<br />
<br />Kenneth 3. Knox and Ptariiyn M. Knox, Husband sad wife, and i?avid E. Philippi and
<br />Nataad L. Philippi, husband and wife, as tenants in ca~crn, herein c..lled Grantoz, in
<br />conaideratian of ~'.~-S..r'~L- L-~-, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,
<br />hereby grants and conreys unto the
<br />a municipal corporation 3n ??aIi County, '.+ebraska, herein called frantee, a permanent and
<br />tseruetatal easement and right-af-way to survey, construct, inspect, maintain, repair,
<br />reprice, zxtend, remove, ant operate thereon, overhead and underground public utilities,
<br />including but not lS:r:ited ro, electric utility Lines, telephone tines, cable t.v. lines,
<br />and all other appurtenances t:vnnected therewith, in upon, above, along, across, under-
<br />neath, and through a sixteer, :: i6} ?not vide tract of :and .omprising a Hart of Lot Four
<br />{u}, Island, together caith the ar_eretion ?and thereto, and part of the `torthvest tjuarter
<br />c;f ih+~ Southwest a„carter (4'+,~,5~~1, a-LI iacated :n =~ectiva `Twenty Seven i27}, Township
<br />Eleven Ill) yortix, Ranste `:ine (°) :Jest, ;:~f the nth P.M., Eiali county, Nebraska, the
<br />a
<br />Eaateriv Sine of which is ire particuiar3v desr_ribed ss follows:
<br />aeftlaning at rf;e :cutHw+est +c~rrer a~f ±.ot ?'Hitt} tour t34} of Matthew's
<br />tiubdivision: thence ..ortherlr ,long the «e5t .ine =~f said Lct Thirty Faur
<br />::~1, _~ uistnnce .~t too hundred tvent± (2~4.;s? feat. ro :a paint can the
<br />t=€nterline =:{ th,r wort!: ~;tannri t rho Pl:~tte itiver. ~:iid tract of i.and
<br />r.antainink ~.:iFS r.reH ~orc_ +~r ;ass .sa :,boon ~+n ..':e r•lac dated 3/18/81,
<br />~..ark~ed Exhibit ~~:~". :tetacht:c, `.,ert~ti ,:nd incnrpsratru .;grin .=y reFerenee;
<br />wish the rigid :<^ ^3ace ,~lGCt.ri=.a3 :ine anchors =~r anchor, vitH ;uy vitas
<br />&LtaChi`d t-CF¢Ft'to ;.*n `: !`ant=ar ~t= ^YC!p~Tt .•, :;g StlcritTl 19 "ant'l7t=Y £RF4 ~J8En t" on
<br />the jai: €:xhi~vit „i"
<br />i °..uci 5.a tom; t.s€ ;: 31 ~;:inri ~,:.ta.
<br />unrestrictesi ingr€ss .n€3 egress across c..rantc,r's prvperts• for anY ?'urpvse necessary
<br />ltt :t~nnection wstn tt« curve.: icJter~tru%ti:"sn, intg~tt'-!!loft, mai[,terxaYice, repaiY`: Peplaetrmt:nt,
<br />>extension, r'es~vval, Eancl operaifon stcets +_ctilities and appurtenances.
<br />;rantee slaail have ftnll and .-orsple:te use, oeeupation, and enjoyment of the easement
<br />anti riititt-tif-snap herein ,ranted, including ttte rigtte to excavate and refill ditches and
<br />trenchts, to remove. :.:lent, aztd keep clear trees, roots, bushes, :}edges, undergrowth,
<br />and other vba:tructions interfering with the surveying, c:onmtruct:ton, Inspection,
<br />t~intenatace, repair, t~p:sacc~nt. extension, tersrrvai, +.r operation 4> :such Ettiiit.ies.
<br />?it? 1[~roremants, structurrac, ar buildings of any kind whatsoever, shall be sllvwed in,
<br />scutrrs, shsivs, Eel€xtag, acrx~ss, tauderneati't, yr thrauvst the eaaat and rich!-vi-way herein
<br />gt`~ied. grantee athall Hat he t=eid ;.Sable far the reffoavrii of sutra improvements,
<br />s~ru~t~r, cr buiidin'gs ii stay arm plae~d within the ~a~sement and ri#;ht-of-wasr,
<br />ill eieetrlc :xtiiity lines, tel:ep"ttsxne lines. cable t. v. linen, sod ether
<br />Pue~enaraceec c:aizraactad titerewfth, placed in, u>•sart, tt3tave, aloa#t, acratas, undarnea€h,
<br />a y~r~-,~~ ~s~h s-.~...,~x.> ana.F ti;~htf=~ea3, ~,.a12 ,~,.,ain th€ p..:pGrt3 ;-f the 3.,~ntta.
<br />