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8I•- t~[1.sY ~s~~~~l ~~ <br />Leadirs's wrt4ats amt or itpp3icabie taw. Horrasvtr slxs}i pay the arsauta ~ aIt triaRtgasge :z;3uraturx prtmiutrts in tltc <br />tawssr pry tsndm paragraph 2 trtaif <br />Anp anaosssaa d7rbtssed try I.eodxr pttrstiant to rhea garagrsph '. with iutcrtnq' tlrsrean. shall ixcorne additianaz <br />i~ r~ R-,,.,..,.., sxattre~d ~x st;tsf Mart.;t~_ Unl~x H~rrawer and Isndtr agm to ;rtlttr zcrms rf gayrtsent. slash <br />aetattrrla shalt bt ~pabk upon rtotics from Lender zo lttrrrower regttcsting pavment thereof. seed sha}3 riot interest from the <br />davfle >~ at the rate i~ from time to flme oa autssaai prrztetpal uridEt t}zt Note imtesa p~a;trtsrtt of <br />itttiez~ >u stse#t titre xvatrtd lx cotttnry m appticabte taw, in which Hutt such amotmn shall i+ur inttrr.5t at the highttst rate <br />peraai tt~es' ~ 3aw. N~hing crsttaiaed in this paragraph 'shalt ndgtairt I.endtt to inettr say tspersxu or take <br />itay aetiaa #. <br />R itatta. Lender easy make or cause to be made rcasonatde carries ugan seed ittspixtiara of the Protnzty, provided <br />tt~ I.a!t~t shag give Borraartt tttxica gr}or to say ser~h inspeczmn xgatfying rrasembk cause tfterefar related za I.ertdtr's <br />iatsrtat in tits Fsoperty, <br />~'. Cesriraoatafint. 'iht proceeds of a:n' award afi claim for damages. direct or cnrsegtimtial, in connoetian with any <br />cartatirm ix tsttfer taking of tree F'raperty. or part thtrextf. c+r for conireyanct in lieu ofi coademna#itm. art hereby assigned <br />sad shalt Ise paid to Letti4cr. <br />T$ the tvtxn of a total Raking of rite Progtrty, the practxds she}I he agq}icd so tM terms xccurcd ny this MortRa~. <br />with the rims. if any. paid to Bprrawer. In the event of a garttal takmft of the Ptaocrtv.::n}esx Harrower and Lendtr <br />athixwise agree in w•ritzng. there shoes t+e aggiitd ea the €ums stcurc6 !rv ihis :Snrt¢aar ,:xb graganian of the grticeeds <br />art n et{txa3 to that gratxxrtian which she amtwnt of the sunsx :rcured by thex '.t.,rtgage !rnmrdi3tete~ pror ro the dafe of <br />taking bars to the fart rnatkct value of the Progerty immediately poor to the date of taking, x.ith the ha}antt of the gmcei-ds <br />paid to Borrovrsr. <br />Ff the lrtopsrty n abaat3oered by Borrower. cx if, after ncxice M• tinder ro tiom+wtr that t!n condemnor offers to make <br />an atrard or settle a claim far dama~, f-~!r•srr faits zo respond to irndtr within 3(1 days abet the date such rtotiee ix <br />tttated. t_erider rx aiNhariaai za collect anz? ~ggty the procttds. at i.ettdte's option. Tither to restoration ar repair of the <br />t'raperty or ter the Barra scarred tn• ihu h9artttage. <br />t3nkas t.tmdcr attd Harrower otherwise agree in writing. an} ;etch apgiicauon of grocetds to grincigal xhatl not e~ttend <br />ar paatpoae the due date of the taatxh!y itutalfinents referred to in rsragraghs 2 surd ~ icermt nr change the amrnmr of <br />'Bereft ittstatltrtstxa. <br />tot. DmKrsrter IVae ifeteared. F~ztenston of the tune fnr , avmcnt i,r madificaru+n of antortixatton of the sums ucitred <br />try thin Maregag¢ Brasted by I.cnder to any xucixssexr in interest of 8arawcr shall not c'Sxerate to rekax. in any manner, <br />the fiabitiry tzf the t:riginai tiarrawer and Borrower'; succesxnrs ~n interest [,ender sh:i€ Hat M required to comtrtettec <br />pro~edittg€ agaitxsr such xctcctssar nr ref4~te to extend rune fnr pavtttent ;?r athtrxvixe mcxtify anxirtiaattan ai the sutn+ <br />xecur+~ tsp trees Mortgage hsr reatut of any demand irsadQ h: ;he nnginat F3arrnuer ,::sd fi:arsoaer's sttc.'tsuxs in interest. <br />,r~j t,..... .. ,,.,tea.,... +,. =.e; - -.