<br />~1- ~t(i39~~
<br />*AORTGAGF LCJA"e "<f~. 3. 23,98D
<br />1Qridw Al.l. At&*t 81' Ttt£SE PRESE'~TS Tint DGtlgid8 R. Fi3TII7, a single peTSCdl,
<br />Martgsgar, wtuttrer orse or trtore, in tnrtsdenticm of the sum of
<br />~~`~-----_--- DOLLARS
<br />bmpd to ~ atastga M Ttsa E~sitabk 8uiidtag sad Loan Asmcsstxsn of Grand island. Nrhraska, Mortgagac, upon 35p shoes of senric of
<br />seid ASSOfiATit~sl, Certiisau !tio L 23,980 . da hereby Brant, asrtvcy and trwrt{~e unto the said ASSOC2ATICiN [he fta(fo+rirtg
<br />dauribed real e~ate, sirstated m Ftal1 County. Nebraska
<br />THE :AST~2LY -'Iti~O f 42} F',€.'FiZ' JF LaT TF2Q f 10)
<br />AbtD 'IH£ 6tiE5'I~2LY ECEt'TY-FOUf? f 4~) F'EEr fJF IlJT ~r'Vl:ST
<br />f 11) , ~T VTFS•d 1ZF'if: StJBDIVISZt~t, LEI THE CITY
<br />C1F {:D LriIlASsT7, H}1I.L C(l[ReTTY, 2~ASKA.
<br />ta6e{}t~rr xytis a21 fhr tacscarenrr, htredrtsa~nts and appnrtrnanczx !hereUniu i+eto:tyang,..nciudtng attschad t}oar :uvcnnps, all window xcttent,
<br />aniWaw shade%, bturrts, aicrm wsndaws, axnmAs.:uattu£, eat ~urdtt:s.rnn,~„a^,d p!urnhm[ sod u:atrrcycupmentand acceswries thtrtto,pttmps,stows,
<br />re¢riaasatoss,stud other fixtares assd cyauprttert new rat hrrcafrer atiacitrd t« :er uYai ssr c<mncctwn wath card rra! tstatr.
<br />Artd wtrrrtas ttse sera! rrroregsgtr;v !ws aEreed xnst doe: hcrrtw antes lost the ~xrt~tsx shelf and wr}l ;say akl taxes and assesvexats levied or
<br />asaettaeei apsan laid ptrrtssses arm upon thts ssxixt~,e aasd tttc txind xrurcd :ttcxe!`y~ hefurc the %arvu zhifi becurtu delinyuent; m fttrnbsh approved
<br />rttst~atsrt ~s tfsx huts .m sans prantrsts s?«uaud sn :=,r ;exm :a S 35 Ot70.00 F:ayasbe su vsd ASSf3[ 3ATION acrd sa deliver to said
<br />ASS{TCIATiGV ttm pu}~ Im wd tnsueane2. and rn,s to tammn or peamr~ any wastr .ar „r aM:ut said prtntues.
<br />1n sere .rt deiautt m the perivrrtranir -rt env ,:t shr rernts and :..snciatrerns ~,i t!vs srxarga~c ~r firs bond securod hereby. the ttxsrtgagee shall.
<br />:m ::tm%atrl. '•r; rntstisu i:; intmed=ars ps.raexsa:xs =.! r; ,-,srrt~sgtd y,rrmsscs and ilk ;:wrt~ag„+ r:ct.n,, assigns, transfers and stns over rra tht
<br />ttvsttgagc+e al! the rtnts, rtvenrrrs srsd :nu<nsc t~, rs• der~crd t: srne thr sra,rsttsyrS ;srrm:sss >IUSrrsg w~!; sursc as the murtjt7ttte sndrbirdness shat! rerresin
<br />unPOid~ asst tht mrrrtga~a' sha36 twror t?;e pow=er sa appntnt any agtnt ur akrnsx .s rtuy drserc le,r ttte puvpose a! rapatrtryt said ptemarts and teniiag
<br />tht tztne amt axlfr+ttstg the ants. rtvensxs and rnn~srer. and n nsaY pay +:ut s,t card ine;omr ad! expenses -rf rcpeutng urd premtsn and neceuary
<br />artd cansrtaea ;ncs«:rad to rrnturg and ;nab !hr tangy and .:t :~srit~zteng =nnta!% thsrairum: tht balanr rsntamirt~, il any, to be
<br />aC+i tarward thr drs~:urrge r,t v,d mt£rt~ytc rndcbredrress, xksear r~t,ta .,± iF,r nx.t:xattee n>xr 6r rxsressed at any rune dureng the exnttnee of sueh
<br />dafanit, itvtspitcr.svr .ef any- ;emtxx any wa++xt < the sattrr
<br />T1~sr fhesntz, hrrxartr, ase .eprxs t:s t +,ndztsrn, l~.st at *t,e sxaa ttttrtga{t~=, _.s3t repay -a:d t.san ,~.. ire ?xYara tbu maturny ni sand shams by
<br />;s;;:-~:t; p=; ,:_-~;~; ;.. ~_,i f4=irt[-t3;t:_e?,::.p ,!.., , n, ;~7~=_t s.. ,sue w:rd ~__,s~~ ts.rtsr =_ ,..tz.a.t _-~d fx..t:= pat ~,;n ~ti? tsf~a, „rr rt !ufota
