<br />
<br />vt+ C~rraetsrrts. 7orrawer amf f.maer caveaaat and agree as foilaws:
<br />y }felfat~t ~ irat~l/al ,~ !!wrest, gorrasver tdull proxnptfy pay when due the priatipai of and inttrtfi ort the
<br />b'Y t3at Base, pt+epap sad Late charges as pravided in the ltiote, astf tht pri~xpai ~ and iatettr;t
<br />on anp Fapsrt Adraeoca tatet8ed by this Martgye.
<br />1 !Feaster gee Tts>!as std Isttttsrs. ilea to apgticabie fast o: xa a written waiter by Lcreder, Harrower shall pay
<br />m Lwdtr sm the dap maetl}'.Y iffidleaents a# pretrcipsl and tnsetet are payable under the NaNe• utxit the Nou is paid in full.
<br />a earn t6eesin "Fsaads") er~tai to ooo~ttrditfe of the yearly razes aml ants whams may attain priority over thh
<br />• aa! JEs'~ rl~4 rte toe Prttpsrty. d any, pros ore~twsifth of vtytiy premitrat inasdlatatts fos haurd itrsteralrGe,
<br />~ taso-tas!adEde a( yprlp ptsatiesna inaRaiie+enta for nsoregage iretarr:ace. sf nay. all as txaaoreabiy estimat+~ ittstialty acrd from
<br />lime to time hY Leader ae the Buis of atao~tadm and irilh and rettaonabk estimate tht2eof.
<br />Tfte Fantle tthall be held is an iaf>stiXion tdse depouta or acctwtrts of whKh are irtautzd or guaranteed b'i a Federal or
<br />sfatt agency {i9etsa~etg Ls>sder if Lessder r slsch as irtstttutionf. ftsader shall apply 4he Fttssda to pay said fazes, a~tretix~,
<br />ire ptt~taom and g :ants- f.cade~ tray not charge for so holding and applying ilea Fxttt~, analyzing said atxatnt.
<br />or vari[pittg aed oonrpifing seed amessmenta and i+a14s, uakss Lender pays Horower tnteresa on the Funds and applicable law
<br />patratt (seder to make tesdx a ciurgt. Harrower ad [evader may agree in writing at the titrxe of ezecuxion of this
<br />hfartgz;e thu irettrat oa the Reads snail rte paxi to Barrcxwer. and uaieas sack agreement is made or applicable law
<br />trade itetarx to be paid, [-ender ahafd ntx kx required to pay Borrower any interest or tartaings on the Fitads. [xnder
<br />sltaH gars t0 8orrmrer, withostt charge, an aaatsat aavarncmg of the Fund show€ng credits and debits to ztu ftmds and the
<br />propose forsrhich tacit debit to the Fuadr was snasfe. ltse Fuesds arc nkdged as addi:lone! security for the sums secured
<br />txp ddZ .
<br />Tf the smamt of tFee Ftmds treed try l.ensder. s.xgethcr wash the future rttanthty insuilmcats of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dtte dsms of tease, ataseasments, ineauanet prcmeurns end gruurxd rents. shad ezaeed the atrwttnt regenred so pay said raze,
<br />asustttseets. insurance preet:wan and gtaurad rents as they fall due, sorb crease shall be, at Borrower's option. either
<br />promptly ropaisf to Hatrowtr of cxedited to fsorrowtr os rtwarhly +nstatlttttrrts of Funds. If the aaraunt of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall neat lxe sheet to pay razes. anessrrrettts. itnurance ptrantums and ground rents as they fall dne.
<br />HOrrosrtY sMll pay to Leader nay amosstt necessary to maisr up tht dcftcxtuy within 30 days from the date native is rtxail~
<br />!xp Lender to Horrosrer requeting payersent therent
<br />{7pup payraaem +a foci tsf aB srsas sa:ured by tilts Mortgage. under scull promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />hdd by Ltada. !f wader psragrapb 18 turecx the Pra}xrty :a a?Id nr :he Property is otherwise acquxed by Lerakr. Lender
<br />sirll apply, tw later than emmedtauly Print to the sale r•f itu Property nr rte aegwatuan by l.rnder. any Funds held by
<br />I.oadef as the tint at appficaaan as a credit agunst tfu sums secured br thts Mtxtgage.
<br />3. Ag~YeaOlasi ad iJniess applicable ta+r pre. tiles otherxtse. a3i paytxtems received fxy txndet under the
<br />Nate and a{ahs t red 2 hereof shaft be applrcd hr 1 ettdcr firs[ :n pav[tvnt ofi arrtaunta payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph . taeneof, thwx to tnrcrmei payatxle im the 'lute, then so the prtrxcipa! of the !state, and then a inures[ and
<br />prstaetpd an nay fwtse Advarecss.
