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r-°~- <br />c~S~----(~:1~~3~ <br />The t`lorth =dineteen and !art alf ,19 lit! acct=s of vhe Southwest <br />~ixarter of the Southeast quarter (SS':,S£~) of .Section `7ir_etetrn (19) <br />in Tot~rrtship Ten 110} 'dorth, Range ElevFz; S11} t=est of the 5t:^. P. '~ , <br />in iiali aunty, f.ei3raska, and <br />lot :dine ?9) cf the Caunty Subdivision of cart of Section ?~iineteen <br />1~) , TG`x+T71S h:. ~' 'iLn iv} `Jar t:z, tiZanGe %l ev .:n ,iii i~eSt ^I` the ~tR Y.f~l. , <br />in i18i1 Caunty, i4~rasica, iexeez~t,.nt; ttte last i~8 feetthereo£), <br />a1St3 xno-an aS al i. theft ,ar L. of ti-ie '_vCirthwest ~iidrter of the? SOU rhea St <br />~~zarteY €=d~i~SE~) of SaiCl Section t?ineteen !i~}, desc=ribed as follows: <br />Beginning at a point i%i feet mast of the Sauthwest corner of said <br />i3197istS'Et'6, thence East ?~9 r,'3 ::eet, t}isrce Narth 6&~ feet, thence 4dest <br />358 1/3 feet, _u th{, '.n.G;a ?aci' is ;<aiiway company's right of way, <br />thence Westerly alone tht~ :3outh z:nr~ of sa:ci r:ght of way to the <br />West line of r3lock 1 ~i the taonci Rivr?r :^rattin^ Association's Addition <br />to idaod Ricer, thence- Scuts ~' : eet, thence Easterly aiarig a line <br />parallel wzt:t anti i° meet South -~r said :°..qht ca` way tc a point 238 <br />feet East aF the ~ctp~.nd~~c: S~ic:st, of said 91ack 1 6f ?VOOd River <br />firotting Asso[.:iat.on's i:a,v~tion o r.';looti 2.;-;>er, th.=_nce South to the <br />ialace of bec~nt:t ~s. <br />tagethct with all rplan, mterrrts, easements, 'arrcditaments anti appurtenattres tisereunto 't.obsnt¢nR, tfre rents, usuea, and <br />proiita thereao£ aml rcvcnurs and izru>me tticcefrnm, ,dt improvetnenta and persrxna} property anw +rr later attached thereto or <br />reaaeuah3y necessary t® ehe use etzeteoi, anciuriirzg. but not inuteci u>, tary:,cx. ;eiriy~erators. ;iczehes washers, ~lo[hea dryers, <br />or atper~g Qtttclsxseai cu 'i,~tancrei i:a W#ar,le ~;r sn }tart v.ath lash iranas. ski .eater. water tz~'tts...nd water stncr pntainitrg <br />thtyeto, as: all parmetns at any time -twtn}; to Snrrowcr i.r vi=reo nt any sale, ieax, u'uzsfer. ~:onvcyancc, or <.un mention <br />of any part Cheteof sx interest e4ftrtut-ail ,zi w}slob ue herein called -'the prnpcrty"~, <br />T(} zsiAlrE Rl~T}'3'4) tit?Lt3 tize pmpmq :into the C;uvtrnmen[ and acs awn. t:areeer to ter sunp}t. <br />~(3itRt)WEit for i3urmwer x scll, }karrower's bees. rsetutars. admtrrsauattrzs, xursessurx and assaytns WARRifN"T'S 7}iE <br />_T I`i..E to -s Re ptvt~sty to inr i;~-r.•rx sz mcnt :c~au:xz ai] taweui <-iarmn an;3 ,remands whatsoccrr r~xcept anv 'ticns, cncumhtances, <br />~rxt:, resersaatiuux, to <<*rsveyaax:es stxcx z!ua ?sere maboee, and t'[?VFti ANTS A~tlr Ai±itEES ax is<?lcars; <br />. J paw -- ~'•:qtr- -- ~ ~ u -- _'- P.a. Yt:.:iz-' 'v ..:~ -~' _---i,-i, T__ _ _ _ -_LUS -sir 'i 'nii[`,Tin'~ " " na3 q[ - r__-_ <br />~~ =~€ ~--;~ tY __e _~_~... _ _._ --' ._, ,.,~ ..~::~ - .~~,.... a a~i':.:ttt i.s+ rt"~u.. raK;e}} <br />t;;raa Pi[en CFf3 ntiric u tacaa n4' an CraatarEil iatllr~r_ r`"sn.-rowat ~sttgil ~uOt4=sac t , ensSe za8yn±rnt?'. `ta the n4t^ • • etze LiG•tet Rrtterrt, <br />: ,. 'ia .sip sans sa:r a_~_ 6ss1~_e- <br />:2} Ttz nay _o flu ti:nrerrttr~r:t kph ?=c=_ ~, ~ .:;--- -- = e :,a n!a4• a<sw <.: I;~rr3tts:.~ rr£~usr~d br re~ariura ui tha <br />~;~:. i-i.;,wc r°susnirusisasiwn -- - ~ - - <br />';37 if rsquiresl zvp she tievcr~tlat4nt, t~ zrzaitc __;dz[>±fnal nwnthty yaynsatas ut ?i}3 of the estunaud annual tsars, <br />aaxssnteau, vzstuartce prat»ntrns and <ather charr;es upon tits murta;aitcvi premises. <br />4j iVhesitcr csr tsar the note :x u;su:cd ~.y the c=ove: nuxrnt, the i.~uvernrnetzt ;nay at any ttme pay arty other amounts <br />te~uurd here to ie pzid eir Barrtiwer and nuz patd av ticrtxtrwea when Snc, as wet! ax any coats and expenses fur the pre- <br />serraiiun, protea;ttaxn, ur rntcxcetnent of thin sets, ax :.s=eances for the ar:count of iinrrower. Ail such adratzccs shall bear <br />intetese at the rata bunts 4y the Hutt which }ass the iti~iaest zratcrest rate. <br />e rJj ~}} atlt+astt;8a by rtie 4asrsrtttzeni as d2xlttl+ed In Ehz9 ut9trrarilCnr, wtih zntetes[, Shall k)8 llrzrnedla[cly t93rt and {rxy- <br />atskc he Fics~owet to tsar ta+3e8rturerns .wishaut .~ttaand as th¢ uiac£ designated ir, the latest note anti xitail he secuteei hereby. <br />4itz xuS31 advanu }ry ekae t}ovtrsuacnt S7sai} r2izeve fiurruwet irosn vrrai.h of Rorrawer'x covenant to oay. Seth advances. <br />with znterast, shad trc rr~,cid ;runs tha tirst avaslabie tokkctiutas ererivecl from i3t,rruwer. +hhcrwtsr, any payment matte by <br />>Dwrrosrca may he aQpitez# oa: :tae Harr ,~r .;nr ;ntirbtedncsx tts the (;cverntnent xcurrd hereby rn auy order the i:t,vernrncnt <br />tfsrremi~ates~ <br /> <br />~ ) <br />it e <br />t...) <br />r <br />t <br />~a <br />