~., . g :. ~,. ~...,...... <br />aetttrr-iee afftttsdatt fry a>aptitalde•?aw,~shali not bees waiver ~t :+r prec}tide+the rteetisc,t'f any such right ar rcmi~trr <br />'(he pritcuremeM in iissnrasce sx the pavtrttnt of taxes <x c>ihcr fttnx ;v charRCS }+y Lcntter Shall nor }te a waiver of l.enifcr's <br />ri~tt tc+ ttect3eratc rite taatttritq r+# t}xc irrClCtxtrdrtexx stcitrtd by the. Mortgage. <br />13, RaseeiBae Ctstise. Rif rsrrttxtits t;mvidcd ,n this ~fongagc are distinct and umuiative to ar+Y c+thtr right ar <br />rtrnttty u~r ih}s M1ixmgage ar afforded i?y =aw tx ecjutty. and mat• He exer~ssd Ucxxcurrent})`. ~ndrpetidentfv ~x xuccessivety. <br />t3. aed Atelyw 6uwrtd: lout trod 5kvitral t.}ttitti~: s'iytlara, fTir :ovcnanu and agmmcnts herein <br />;:oataioed sits!! bind, acrd ilxt rights hereunder x}zaff enact tn. the rttpcctrve ut,_-erx+ors xnd assigns of ftndrr and Harrower. <br />sub;xt to t}u provix}sats ai parngtagh t' hertxxt lti _s?vcnants rand aareemenis c,( Barrawrr shall fie Irnnt and xtverai. <br />Ten cam and hta+Siags cx` rht parngrxphs <~ this ~#cflgagt are "; , : anvrnaenle ~~re;v anti ar :n.t t.~ `u used to <br />mtefigreL tx diditse rite pravzstattx htrttaf. <br />t0. Afai}tce. 1~ace~ fzx env notice rex}uucd unc~r aqp}xaisfr fa:: ;r. t+r g:vrn ;n a:xx}ecr rnannrr. ia+ arty rat:ct to <br />}3errrxwrer psavidcd t'o~ sn ibex Mortgage stss}t t>r given ~y maitina stash ~r«ucr i+v .~•ntftai mail addreaseat to Burmvrrr at <br />the Property Rddieas or at xuch irthrr address nx $ormwcr rnav designate Irv ztcxice to t ruder as prnvie}ed txeein, and <br />tiZ} any rtcritce to Ixnshv xha}f he grvrn by ;trttixs# Heart. morn receipt rtgerptt~. to f rnt}er's address oared herein cir to <br />xtttdt etitler addt'cax as L;ttder max +featlnatt by notr,-c ic+ Borrower ar provided t!trrin. Inv notice provided (or .n this <br />x«icit aha}t hr itt~ tz have beret €tvtn in €tassz+var ..r t :-zsder +fte~s giver. ire the manner destttsattd frereia. <br />`~ i.--~~.~--. ass-issa + ~ .~ -r'.5a .:.. =a ,h- °- - .€:,.,. - .:s^r:r: i.. ,.a t~ fir ..e.t^tts! <br />tart and ttort utufarm v~venaNS wNt3 titrtittd sartatr.-xts 2=y~tur.sdi:titan t~- c;mstitttte a etnzfarnt securzty'iinsirument tioverirzg <br />Taal prtstttrty ?`errs Maregags sha}I he gvvertxd t?v the taw ,,f ten ;unsdtcta,n .n which the Prcxgerty ix 1=+catiti to the <br />ex~tt that ratty risd~ cr r}a'~~€ of reels ~t:r;t=~s"f .-- R:r 's?t*tr ~o-nfluts ~-iih -_p, ti€a?+t€ !nu~. su;,}£ comelier s-Izalf not aff~z <br />:xtser t~ssvts~+tx~ .,e :his ixi_ortttsae -r tip `~rw,~ :;h:_° _~_ fx raves to€~t wit*c st tin ;=L'mdi[tine tmvisto._f. snd to zhis <br />trl tin ,"ra rf ti-z ts~ga= and it•.x ~<ne arc ~.