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ii~ <br />~1-. ~~t,4~~~' <br />OitDZNA21tf~ :40. 5745 <br />~' <br />~~ e ~ <br />` ~ <br />An ordinance creating Sanitary Sewer District '+o. 454 is the City a€ Grand inland, <br />ltebzaaka; deflnfng the boundaries of t,Eee dfstr'_et: providing for the laying of a sanitary <br />sever main in said dfstrict; providing for plans and specifieatians and securing bids; <br />prow±diag for t:se assessment of special taxes for constructing such sewer and ecllection <br />thsraof; and providing far the effective date thereof. <br />EE ZT GADAZ~D BY ?Y.E N.AYDR P~i4 C0"~'NCZL QF TEE CZTY OF GRAND ISLAND, 2iSBRASRA: <br />SgLTZQtt 1. Sanitary Sever 4istrict No. 454 of the City of Grand Zsland, Nebraska, <br />is hereby ezeated far the laying of an ten-Lnch vitrified ciay pipe, az polyvinalehloride <br />plastic pipe, and appurtenances theretc. <br />SECTiCXe 2. Z?ae boundaries of such sanitary sever dfstrict shall be as follows: <br />Begitming at a point along *_he northerly line of the union Paciffc Railroad <br />riche-o_f-wav in the Northeast 2uarter fNE) of Section _°4, Township 11 <br />Eierth, Rangy 10 :test of ti:e qtr. P.'i. , ::ail County, ebraska, said point <br />2yfag 3tlo fact Southwest ~f the junction of LF.e northerly :tae of ~he <br />lhsioa Pacific Railroad right-of-way s:ith the Fast line of Section 24; <br />ttteace southwesterly s1onR the northerly ine of tP:e L'nion Pacific Railroad <br />right°of-way a distance of ;,L~I6`eet: thence deflecting northwesterly <br />rpendicular to the i;'nion =acifie F.aiiroacl right-of-way line a distance <br />of 2t3o :att. !hence dtfiectina northerly aieng the East line of the C'.5. <br />Nfghvay 'Ei right-of-way to a paint w8 fact from and ;~ezPendicular to <br />t!u Yort15 line~ot the v§sion Pacific Railroad right-af-way: thence <br />deflecting northaasteriy garallei to and ~6D fret from *_he North line :~f <br />cite utfion Pacific Rai?road r:~ht-cf-nay to o ,rvxnt ~$0 t`eet from and <br />perpendicular tc the point ^i beginnink; ~henee defleecinfi southta5terly <br />a distance of :84 feet to the ratnc of tegirnink, all ns shown nn the <br />pint naz;ced Exhibit "A" attarl:rd e~erecv and Incorporated herein by <br />referents. <br />58LTltgi 3. Said 1~rovtmeats shad bt made in aceordausct with plans and specifi- <br />ca€iaag prepared by the £ttgineer for the City who shall estimate the cost thereof, and <br />aiillilt the aarss to the City Cotsrcil, and upon approval cf the same, bids far the con- <br />scr~;icm of such sanitary sawtr shad bt iairen and ceriiract8 entered into in Lhe <br />aver provided cy la*s. <br />~~?~ 4- ?2te Best of c~=_rs~ties) of such improvements shall bt assessed against <br />Lht property within the district abutting upon the atcaet ar ether right-of-way within <br />idalch such sanitary sewer main will bt sonatrutted within such sewerage district to the <br />extaau of benefits to such property by reason of such improvement, and a special tax <br />shalt be levied at ant time to pay far such cost of construction ac soon as can be <br />aaceztained, as provided by law; axed, provided further, such special tax and asstaamtnts <br />shell c~atitutt a sinsiny, fex:d for the payBent o~ any bonds •yith interest issued foe <br />the purpose of paying the cast of such sever in such dfstrict; such special asstsamknis <br />shall P.a geld sad collected in a fund tc be designated and knave as the Sever and v7sttr <br />~rteaaloa flmd, and nut of which ail warrants issued for the purpose of paying the c<=sc <br />of such sanitary sewer shalt bt pa1d. <br />