<br />I_ettder's wattee agseeststtE or spptic~de law. O41u Malt l#Y the tttaotstx d ail t!norEgage ittsruanct premiutrts ,a the
<br />tn:~4ttet prnxtded trsAer paragrttpb 2 tared.
<br />~r tits ~ ~ t pt~-3uartt to i!ra paragaptt T, wah t~etM [hereon, shaft Ixtcome attr~tianal
<br />irt+1 of BSRtsra~tt satws~ed try tine Memga~gt. £irtleu ttortt'swtr arrd Lerner atrlt to dher ttmes of paymtmr, such
<br />txaouras t ba paytttdt tEpea rttxser fttxn Lemtdtr to l3nfriiwer reussestat~ psymstt ehaaaf, atsd shall hear tMetmt tram the
<br />date d ~ tl tits rtsle payatie hoot tare to torte txi i ptiricipai trmter th6 Platt sxtleat paytateati of
<br />irtlertisf >« trtxit ran wadd 6ts cwdnryr m ~ law. in which e:reai such a >~ rant itde!est at the hastiest rate
<br />F~ tsttdcr ap¢tka6k brat, ' rotHaisad in this pttrasrapJe 7 >~ reaptin I.tstAsr to itsaar >~ czpttttas or rate
<br />aay aMion htrtwrdar.
<br />1!, MQ![tBtsR. i.eatisr tray tstatE or cave to tie madt resscastle entries ttyxt and inspections s$ tha Property. pnavEded
<br />that Letrdta' shad gtvt 8orrasser trestles prior to arty such rtssp~tton spxifyirss ressoasbk stwse therefor related w t.tnder's
<br />rnte:tsi is Eht Ptvperty.
<br />4. The p of airy award ar ctarm for damages. direst or cextse~tteniial, in canr~tiott with any
<br />cottdeatnation as axher tattteg tsf rite Ptsrp¢rty. ear part thereof,ur far convtyattce in lieu d cotvdeeaaattun, are hereby asatgtted
<br />and shatlf he paed to txndrr.
<br />Jn rite netu of a ttxal tatin~ of the Property. the prceettds shall 6e applxd to the sums sxured by this Mortgagt.
<br />with rite exctw, if any, paid to Baxrnwcr. In the cent nt a partial taking of the Property, unLtxs ttormwer arrd Isrt~r
<br />a>titerwise asrce in wrrtin;q, thtrc shalt tie apptied t:: ttr .ums stcurtd hY this Mortgage such proprxtion of the prtscetds
<br />as is equal to that ptalKSrtian which the amount ut tht gums ucurtd by this Mortgage immtdiatety prior tc. the date of
<br />tattirts brats ro tilt fair muitd vttitte d fire Property iatttncdtatety pear to the daft d taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />priest to Bwrawtr.
<br />6f the Prapstty u adtattdotted by Borrower. x if, afscr Warier by lxnder to Borrower that the coademnor r>tFers to make
<br />art award ar settk a ctarm fr>r damasts. Bnrruwcr talk to resptmd to 1_codet within 3(i days after the date such notice is
<br />tmatkd. Leaner is aitttmtircd to tx>ltect and apply ilia proteedrr. at i cnder's aptiat:. tinter to reuarition or repair of the
<br />Property x to the auras xccuttd by this Murtgate.
<br />Un~ss lender rtsd Borrowtr athtrwise agcet .n wrnirtg. any such apptrr:aln'+ti of prnce¢dt Ea principal shall not estend
<br />ur ptmpurte the due date of the mtirsthty imstailrrtrnts referred to to paragraphs t and Z hereof or chrage the amweni of
<br />such irtsiailttttxtts.
<br />tf. Brarrearr Plot Reitaatd. Eatensuin of she tsrne `ur t>aytrtens ar madifiratran ni atnoctrzatron t>f tht sums stxuted
<br />by shrs Mtsttgalte granitd by lender to aay sttccessar to interest of Borrowtr shall nut operate to rekax, in any manrur,
<br />rite tirr6rlity a€ ttg orituna) Borrawtr and Ikotrowtr's stucesurx ,n inttmE [antler <hall trot lrs requiresi u> camtrtentt
<br />prtsceatdings attainu Stich s<r:cesaor :rr r[fux to ektrnJ +tnae fnr riavmtnr ,w uher>vs+t mrsdify smorttxattan nt t'rte sums
<br />sexut~ by this Muttgatt hY reason :if .ny iktnarid made by tht urtgenai Btsrrrswer atut Bsurowers urrccswrs to interest.
<br />it. Ferlarsact ~ t.reiar Plat a iYWers. .Anv fuMeararrce by !.ender in eserrntnt any right ur remedy httttmder, or
<br />.tthelsvisc aiiordtd try apptuab#e kaw. shad ix>t tre a ,saner of nr prtcttult t(tt ezereix of any such right or rtrrredy.
<br />Tits pr~wettxnt of insuraw~c ur tht 1*aytittnt ut ta<e, ,.r .Ktut iKrn a>r ritsrgts try Lender stall not ise a waiver of t.trtder`s
<br />nsht to setrferatt slit tiaturety of the ~nds4rtedne:; -<=...:d hz :•`•:s 4/nrtgagr.