- zs€ed fi:~ in sevtrat~. - <br />.,r ~a~ rim ~f:as _ ms~a€r~s #iur~~#:~ <br />T i7< 1` ea~t(ae ®f Elie t Aaprwpdiaa. If art a*r am part rat the Property c t an ;ntueat therein is ~~Id cr transferred <br />try Httrrotiacr withota Radar's grtor wri:iert c~arsrrtt, esc^}uding tai the .reatioa of a fits ur racsmtfsrartec stabareiinau to <br />this ~. ftf} [ere ctieattan a$ a qurctsase irsarzry security ~ntertat far ixcusttto}d appHattecs, te! a inmfer hY devise. <br />iLeec~st or try c>;aerattttn of taw upon the death M a ja,iat ttaant s>r sdi the grant r+f any feasiMfald interest of thrtx years csr was <br />tier tirti~ an to pamhase, l..tttdcr inay, at t_.tisder's c gtuxi, dec}are ail itn surtts secured h5' this Adottgagt to he <br />lrmsumdiassty disc amd payttibk. t_cndsr shall have waived such c>przrni to a~xekeratt tf, prior to the ,ale c>r trisrtsfer. Lender <br />at~i t3ta petti+wtt to whose the F'ropeny is to he sold ar :ransterred reach agreement en wrung that the credit of such pttstm <br />is ttrttxtq to Lttrcitr sad shat the itttrrtst gayabit cite the sums sriurcd by this MortBagc s}tat} ht at xuch rate ax I_cndcr <br />shah tstytaest. if F.eader etas waivatt the a+~*ixt €ce arre}srau grovided in this gare5raph i?. sad if Horravrer's stzcceasor In <br />irYi h~ etaeotsd a ta°nttea assomptitat agteeamett aoctpttd in writiitB try tttuttr. f~ttder shaft release Borrtwer from a}I <br />atiGeis UUda! ti$a ih~Ortstiga seal Cite ;~fou. <br />if t.ettAar exorciser such a.ption to acceietatr. t.endcr xhai} mai3 Borrewcr novice of acceleration an aaotdittuc with <br />aarsgroph }4 hereof. Such nxxtce shalt provide a oeris+d of nza Ices than 3rd days frtxn the dnu the ncxice ix ensiled within <br />wtt~t rowtar may Iraq the stsrtss dixitired den, if Barrowtr fez}~ iq qay Bitch corns grtor to the rxpirattan of such gcriod. <br />[ ts~y, tz:itherta fttrtttcr aixiec ar deteas~ eta t}swrcvcrr. ,nvaka any rcrrad~a grrmzttecl he paragraph f 8 hereof. <br />I~teaa•iltaEraatts ~otretiatiTS. Barrtrtvcratxf L.tnder further caxcnant and egret as fotksevr: <br />1tt i ~CeM 9r ltta~vtded 1si 17 ttiereet, ~ Yortowes'a brucr it( Mrs caxretttrt ar <br />f la±t ~ tr 1~ , batirddtt~ errs CNVlaiMta to ~ x.rea doer tai aatass tilt rt thk lea: <br />~sfiei? fiat aa~tiL£e3ia irtoaT i~ i»aitits in tli~ >~ pnsre#iasi is t~ li ~ tt- ~ err: <br />f~ ~tsetrb9na etegntN~d eta cif eier beetttert Wl r dales eat bee tltw 3Q dt~r fraiw Hie dais HM itttttdcit tt itttttlad ~ iaetasrer, <br />it}f'rt sregt iiataleik trtavl re titttadY sad 4i1~ ttit}at t-abase to ~xte+e ~ 6ita~ xra ar betrrs ~e smote ~ tar Ctrs aettcte <br />tayr:aotrt ba ~ itE err sitittas see~ettd ry Hit ~. faeecbsiaAe hz }eea~bat ~ ai3e of Ne d4arrr.esy. <br />'LlttsittaWoe sneM ~s9rtr r ZrMaase rt ~ ~ tr eaira4re t~ acastierita .art ere irtaYt to itttiast tit ~e taaaiaaatr0 <br />ire ~ jai a delraY w iota oHter dir(eaat al Ilrranrae to aete+teaaltrs imi #ateelawae, H tee twwcit <br />to wsf erase art ae rase the dMe tgieeeRtd ba Hre aattett, i.etiiee a t.awde~tt alWia etas' itixlre aN atI ere saw ireawred bit <br />dtlaliiertlgl~i6 tae lit itto and t s.idrriae htt~r dearwd sad ~ fs>teetste rte tit peraeadiaR, timder <br />dtai4 iY aatMMtd tNt svaErast he tifa~t ptaeserdlt~ ate esptaaaa rt Ss€aelaora+r. het arse NatitN ta. xeafa rat dsrr~mrwrf <br />ttAtlcaaea taitbittle <br />t;~ ~ F ss f+}zt~ 6_zr't ~-~tes~irst of tM xt~ ~ctsta~ hp- Rhh +trnt. <br />i;iarrasraas t i`uvt t2N r to ha+et tarty ~ t=xr i_rrder to e~rtarrt zips fxtxxtgaYe dsCeatsn:red at xae zinc <br />