<br />i. Dees. 8wrasssr ..isalt pay all razes. asse><srrlents ,end ,>thex tihargcs. fines and empexevons attributable to
<br />t(ae Ftopertp which trap arrant a prority over [has Mixtgaga, and deaaehoid paymrnes ar grourd rents, if any, in tfxe tt€anntr
<br />prasrsded fader paragraph 2 txsrerd rx.f r-~ peed .n str<h rnarmer. by H.3rr-v+rcr ma-ang paytnertt. +rlt~t due. direcsty to the
<br />payee thertwt. Harrower shall pramptiy furnrsh us Leeader ate nauccs east amtwnu due under ihrs paragraph. acrd in the tsent
<br />Batstvrer shall ttxake payment drrectty, lkxrosver shalt prcxteptfy turntsh !~, Lender receipts rvidettcmg such payments.
<br />Hos'rowv snail proeeptly discharge nay fun whtrh has pnanty nvtr +hrs Mongagc, prov,:ied. that Borrower .hail na[ be
<br />w dras:hseg4 nay such kern w kx:g as Bcrtawcr she>i agree to wr€tang u, the payment e,l the obltgavon secured by
<br />such fees to s mrmater nse..rptaEttc to Lender, yr shat! in goad faith c<prtcst stt;:h leer 6v, ur defend entorcemctn at such [ten in.
<br />lsogal praesdrn~ which operate to prevent rase rnfeti'rtnent of tffc i,en „r forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />3. iiatarti Itasrearae. Bwrowu shalt keep t ;e i:nprvverr3rrtt, nt+u o:tstrng ur tsarralset r:c~trJ €m the Pas=party insured
<br />a;aits-t lets by $it, hazards erxclsnkd r+ithin the term rseersded c+rvcrage .end stub r,tixr hatards as !ender may reyuve
<br />aetf ie t~tll a9tavats arxd for stxh p€r as !.€x€r~r rtxav rea{utre. {~tc•a>tkd. that lsa» lcr ,hall r. se rcqutrc that the amuuni of
<br />scrdlt ±xwsragC escted that am4exnt u# _u=erase rcywred to pat fix sums utiurrd ~y thts Mortgage
<br />"i$e iesurasoe rattier pxovxing the tnwraw.e shall tre itxt,seet by &xrx>wer s€ri?{ect w approval by !.ender: pravtded,
<br />that r'aKh apprr~l shelf not be ua3earrxtaidY vrttttixdd. .hfl prsmtuem ,m utatsratxx pelttars snail t,e pmd in she mantxr
<br />prae;ti~# ~'ddsvr pa.~h Z t; c•., ,*.:~ pad :.~.~:: tttaatt;t, by Bs~z: _~ making pay€t~._rst, xt€=•r. ~,rt, ~€trsctly to the
<br />ist~sarst! ctatritt-
<br />drlS ~tla~Ce palt{~4 acid rcrsets'aft x-real ehali Lc to (urxa akccfi€at•fs €ct i. sr,.;<r aced aica+i - Rl€;.ic . ;tat:dard nxa[tfya~.
<br />a ra..~ of ~ :a t„~ _~ r~ t~~_ 1 riser lei have rtu rr~l:! t,~ tuxld tltr p+xi+:-tea end rrnewats thereof.
<br />and ~riotrta sfutf prsiraptly fttrnieh w fernier afl ranea,+ naetces arlcl ail receipts al paid premutms. in tlxc cvrnt of lass.
<br />llarru+waz ahalf gins pram: :wttcc to tht smrsratr:-e _'srrxt - T+ 1 t€zdtr- E trtsicr rsay ersfce prik+ of ins ti n.~.t mac;c promp€iy~
<br />by Ba ragrsr.
