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<br />F.tiS7T~3T FOt~ ?tTi4hIC JTILi:IES
<br />1#3i.i1!!1 GLIItI'L'Y TO'id~,tE}OI3SE& II, a Nebraska partnership, herein. called Grantor,
<br />in consideration of d~ ~~~ S:J,~~ , receipt of which is hereby
<br />acknowledged, hereb-a grants and conveys unto the
<br />a ~unieipal corporation in :tali Caunc;, Nebraska, herein called Grantee, a
<br />permtanent and perpetual easement and right-af-way to survey, construct, inspect,
<br />maintain, regain, replace, extend, remave and operate thereon, public utilities,
<br />including hoc not limited to electric power lines, water mains, sanitary srwezs,
<br />storm sewers, gas ~in5, telephone :fines, pipe lines, =rains, cables, surface
<br />markers, and other appurtenances cannected therewith, in, upon, above, along,
<br />acroac„ underneath and through a cram ~~i t.and located in Hart of the Aoliday
<br />Gar~nn 3,~eax~d ~,in~tivi~: ic,n, ;in ;idd3tic_~n tz~ LhE L'ity ui :rand Island, Stall CJ LLD CY.
<br />Nebraska, axare particularly desr.ribed :is follows:
<br />7b 'eet wide permanent .,tilities easement in tart caf Holiday
<br />i;arc{en :~etcnd `iubdfvisian. _rn ;Sdc7liion to the Cite of fvrand
<br />lslanci, itaii t;ounty, Nebraska, the <<enterline of which is more
<br />particularly :teserihed ,35 fntlovs: t:o~cencink ;:t the Southeast
<br />Corner =sf said tlolida,~ +>arden Second tiub<li.vfsicrr.: thence
<br />'i t?°!7'is" ~ far 165.90*~eC to the true ;wint of beginning;
<br />thent:c: '.~} Hcs°.~":.+'~" E[sr 1:)'.72 ?eet tc~ a c?f?` bend• thence
<br />S Ct°7S'4" w ;crt 3i•.:?!I feet to the end •,f the easement.
<br />.1iso :3 2U Feet Kidr-, perr.~anr.nt utilities easement in part c+f
<br />Holiciav ~;arci`n Se:cc~nd Subdiuisien, :an Addition ro the City 13f
<br />t9rnnei ,slanct, Stall t:a3unty, ;ietirasi.a, the ~ enteri fine +:r which is
<br />:ire ~rssrticu7ariv deacrii~ed as 'i;ili?tas: Coa~neinfi at the
<br />~4ert:t:east c~~rner cif gait; tolidaY `+arden ~yc~~nd .~ubd?vision;
<br />th£„>~= _ .,'t=~" it..^,.t _,;~ ~ar=..r1_• _tne ,_=f .~aiu ..~licda,• ~ard~:~
<br />Second SuGdllvisi.~n to tiie 5outherls~ litre of ctn exiscinx tb' wide
<br />L~tiiities casement ft=r lt+.t)t~ fret: thence N k~°ih,~S" W "ion
<br />136.11 [eat along the -;=1d Sautheriy line rf tiie c~xihClttg Ib'
<br />vide Utilitiex~ Fasesieut to the true lwini of beginnin#; thence
<br />S t7°U6'10" E far 203.tit?ieet an the centerline of ttte 20' wide
<br />Ltiliti+ea F;asement to the end ~5f t'r7e easec:~nt,
<br />togeciter wftt~ the Yollowiniy rights:
<br />Jnrestricted ingress and egress to the at`AVe-deb::ribed tract :;f land for
<br />inetrallatian, tnainteaance, operation, and removal of such ;public utilities and
<br />appurtenances.
<br />Such ri};httt of itfgresa anei egress shexll in::lutt$ <tIl rights necessary for
<br />the full end cuarpete usce, e~ccupation, and enjoyment of the easement herein
<br />t;rantssd, including ttte right to eaeavate and refill ditches :tnd trenches, tc~
<br />rur~, clear, and troop clear trees, buyhea, hedges, candergrnwth, and other
<br />kb~trLLCtit-rns interfering, with the surveying, construction, inagection, ~utin-
<br />te~tttce, repsair, repl.e~cement, f:xttension, removal, ur :>perativn ~_zti such =-stiliCi.c~;~,
<br />- i
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