<br />tL Rataaiist Cssrotatisr. .rrlt rztrtedtrs prasvs;kd ,r: fnr. Mr>ngxXe rrc .isirn<t arxt <umulattve to any rnhtr right or
<br />temeaiY under shn Mortgage asr afintdcd hr taw ,,, .yuuv .,nd ma}- tsz caerr+vz.l aa.naurrtntty. inekpenrJentfY or xste:cessivety
<br />t3. gsteenrsts t~ hirt4m •ortrd; Joao :wd tie+erat i.Jatilky: t'tt*/itrrr. Ths aavenants slid agrrenstnis turetn
<br />erintataetd shad Mad. end the rights ixrrundsr short :nc,rc t.,_ the rzspe~esve srruacxu>n ,nd assigns of t ender arrd tJorrowet,
<br />xu&iesi to tEtz provi+;ssn: ,:i nest agrrph t7 i,etruf. Alt ,~+.enrnts arrJ agreement> :=f 8orruwer sh.rli rrc Fotn1 and scverx)
<br />Tits captsum arrd ttradings of ttx patagra;>hs ut tarn Mt>rtgake xre tot <unven:etire only arrd art taut to tae used to
<br />tnteirpret at elefute she psuv,stan+ hetsof.
<br />i4. '..rtirr. €+.tpt fur arty issirisr teyusird vnaitr ;:pFxahie law to Lti givsu ,rr another manner. Ial any noires to
<br />Burrower pruvtskd tar to this Mortgage >ha{! Isz g:vrn t+s nsailrnt swh rsatrt:e try ::crtified mast addrzs>ed to Bnrruwcr at
<br />etas arrperts AtlAte~s .>r rs =roar 3tir€r ire:, >v Hssr nswcr may rks+tnate by r>t>tiu to t.ttnirr .ts pn»taied herein. :utd
<br />rht +_:;v tu>.r~_ to t ctta~r shalt fie ziven hs <erutir>t :n.esl. rrtr~rn reccrpt regtK'+ftd_ te> t sntki s xdekresr stated herein ur to
<br />xUCh sstlssr address ~t 1-etidtr may ,3sxignate t» .kusrs :E, [tortes+wrr as prmrtled fremn Any fu>ts<z provtt3eci roar ,n thss
<br />Mr>tttatr Whoa! tsc .lsemcd t:s havz txen grain t:s tksrr.=wrr ,,, F-stater wFten given in the tnarttitr .lestgn:rted irerrtn
<br />.- '- -- -_: isvs«r,i~ I.s~.:. ~.~r;. :}.' f r;rs .:t r~•,••••z ~~z--~3 a.r_.. uses: ~uvice;anty fa: aat:una!
<br />nrz oral ria't.~crirsrazrra -a.vcr*st:s mina ;t~ttae-~ i-r,=~.~ -. ) ,:-r_.s3?~t:s?rr f- ir~st;tut€ ~ :inrf oritt szcursty anstruntcnt ruvtrtng
<br />real parry ??:z Mcxtt~_~. hiFt t+r v i>r~ t rb: taw .st rite aurrsdsstt<m an stn:. :'r:ir~ .. .,:: a:Sri .? [~~
<br />.~+ri t»~a a>rr n_ ... .~>.ac .~. ,,,,, Mr;-:t,.. .-. ,rrc vq_ _..t.flrr< with 3p~>x:at~e law- such t:a>nt)t44 vhatt nut atTtcl
<br />:;rimer r-rx>veat.>ar=F=~i tts,a Mr-stt_aar .tr'the 'v ,tr-~w{a,.ta "ar, tsc R:rsn a•tte>s witir<xn tics .anfitcttng prnvisian. arKl ;n this
<br />eyed tits pravesiams ssf rite ?dart;its arKl ttR- =+,ae .s;r ,ie.latesi ;.,s fx xvcra#~s
<br />!#. ~attWxsp i ('erpy. &xtarwer ,hxlE he turtrntrtsi a .rsnturrtted «,py ut sire Nutt end ,~f thty Mortgage at the time
<br />rii tac.triwst :x attrt rtt.otdataxt htsta>I.
<br />l7. 3'tawJtr of tit )t AtNrn• It a:i err any part ssf rise Prsrpertq ur an ;ntsrest th€retn r, svld ur iron+ftrred
<br />by Bottarwrr wdhawt tateticr's prwr wtwrsr ~;wtsznt c>stuslurg lot the ifCalKSil ut a Iren ur ens.unibratwC xuisardntate t.>
<br />tarts MurtsaYC, rata Litt crtait~+ asf a ps:r'.Faax irttarry '•€<urnp :nterexe Itx twisxctKaW rppltateic+. act a trar<stcr Fiv tk:vise.
