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---.- <br />t r <br />~w <br />Tlrat miens purpor'~ing to be ~co~n Iaw liens`" ~rere fii¢d ny the <br />resident iienors with the respondent registers or` deeds in their <br />respective counties upon real estate owned by public officials and others <br />which real estate was never in the possession of the respondent iienors at <br />the tip they filed. the Bens. <br />The basis for these liens was ailegeti damages for alleged violations of <br />the rights o3 the respondent iienors. <br />" That the purported "common Iaw liens° so filed against real property by <br />the respondent Iienors are invalid, null and void ab initio with no force yr <br />effect under the IawS of tYie State of Nebraska. <br />The i~rovident filing of such "cvm~r~an law liens" against real property <br />hinders and obstructs the personal security of citizens of this state and <br />the reliability of the official books and records kept by the registers of <br />1--_,. <br />deeds and county clerks in their respective counties. The public coi~f~u~~~~ <br />in such retorxds is eroded by the filing of invalid instruments affecting <br />real property and is injurious to the integrity of the Legal system, the <br />welfare of the citizenry, and the public confidence in public records. <br />The #iling of such invalid "common law Liens" can affect the <br />performance of duty of the public officials against whom such liens may be <br />filed in the future, <br />There exists a present actual controversy with re.~ard to suc~ yurparted <br />"e* law Liens" for which =-^ere is n~a adegua%c ray at izw. T, he <br />.~~~r.,.. h~~ :~ ~twar riciht te, prevail and those persons against who liens <br />have been and will be filed will suffer irreparable harms by the continued <br />illegal appearance of encumbrance upon their root property. <br />"The relator is entitled €o judg~nL as a matter of Iaw upon the <br />evidens:e before this court_ <br />The relater is further entitled to an in?unetivn against the <br />respondents, Nb~rgary V. f3ioerg, Robert E. Blomberg, Jr., Thomas f. <br />~isri~, (manna S. Metering, and Larry Jaaes restraining and prohibiting them <br />a._r_3 Etc!! :,# the fry filing further purported "common law liens" purporting <br />to affect any *~al property in tt'~e Mate cf ;ietsraska and egniring each of <br />tl~er ter ezacute a release for each of the purpsartQd "common taw liens," the <br />s~s3t sf his stoic $s # in the 7'elator`s petition, within ten days of <br />er~#;rlt €ai ti~is, jutint or to subject thselwes to the proriston3 of <br />.~v,3tnt. ~~Z-122 {3teissue 197#l? and csntempt of court. <br />