss~ tsnnpN' <br />resift aff fha cagtt[ateaata of the CeteAitW ion attd Fly-t.i+a of tad AS"4flt;tAl'FUN; !lies thaee tnaaerras slta~ becogts null and void. othenrile they <br />>N~ satasia to full f•,+eea >l ~' be forntiamd s! the optraa of the aad AY'titlt:FATlUfi after faiws [ar tfuaa aaralM !o stake uty of aid <br />ytaq!wtMAa a tse these taetttWa a urtars 4n ttukialt std tsseathl!' Papttrean• or ar keep std camp!!' rah the ap~a tmd taeditiam of aid Band; <br />tai /a syrms to hsse a racxaver ftxthrith en inch Corecksase pattw~iep. <br />Ff rhea fs ray sltta~v is u~t~P pf tht rte{ eYae t Fttseia, by title or otiaarise, thw tlts etNSe ttmeitred indabtadaaa beeahy <br />tatatead dtsii. at da aeptiset of 1'be Eapsttabls B+eddteKt tad l.ostt AaadtWaa ~ f;rauu fslataf,Ftlebeatks, beaoaa asaedietaiy dbe sod pttyabde trHhout <br />t4rAm aatur_ std the naaotLL tetaMaatR due ttttia vtsd bead. sad tray asiher !toad for say trddaiasssl ttdtaaoes tirade thesettoda, titaY, from the <br />date ad •aattiae ttf aM updmt, bna 4tesms at the tcesimem lap! ran, attd thit aaott~e tary tism be fattrclaad w qtly the tsnotsa dta a aid <br />t ~ etrtasior, rasa ~ ssetatmerttu. and sbvtraetmE cs,Leasioa tom, rNh stterthnnoa, rams dde ofof peymettt a~ m~ettme <br />h~l ~. <br />As a tha Band. tawead kembY. aAtdt this retttttots w affect -she esortBedse tray Mraafter adaote addRiord arms to the <br />qy~a ~ a¢ per tAer amt t~ stteaaaars io imtateq, wLdt wsat dtaY be vntEstt ilia sactariep of Nut murtp{e thr ame as the ftmde orb <br />seaeead . the fatal attteaa of psiaagd dtsbt no! !o estceed a swy carte tAe atavaxe of thn . <br />[pat.datfs !3t day +o£ Arigtist X. u., tH $i <br />.t _ <br />~. <br />Ikc~Cw~9t ll, ~,~ <br />1~~~ :ss, tltttbit 7th ~t~t~5t tv 8I ,befcraaa, <br />rite utdapipetd, a Hat'uy pbbYc is attd fur aid Gowty. PAY tams <br />i .T. ~• Eflf lrried ViC~9tt, ~ AtC~3C1 A. S+atilb, ~! strartwrrf ~ttitifl,~ paaawtrNy kw~aa a <br />ate Is• M air sdle4toR psetas 8 st-lsaa seats 9 aL'~ sffavsd ro the show tetrxt m > S sad t~"SY cawtaity <br />,y~~ggi~rsj ba- awf tetru+rtlaat to In t31@lC ,rspepary atR md+Mrd. <br />t4LYF tetr tag ttn!bttiaiSScN liva dt~ doaetitd. <br />~_; ~"_-`_ k- i <br />~s <br />~ ~~~~ <br />