<br />Unkatl.t~ade~ and Batrux+rat athtrwtss rgttc to v.nttng, instxrrm~t pr.~ecds stxaii txe appiecst to restcxatiun «r rc¢air of
<br />the Y dutsa~d, prurufad stacb restttratxw svr repeat +a ecixxamruify tcas:ble and she axuray et th€s Mortgage is
<br />txot thereby eee~taerod. if such researavotx srt rtpatr n noe t-~,,rasxxxtcxtty tcasshte o[ tt the sccursty of the hinrtgags would
<br />dta tss~airsd. i~ tmrisaagQS pt+ii€asatifi snail be applecd ls' tree ssapa secured k,v ttm Mungage, with text erases, tf any. peril
<br />to Hret'tvsrer. df the Fiaperty rs abantfutsed by Hornwrer:.+t if Barrrrwer lath to rtspt?ad to f.etxster within 3U da}a from tht
<br />dart tsotisst u ttsaeled trY L w Harrvwu thu the erauraa.-e Lartxs :,fttn t.s settle a s.lasm for assurance befits, !.ender
<br />a asstAarisd so kroHect sad apply the ttxsurancs prsxaetis at I_t:rsdtr s ~,pteon etcher to rcatornuon or re{eatr of the Praperiy
<br />m to ~ taatns aorata6 ley tins S'darigase~
<br />ltdass Lcad¢r sad Horisiraer uiiservrtse agree .n wnang, an} until appiicatiwx of prtweeds to prirx;rpal snail nW ezlaxtl
<br />ar pwtpsxna rite dtse dsk at rite c:wnthiy intaalimants tcferrtx/ t.? en paragrapiss 1 end : hermt ur ~irange the amount of
<br />sssch ttgiONtrr¢n~. 1t utatita; ptars~grap6 ill hereof the Prapsrt} €s acyuutal by !.ender, all vaght, tttk acrd intereae of Borrower
<br />m sad to aey earuratae pl}lie~ and in atxd to tits prs?c itsersast rrsufttng frtmt damage to the Propsny pnor w the sale
<br />or aiada shall pans sa Ltesa~ to the e[tcat sn ilsr sums stxurecl t+} [h€s ~tartgagt irnatcdiaicly prior to such sale cu
<br />a
<br />tl. lssrtntrul`-std i-~saaaesatx of rsMe+i~ l.earlsalds; fwdrwYsilasaat PMrnM 4sdi I)erefo~ettass. Borrower
<br />s4td1 ktmep the Ilape[g in gsfod rmpair and sb~l toot cunterit wore ur permit urrpasetaeext ar tktet7oratian of the Property
<br />ens 'i ss ~~ of nay tf =~:.:~i~tgage ~ .;r a.~<,stid. if this :`,Stutg i; vse a w•ctt i.•s s
<br />ce a p3aead twit de4ef~t. Harrui5+<r ><hadl parts.rer€ ail s,t Horrawcr's ohhgaftnns under the dt~-tarattan
<br />or es~ ~ ~ ge+rernmtg the ctsatltxtxx,ntum ur plrtnextd unit deuefcrpment. the by-laws and rsgtciatians s,f the
<br />ar pisatnad trtxn tiertlt~mens. artd ccrntaituer[ tfnstexnenls. !t a rundc?rainium txr planned uctil dcveloptttcnt
<br />ri5f~ is >astd ley Est ~! rxrrder# t: gCtltct rosin this Murtrage. €hr: covcnanta artd agreements t+f etwh reeler
<br />siaH be tacotputWd tense and shall a and supptrtrmns the cuvettants and agrCCteiCS>ti of then 'Harigage as if she rider
<br />wsae a !mot lteitt~.
<br />7. irssdaa9lsre s# l.aair'a fistatlg~. if Hortsrxs~r feels tc pcrfarm e{se crrreaaacs aruf agretsrnerts cuntatrted sn the
<br />air if atyr as:Sioa ur praszapsliag ss eaxrneriegatd wiuuch materially atirAis lznsleri interest is ttu P•operty,
<br />±sly, bqt rtet l3mttas# ta, mshtgeat dnraaen. itsdtslvettty, cc~ enfurccaaent, ur arrangements of pnxeadiraga invaivmg a
<br />~ m dot, thaw i attdtrt at f.#afclt.•t'+a tvpttc+n, uptsn xunict s w Btxraxvst, eta} auks such apppratxscs, dsslxlrsc such
<br />essesa aasd rafts wth actiua ss is vartssasy u~ ~~tew=s Ltttdrr s ;ntestst, ~m3udietg. bv» eat hmu>+d to. ticsburt€crturts „{
<br />rtMtoaable atmrmsy'a fasts sml wry ugtstx the Property to sxtaite rrparrs. it !,ender r:~yuired nt•artLtags insurance as _.
<br />- .~ ~ ~ l.; t_~s ~- r,s.,=_=_ *_`I pnrp~ tf~ prc>*~i~~ rte t~, m.~:niatr. .es;.a
<br />-- - -- - ~ t = sttcft titer ;a the t~tA.rtt~.9t fm stab ~~.ra,~e ttrtta^~t~ :n wrxs w-ttd 1&.is-:uµ-cr'e 3txct
<br />