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<br />~? - ~~~i4~~07 <br />tt Far better stettrity of the indebtedness hsrtby stcttred, upon the vaguest of the mortgagee, its sutxtsst>rs <br />t# assess, tntxtgagar shall txtcxttt anti deliver a supplsmtMal tnartgagt or mortgages cavtring any additions, <br />igtpta5+tmt[tta, or txtitrments risade to the property hereirtabove described and all property acquired by it after <br />the date hereof (ail in form satisfactory to tttangageei. Futhtnaore, shvuhi mortgagor fail to cure any default <br />ip the payment of a prior or infsrtor ancumbrantx on the property described by this itsstrumrnt, mortgagor hert- <br />by asree< to petsnit tnortgagxe to cure such dsfank, but mtxtgagee is rust obtit:ated to da so; and such advances <br />shall become part of the ir>delrtedrtess secttrtd by this ittstruttsent, subjeM to tht same terms and conditions. <br />t. The rights createxf by this conveyance shah remain in faii force a»d effect during any postponement or <br />eutsttsiOn of the tittx of the payment of the itsdebtedtsess tvidersctd by said promisatsry note or Hotta, or any <br />part thereof secured }itrtby. <br />f. To cantittawtsly maintain harard ittsuranct, of suds type or types and in such amrnsnts as the mortgages <br />trtay frtms rinse to tithe require on six improvements now or hereafter on said Property, and wit! pay pr~PdY <br />arhen dne arty premiums theetfor. A0 insurance shat! be txrri~ in companies acceptable to rtsortgagce and the <br />palieies and renewals thereof shall be held tsy mortgagee and have attached thereto !nss payable clauses in favor <br />of and~n form acceptabk to the mortgagce. [n event of loss, mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing <br />to tttartgaget, and mtmgagce may make proof of loss if not made promptly by mortgagor, and tack insurance <br />company concerned is hereby authorized and'direrted to make payment for such loss directly to mortgagce <br />instttK} of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, may bt applied <br />by martga~e at its option tither to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration ar <br />repair of else property damaged or destroyed. In event of foreclosure of this mongage, or other transfer of tidy <br />to said property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secvrtd hereby, all right, title, and interest of the <br />rstart$agor in and to any insurance policies then in forcr shall pass to tht purehasrr or mortgagee or, ai the <br />aptiwt of the snortga#ee, may be surrendtrrd for a refund. <br />g. To keep ail tnatdirsss and other imptovemenu an said property in good repair and condition: to <br />p!tmit, t~tmit, of suffer rw wash, impairmen[, deterioration of said property or any part thereof; in the event <br />of failure of the mortgagor to keep ehe buildings on said premises and those erected on said premises, ur <br />improvements. thersata in good repair, the mortgages stay make such repairs as in its discretion it shay deem <br />ttscsssary for the proper preservation thereof: and the full amount of each and every such payment shall be <br />irnmetiiaitiy due atxl payable: arsd shall be secured by the loin of this mortgage. <br />h. Td tsot voiuntari[y create csr permit td to created against the property subject ro this mortgagr any 1stn <br />or {Kos inferior to the iitn e~f this mortgage without written consent of the mortgagee: and father, that mort- <br />gagor wilt keep and maintain the same fret from the claim of aii persons supplying lobar err materials for con- <br />struction of any and all bttitdings ur improvements now toeing ereetsci t>r to be erected on said promises. <br />i. 7a not rent ur assign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property ex demolish, or remove, or <br />substantitlly alter any bttitding without the wrrttett consent of the mortgaice. <br />j. All awards of damages in cartssec~tion with any cc>ndctnaation for public use of ur injury to any of the <br />pttspetty ubitct to this rnortgags are hereby assigned and shalt let paid tee mortgagee, who may apply the saute to <br />payment of tits inttalirtxnts last due under said tease, and tnartgagse is hereby authorized, in the Warne of slit <br />Via, to c~sa-`tit2 attrsi delt.~. vwl:d a~gttitta thtrtfsf and to appeal frosts eny such oward. <br />k. the mangagee snail stave tfie rigtN to insert she tttartgaged prtntises at any reasonable time. <br />1. "I'ts comply wish =.tx provi :ores of a€[y leant if this ?~sxt~e a oa a itasnitoid. if this `Nartgagt is an a <br />unit in a ctnr#ttt;tiniam or a planned unit develapmrnt, Harrower shalt perform all of Borrower's otrligations <br />trader the deseiatratian of covet-nnts ctYatina or govsxaittt! the urtuiomietium or platttxd unit devdaprttent,tht <br />by-4ws aced re;ttiatioas of the caredaHrt-nitsen or plantxd unit developttsent, and conatiturnt docuttxnts. <br />Z. De€ault in any of the covenants m cot~itwns of this ittsttumen[ or of ehe note or loan ageemcnt secured hereby <br />shah ts:nninate the tttartgagor's right to psassessnms, use, and enjaytnent of the property, ai slit option of the <br />ttuutyrtgce of assi~s fit being agrttd that the martgasot shall havr such right until default). Upon any such <br />deftwlt, the mortgagee snail becastie the owner of cep of thr rents and pro(tu accunng after default as stcttrity for <br />the ittdtbtedtre:€s securssi hersby, with the right to ewer upon said property for the purpose of collecting such <br />retux ate profits. This iastrurasttt shall opsxate as aA atsigtttttent of any rentals on said propsrty to chat extent. <br />3. !f the ttxsti`agtx defaults. and fails to make any payments when due ur to conform to and corriply with any df <br />the edndi#ivac cx agremts contaitud in this rnartgagt of the notep which it xcures, thin the rntue ptincspai <br />wta mast r~ruttd itttertst shai} at ontx bescarrte situ and payable, and draw 16+a pet cent 116.4 ~) interest <br />ta`~ristct~ ttl ~ at €ht eietriarrt of the rnaftg; Had titir, rnari trtay thetttsrt rte forte ittttt~diattly <br />f;x tf# ~ t+f-the t heteiry secured. including the ct~t of attending tits abstract of this from the <br />date of tl ~ to the tuns of toette€ecittg h astir. <br />4, der the of a ft~*+ sx default at, pravidad herder, the martgaaoe shall at max be sotitkd w the pos- <br />st~ ure7 aresi ~ of that real estate aforsasid atul to the rant, issues, royalties, atxi prafttc thereof. <br />t€t f a~t+:ruir~ of su¢h rights am3 dtsritrg the ptttdtm-Y of fortctasuee prescs:dings and stseh posctsxians, ete_, <br />s aii s itc: ~~l fa the ~ upon rtx}taat, upon €ailute suede delivery of swh possesssan may he <br />eafwcaad sty tgprtg, by nay appr~iatt isaal p~saotxx#ings, including a rseeivsr Ear slit prapertr. <br />t. l`ht pry of aey Wit: t'f s~ prtapmrty in arc€srdatrs.~t wuh the prn:edisg paratts'aphs shall he applied fir4t to <br />pt[Jy t~ S of s . tt~ et~pQ«cps an~Ifara ~f the 8~ig's$ec` icy the irlsysc :>f p~rc*ta~ttig c-r <br />steed ptst#tcrty. tiiY, sts p4y ilea i~ ssevred hereby; attd thtrdiY, err f*ay arty sesrpitss 4;r <br />ter tai ~ rat fy ~ tltttrs~tt.-. <br />