<br />rite "i'YSxntuttr dal -ti , an9 cxry r>~rrth .,rst=1 sa,d uaarx ;s tuff card. Pay sit taxer aY.d x=rrs$titantr t against sand Prttntars az?af vn ihts Matt
<br />asd tt~ idend ~,:tiz'€t tL{rt`F, t~#~,r€ ,t~-nyi:y , is~n:t-P. a:.= :,_ =a=ura„tz r;}ten e*e t-us~lu:~3 :ef+e~a ;:_. the ~tm a. f S 3 `S, Q00, Q~1 payal:;e
<br />- t, - - -° ti - ,...tea .. ~,.-- am art ;as a;..-t, -„%usa; G =tt:: •°tEte-at
<br />the en~ix~e2rttm kiat rate tttrrr.:n atom singe .r? pas nrtnt ell •,t urban 4t •r[wsP r hrsrbrF attrees tsr pat . prrmis ns, Wasrs •in said Premises. keep and crmpiy
<br />rritb all zhe agmtnenta and sr~ndn:srt v? shr &~rrd fix S 35, (}pOt~O :!trs dsy ~;~a+i ''^v +!tt said \tntt~agut t.a sand ASSCJC'IATIt)N, and iUmpiq
<br />seNh aU the rege~asuaats ~ the Can%trtutron ens Hy-taxs of satd.xS.y{3C'IAT!(1v. =hcn t:tcsc presents shall tmtatt~ null and o-t»tl. otherwise thty
<br />titaN rtntsut rat full ttsres artd rosy tse tosasksses at thr .sptnm of she sand q_SS(JC'1,4T10!v site: failure !or three months to makt any ut sasd
<br />paYtsscnta +H >x tbrea raxintha an atrrars rra nuistr~ sent ttsonthis payn+rnts...rr :n keep avid a,rmpiy wnh the sgrterixnts and rssnditians of said &md:
<br />sad G{wtgip{ur agues to !wvr a rrt riser appurrtrd fsrthwnh ra surfs 3a:scf<ssurr pruceadmgs
<br />ti titers u array cbstrg< rra awvatssJup of Ihr real estate trwxiga~ed tserem, tsy sale ur otherwise, Theo the enure stmairuag indabtedrtess hertby
<br />sackeieat sfsall, at the uyettoa ut The F.aFwtask fWddugt and Lunn Assucutxm. of t;saad Nand. Nebraska, txtxamt nrunedstteiy due attd payaltk wtthrwt
<br />fuethes rwtue, au1 ttte atawunt rasnrurutg dun =ruder sans ieond, arsd any other frond fur any additwwd advancts made thereurtdtt. shad, frtsm iht
<br />Sate e+t exss.~ of sah) rgtiem,`+aav rntreest ar ilea maxunum ~ ratr ,and this murtiagt may than be fareciumd to arufsfy the snsottnt due an said
<br />t+rYnd.anri say rxttw band iw addna~tta! advsrtUrs, t~+itnct~s xsih all wars pasd by sera: Ths [gtntahk $uildug arsri Loan Association set Graad [stand,
<br />WQsa~sa tear rasrx~3Y. !a+~ar}d asaes~+srnti, sod aGssta~t._rtg c+ltesi~n Jrar~t%. with uttsra%z ~herecsa, Tram dau of Paymtnt at tote rn~e tntum
<br />tsrga! rou.
<br />Aa #rsavYdasl m tM Itoatl asturd hereby, wfsiir thss rrwnwge ernsams m rifer: the rvwrrtgsigee rrs%y hercsfiar advattot addutruwl sums ru the
<br />rmaitess .sr said Bona, tlstsr assse;ns ca sty. sous sn us_"crcu. ~irah sums shall iv wnhrn sire srcurity cat this mtxtgaga [ht sarr~ as the toads ursgrrxiIy
<br />^rcur;nt tbetaby, chi tarsi srsxturtt ,rf prsss:spal debt rsee ;.-. rsa`sed at era} t:mr shr .,ttgmat artxsuni et ibis mertasge
<br />~uald this tli day r3ut 4. D., tg 81
<br />~~ .
<br />~. -
<br />~ii1'~ Oty tilEAiiAH[CA.~ b. Ern toss 4ttt day of 1Si1g43St !v $1 . tseitm trss,
<br />cc~f~txv c?~ ~
<br />sire ut;riarr~ass#, a tictary posts:. ~ ari.i t+,t r,axS t.'„rrty. a~~=' k
<br />~r s d $.iiKjl~ ~7BIYCTZ• 'vhD 13 persnrratfY kaxrwn to
<br />ars tar lee ttra a1et pcrt+an wgwysa ttaara yg of#ixad nr the altLrva snsuunraast as rrusrtgagru seal he
<br />%>!ee attd ou%rtament ire bt ?~~} vgtaata:y nr srsaf ,
<br />exp~a%
<br />-_ s
<br />~ ati~r aa~. -fie r ._ _,~ : _ .. _ _ _ -~itarg'rti'o~'a~w -
<br />a?~ts as tr-r ~a, tAts t`t
<br />