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<br />X31--{~~;~~`~ <br />susDlvlsl~N AGREEi~N1' <br />WZLLIS SUBDZVISION <br />Hall Count, Nebraska <br />'The urtccleersigned, Eugene F. Reed and Judith J, Reed, husband <br />a:sd wife, hereinafter called the Subdividers, as owners of part of <br />the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE~SW~) of Section <br />Twelve (12} in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of <br />the 5th P.~i., mnre particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the South quarter corner of said Section <br />Twelve; thence North along the centerline of said <br />Section 12 a distance °f 447 feet to the center line <br />of Seedling Mile Road, being the actual point of <br />beginning; thence S b2° 2S' 15" W a distance of <br />163.70 feet; thence :~ 0° 00' 00" W a distance of <br />941.5 feet: thence a $$° 25' 40" E a distance of <br />14.5.24 feet: thence 5 0° 00' OC1" W a distance of <br />861.73 feet to the point of beginning, ,and containing <br />three acres, more °r less, of which 0.17 acre, more <br />or less, is highway right-of-way; <br />desire to have subdivided as a subdivision the abave described tract <br />of land outside the corporate Limits but within two miles of the City <br />of Grand Island, and 'Hereby submit to *_he City C°uncil of such City <br />for acceptance as provided Uy Law an accurate rtap and plat of such <br />proposr~d subd:lviaian t;~ be k„~°wa as '~l1.LIS SiYBI~ZVISION, designating <br />explicitly! tl?e lard to be Laid Out and particularly describing the <br />la3tf4. , ~tx~@tS, and eBSLments [?e l.~n~~-T'i~ i`: C~ 5uCi1 3U~3ri ],V%92tIn, wis-t'T <br />is desi~-, at~~ Yy :~~sm=hers, st-e€ts by nR, an~i easementG by dimen- <br />aions, and propose to cause fire plat of such subdivision when finally <br />apprcaved by the Regional Planning Commission and the City Council to <br />be acknowledged by such owners, certified as to accuracy of survey by <br />a registered land surveyor, and to contain a dedication of the streets <br />tp the use and benefit of the public, and of the easements to the use <br />of public. service utilities. In consideration of the acceptance of <br />the plat of said WII.LIS SUBDIVISION, the Subdividers hereby consent <br />aid agree with the City of Grand Island. Nebraska, that they will <br /> or pravide at their expanse ttxe following improves:ents: <br />