<br />dessxnt ur by aspcrauun cif law up<m the afeath .st a iaaut tcnsnE asr
<br />f.ettticr pray, rt I.ctstJer's <rptKSn, r~.iare ai{ the ,uma xeitirvd hV thn Mr>riteite so tre
<br />rmttesdtalety dos arxt pa}atat. l.rndtr shad h,c wr:ve:sl suds tiptK-in to ttrcekrase ti, prrur to the sad a>r transfer. i.ender
<br />asKl tht pzrsrr to wtK>at the ivrupetty is to tk :ui.t ..r rtarattrrrd reuh agresment in wntrng that tht .redo of wih ptrsun
<br />ra satssfstarcy to i,tnebri and si>at tht intern+: pay ~k a .t t.z :tr.:ts stutt:tJ h; ths; latuttaret +-Fta11 t±s at astsh sate a+ Lcaadtt
<br />shall raluttu. 11 i.trwlsr tress watwtd the arpttun to r.iekrru pruvreltd in rhea {ssratraph l1, arrd tf Burruwcr't xut:e:tssor to
<br />rtutstst has eaauteal s written atrssxnptnxi agrecine:>t aa.epted in wntrng by I.ctuler, Lenaket shall rekast Borrower tram all
<br />abt(salitriti rrrkltP thtx Mottgase arrd rite Pitxt
<br />tf ixtedtr exsrr:rsts st~h <spuaut to a;.:eter,>tr, t..n,k:r :hats oral! t~•:owtt t><sioce a>t as;.e~rat~ut ~n :rcaoraiatr~c Nub
<br />patastaph 1J hsreaf. Ssth riatttt shalt pruvrdc ., prrr<Kl .>{ nau less than )0 days from the date the ntirKe rs Wrestled within
<br />wtsxh Borrawtr treat' pay tttt sums datarcd drte 11 ftartuwcr fads so pay sash satin pns>r to the esprratetm of ,wh Ixrrud,
<br />l..tarkr star. wtlhoart turttter rtaNece fir attrteatiat atn tturruwcr. ~ns<d.C any remedxs pttm,ttrd try t,arayrapte IH herea>t.
<br />Pei'r4-! t!srtr~rat {_'tr t~verr rs- kc>r r.-+w~a rnd Lrr>drr :urtt±rt .:=aven.nt arrd r,rrcx as iaFluwa:
<br />t0. Ar€edttraliaa; tJarrsestks. Farrpt as prr»aird is paraaryh 17 iettnrf, tegww ltotrrwrr ~ 6rerca w awt ravetraat arr
<br />ads eat lgsrr~rrrrr arr ~ Mrrtiaa*r, i~rita fir e~setrrtb to pry wriest t sort' arm vtrtrrrtt ~ tides 'st:rr~attr,
<br />t.radttt ¢ttss' sr arssriatalirna stndi atri aosusr it titrrrwn ~ prrsiitd ii pastsaraPtlt ii hrrt+at wre~3~1~ tl! tic itrrari:
<br />t2J fix ttctloe tr~trt4 tr cErre tarrN Mttari; I:tl a dot*, raw into thiaw Sit $trs Irrtrt t-e r4rs sir rrrNice b asatitd to Norruwer,
<br />tsy ertdsb asr•Ji k~sekt 41tttM ie rratrri: as0 ii) test fttikrtta to c1xV urea ttteaci +w rr itdose sae altar s.pscittistA rn Fks ttwka
<br />augF rtstr7i ~ trstetY art tRt attars xeerrrd bt ills Aitut>Ratr, imrrlwwe i9 iaaklrar pa+wrraiura aN stir w tie li-atre+ty.
<br />Tik astiu s11tiM iwlists-asiotw llortowrr aJ ttir right ar rria-tase tdtrr resetitsaNtw arrd tax rght W as+rtt itt Lire :oreclrerrr
<br />gtptst~!!pp rxerr•~s3ststAe d a ~tarN err aeJ whsv deletssr set Bwtowetr se trrrltrrtirw aarl trurclo.rre. If fir 6rewh
<br />t& ttgt rttrtt~.w +x htJets ills aktlz sgecttitrl w tie nwicr, t<erin ai 4.rstirr'r may tinltre irk rsi tar .raw xerrrrd by
<br />~ 1ST ds tr t 4sa ssMt ptfaa4t~s witA.rrt iartlxr ritmaori r~.l tetrlJ fwrtstoxe ft' ieediciol trrretssitttg. terader
<br />rtaai{ tit a so rrsssrr to s:rcA pre:r rsY t-syrwrrs rd fatselaiwrrr. ir[lyding, bra tart Ikrrtiarei ta, ceases ~ elects:r#rNM}
<br />aritleiKi. etfftiratt6 )rte l=ltl riprtr-
<br />t9. tiairirvstss Rl :U taeimta~. r't«t as sth,Eanat=as(t ssr#i€i~s as.a•t,`, at_-+rs ,£ tax ;a:nr. ~«a.t era wt' tits. Rie~rttatc.
<br />k.-..sue __~, ,..._ ,.m. rte" s :., .w.. _ r r-: ., .. ut _-- , ! ~_:~.. - . _ .. a~..- :t... .a .g.;a =.. ,....,. x. . ~~s
<br />