<br />ItEAi_ r~i.~ii~: it~Itft~~!;;•: - ~:FLit.r.{zkr (.:tzt~t7ar_d azd riife}
<br />KNflW ~L~ tSE'+I AY `i'4°iI''~E i'f!~>E~Tf; "?'i;at:?€3"tt4~t_~o~~lti~!-, ,",3szC~ _~?..3~gr€1'r=.t~stet~::trftc-r
<br />""fcalied mortgagor, of _~._-_1£812_.._-__ __ . -.._.- t'~t u • ' `Matt: =rf .'tiebt"aska.:n c:rn=ideratian
<br />~vf the sum of H neirart ati~tt~-YiifiE>I~.~~ s-n tsand p ;id, do herrh~• ~~rant. bargain.
<br />~:Artroun2 irnjrr..•t: -
<br />;+7seli, and txxivey unto Deal Finantt~ (ontpt.ny r;f . -__[~I~88k8_ -- - - hereinafter ca}led mortgagee.
<br />Hof ~____.~7.1_._.~-----------__ -_-_ --.._ f'aunn~. `g'ate of ~ebrastca the tosimern~ cte*crihezt real estate 4ituate3
<br />rJin ____ ~'~~ _____~___...__. (+>unty, and 5t<,te of tiehraska. ttt-wt;.
<br />~ Int four (4}, A. ti 3. Subdivision ;all ;ouaty, tietraats8
<br />trot
<br />tctgerlter with ail the tenements. hertdtuement:, and appurtenances t,~ the .am•= I><~tongsnt;, and all the estate, title.
<br />dower, rigttt of homestead. ctatms and demands what.9oerer of the maid liut•tgagor, in or t.. said premises or any part
<br />thereof: and Mortgagor does hen=h~ rorenxrt that ~atd 3lnrtgcigor s. l:twtulh• ~izeci of std premi,~:E.; that said
<br />premites are free fmm all bens ;snd encumbrances except axs uthenrsse noted herein, and that Mortgagor will
<br />warrant and defend the tit 1N to said premi es against the rilaims and demands of €s!} per.:ons whotnsoever,
<br />TO lI,~V£ ANB TO Ht~LD unto the said mortgagee. prnvided always, and Lhese pt•e<senG are upon the express
<br />trondition that if the yard mort{~agor shall pat- to full ttr sasd mortgagee a prnmtsson-note dated .rLi ~ ~1
<br />!9 ~_ far ~ 1S2~s~! _...._ __.,.. p,•t}able ir, sn=zaiments :urordirg z ;the terms thereu#; the final instalment of
<br />which to due on ~IIiI'1 ~_~ ,a ,~_.______ IN _~~_ w•hseh secludes interest at the rate oi'`.?`.. per month on
<br />that partofthe tmpaid principal balance nut sn t=sec~5 of ~I.tNxr. 1' ;'; }>t=r month tin that part uf'the principal balance
<br />in ext•~s of ~l,f>Lki and neit sn excess of S5 rM)C}- :utd }' r })t=r ;north t,n :try remolodee of such unpaid principal
<br />halaruse, and shall pay at} Gnxr~ and ct,~.~rx~ments EeF~iecf upon Bald real t~;stste. Isefore the same httiromes delinquent,
<br />then these pre~nGe rIt ~ void. ofhcrwt;a tel ix= erxl remain itt full form
<br />I'f !S E'LKTHER Ai~REEl2 chat s fa:}ure to pay arn• :lf 4asd money. either princtpai nr interest, when the same
<br />become due, err a faihur b, cxtmp}~• w•tth :tin- „f the ti)icw„*otng ,tt,=rt=c•mcnts..~hail cause= the whole sum of money herein
<br />secured to hec•slme due and cY,l{rettbte .u ,tntY• .tt the „pttutt ..f the mortgagee
<br />NE3TIG~ fi0 Ct>NSUMEift: i. the not sign this paper brfnn• you read it. '1. You sue entitled to a copy of
<br />dtia paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid traiance at any tame without penalty and may be entitled to
<br />receive a retttrui of urtearneKl chat•ges in ac•rordance with law.
<br />Signtxi Lhis . - -~:d_ d:te ,,f - uu,43. ) 1) 4t ~~ i
<br />is
<br />S`!':~'I E OI`' iiebra:~ka -_~.~~'-~.~..r. 1
<br />. f . _, _
<br />•
<br />t:ht this ~9- etas .,t ,iu1,y- A [) I!~ ~3 . •ios~me, t nderst}gned. ,, 'Voulry
<br />i''lib[iC, dUfy 4rmrnr~R~ette ~ and ~Ux31 tt7~~ t]r arx7 '~'tiidfng 1n -.rid .Y flnt4. pt'YS?t}nat7Y Eti- a a.~~}ti ~`]e-. ~!_~~e,~.. ~'
<br />. ~-"~~ ~ '.. - ti, Sri= tt±~r; :~; •g, 'be c7e..ttt~i ia•t~zttz 5.... t~r•,ertiF• tutme ..ia._. atI•i%ed to the ft)re~,0ing
<br />its~txtunent ,sa n or•t;;te~,n r :utd -s kn„~ tecl#~eKi t ht +Aine ! ~„~tt-
<br />~~ ~K _eraii °~t. 1GlEltL~iL ilRi
<br />~t#'itn ~ . ~F=n-,*,. 3,.c. _~&,;. ..- `•~-,t, t~ .i- :tt.u ,c:-.. iu t .t.__,~ ~rtt.et,. _ MYEsl~w4Mtal~.iii
<br />'tds ('fstttms~,riin rxpt:+~+ the mil- ~:<ts
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<br />"' _..___..--.-.._--.._. Cnuntr
<br />Enutt~d to tiunie:rxal Itxiex :ttrd tiled for revord sn the ::Mice „t the ReKt~.u-r of I)cxrds of aald county, the
<br />---_--_-. _. da#~ rif - -. t:a at _ - - uc}ctck and ._ - _ _ - .-_.--- ...
<br />mmut~ .- .--. M-, and du}~ rt~-srnftd ;tl ft~xsk „f _ ... _ .._. _ . -
<br />4fwtgager page
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<br />t Reg mta•r ~{ Ih~da,
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