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-, ~ ~ <br />~` 2N THE D2STR2£T COURT OF LANCASTER C{t3NTY, .#EBF.ASKA <br />.: t'- <br />STATE t1F N£BRAS%A, ex rel. <br />PAlfl. L. fN%16Lk5, Attorney General, <br />Relator, ' <br />~,. <br />~ v, ' <br />£ KEId~TN L. FER6USON, Register of ' <br />€_ deeds, Lancaster County, Nebraska; <br />£. HAR€}Ll3 053LER, Register of Deeds, <br />Douglas County, Nebraska; SHAREEPI' <br />LEF~R, Register of Deeds, Adams <br />County, Nebraska; JEANN F15HER, <br />Register of Deeds, Hali County, <br />Nebraska; FLDYO M GORGEN, County <br />' Clerk,tferrick County, Nebraska; <br />PiERLIt~ GU€R21~&, County Clerk, Howard <br />_ Canty, Nebraska; MARGOR7 V. BLOFtBERG; <br />i't~ERi E. SLOlg3ERG, JR; TH(3MAS f . <br />~f ~ S. 1~IEHRING; MICHAF_L <br />PAilLOSiCi ; LARRY JONES , <br />Respondents. <br />Dot. 337 <br />Page 240 <br />ORDER <br />C~BK`S OFfiCf, C:Sf~;C7 CCURi <br />lANCASii~2 r..GJ::iY, ':~ukl.:,+LA <br />F,t'L~U <br />.! L2 318:.1 <br />At'~Q99 HAHN <br />This metier came on for hearing on June 30, 1382, at the hour of 2:30 <br />, ulson Lhe Mcstion for Suamary Judgment filed by the State of Nebraska ex <br />rel. Paul L. Daasglas, Attorney t~enerai, Relator. Present at the hearing <br />were G. Roderic Anderson, Assistant Attorney General representing the <br />realtor, lisrgory Y. 1}iaerg, Robert E, R1s.erg, Jr_, and tarry Jones. the <br />file reflects that all parties received noti€e of this hearing exeept the <br />res~_r3t, Hlichael Pawloski, =ease interest will not be ad,uditated herein, <br />1~=s:€e w....~_~, ..eluding rn?~'.=ts ~ t:r~;:gh .: ~::r~ ;°rtif led <br />copies !searing the seal of the respective register of deeds Qr county clerk <br />of ~erporte~d "corra+on lar- liens" filed by the respective respondent lienors. <br />«,,,~fi:...~~° received in evidence were the pleadings in this matter, being the <br />petition and answers of the respective respondents. <br />r ~;'~, <br />*~ - ~ "' THE C011RT FINDS: <br />the court had jurisdietian of this action and the parties hereto and <br />.,._i!}at the Attorney General of the State of Nebraska is authorized to bring <br />; _ ~ Tint all parties received proper native of this hearing with the <br />exce~fa~+ of Ftichaal f'arrltsski w3-o was neat served rsicis susaaons ~nti2 Flay of <br />1. <br />That tlse~ i3 no gernsit~e issue of material fact and thai the only issoe <br />is t of lsy, tlsai bei~ ttse legs! effect of the purptsrt+ed "eosrmon law <br />iit~" files! Isy the respondent firs, <br />~'- 2 <br />