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'~--tiv39au <br />;~;~ Sc>e L 23,332 <br />ITGACE LOAii tZCI. 7x23977 <br />iQi(Dff All Mt~i BY 7ifFSE 1'RtSElvl'[3: That Klrk G< Arxiold arsd Marlin D. I~xrtald, each ist his azui <br />her own riot and as of each ether, ~~, :rhethe ooe « mot,:, m rnaodnatiaa of the ws of <br />-- - - - <br />ioued #a atfd ttarwt~tte by lie B and Luaa As~caimt of C,rtasd ls5tad, Pdebra~a, hl«t~ee, ttPaa 5u :forte d saodt of <br />siA A~aYO('tAT10i~{. CMif'tate No. L23977 . do hereby gtmt, convey sad ttwrt~e ttafo the rid ASSO(.7ATi~V the fo6w~ <br />dansirbed Mai eat~e, aeaNOd is ffa8 Cataty, Tv~rs~a: <br />Lacs Twelve t 22) , Thirteen 1.31 , Faurt~.}en (14) , <br />Red 'r'iTteelS (15) . Zn Bloc3t Six 16) , Zn Plf'aawrrt <br />Hill Adt3iticr. 7b The City Of Grand Zslan3, Hall <br />Caitrity, Nebraska <br />tgtaha vMb aN the tenemeets, hraeats sad artPartattserrs thetewta bekm~€, utadred floor . aN wiadot- aatr;et, <br />vviedtvw _ ham, starts .utar6rtta. swamp. harittta.. as ~. and Plarttbi+'a~ and water egwpreeat sad acaetmw'iet thereto, ptampe, atoeea. <br />tdrr~etatuts, sad r><t>,w ftximes sad egtnpmcai cww rx hrtesffar ~ttashes! io ex toad to cemeertvnm with sad fast estate. <br />And wharw the sad ttaxtasgpr rue aterced sad does hereby aatec thst the enext~a¢tw shah attd viii pity sU asaa and amnaaeata kyied w <br />sneavtd ~ stall Premnea ami tttb m«y~e and the tknrd sccoaed t hsittre the nose rhaN betrsne deiotyueat: to Guniait aPpeoyed <br />irLYinee rtPaa [he bntMttiap ua red peemaes r9aeted"m rh¢ sam of S 5, 0 ~ peyabte to sd ASStX'IAT1f3N sad to detirer to aid <br />ASSOC tAT7(NV the i+ol+c+es fat and rtteaarl¢: and mq to : <xmerit .a fsar<rat aey waxa exs as atwai aid premaet; <br />la cae +tf da£ndt m the Petfcxtratswe <t1 say of tfre tutor a4d t:oaditsates tei etas twxtgte ,-K the bead sxut+ed hereby. the +mrt~ape ~ta0. <br />na elm, he satlt tst =~=t~~ Asa .>! rim mUrtipgp:d ~eme~s ned the snutt~ra lrexeby aim. tramfen sell sefa u~ Iv the <br />eaoti~e ~ the teaq. rtveatca sad ntrtmte an tx Send tttssr the mxtpftexi ryrcmarea draaa5 such tmtr a the mwtpega radebtedttaat shall ratma <br />raepatiei; ad tfta tsttf;tgpa shah hays tAe powxr to appase~t say spat w attaMa U rtay ciearre far the Perpraae of tam said peeasa and tratrtt <br />thasae: sad eoBaetesiZ ehe taxis, remaua atl osatere, sad # may Par aW of raid irratme aA eapema <>t repgr~ aid prsmbn and ~Y <br />and esPauaea rd:mtnd m tattta6 atsd rare6a~ the surrr and of colltsxiaa raetaii therefrom: the HOC r~K. if say, to tfe <br />ttswad thr ditclurpe .d sad trvtxipBe aadebtsdnns, thane rests of tht tnwytaRae my !+c eureraed at say toga dmirtl the e:eemae of esclt <br />any tataty +a:tyet d' t4a '. <br />~ ~sa'~#s. ~+:w~v~<. ~ : t;M G','s ~: ti tT~ satsi -tra :.isy €~ ~,t l~zft~ t!~ r~Y -i ;~ was :ry <br />patt~att: Pry taaathfy to rand A7r~.ft[$A7HH_V sd the ~ sparafied to the 1Lwvd named tnveby n mterat sad pswc~rl tta sad tom, tut w bakxe <br />tht `f~,sytiieth dnY etf radr sad eR*Y raatnlr, tasii sad lore a iaby pad, poy aN trans std asamntrtts irved sad pttsaassa sad m tide Mort~e <br />sad the Uttatd seetayb ttss:city. tate~ac ,may, 1ae~h sPr-,~- umamta: upset the bredr9asp tttss~a et the sum of S 5 r 000.00 Paya~ <br />:a ,~--'r_'tA~''su`s~- a=te au a.e .€e~~.'?n?"~.k*! :~:s c'tT-r~~t ~ ;. _~ t ~, .,,~, tom, aa-.~.....;: ~ .- -~ e^kh dtete:t at <br />the tata.~ ~ rate tfaar-rar :rant date of psyarertt a~ ~ wins;, tartxt~i(ta fwreoy sateen to tws. puoat ao waste ua seal i h~P and y <br />raith aN ihr aEeearttta sad txredutas <ti the bead ter i %r Ui}U • 4Rt ttaa day Kryae b!' thr said MattfMw m satd hS~If:iA~°ff~tt, artd cnmpfy <br />t~ rrrraatHlseti of the c":xuiitatiua aaai Tfy-isvn,+f sai+3 ~t.~~x~tt~Et~, tftea rRreac ptarots sled l,a~e tout artd woari, otfietvate t8eq <br />rhaY reaaec nt faY fatty sad may ha forta:Lurd st ehe oPtrua tM the uad AS'5iX'IAf'IOAt aftm fadttM fw thtea ttsualhs to tttetce any of said <br />payarmea ar ba three mnatht o urears,n tard miwttU} ioY~M. ~~+ to kaeP and cYSatPty wtfb the ayaemeats utd cuttdilwns of said Nand: <br />sad iiaoiyirtst apace to late s tecetra apyr><ated fexthwstb m tech fwe~yvwre pruta0dmp. <br />if them a any tit~gc is uwaerahil+.~f the real cWUa morrepBei betaot, by sak ur uthersrtae, Haas the eatae remrratrN odabadaess hereby <br />sr shop, ag tiro up4aa :d 'itte Nsptda6tie ~t sad f.rra Aaaavataiaa a$ faaad teMnd, IVabntka,bsottaee ietoad;ataly dre and payable trithoai <br />faatire watipe, sell ttta aarort reraeiset~ dtr cedar acid bead, sad uty t,tbar toad for say sddetiooet adranea malls theaarsrdv, sbep. truce the <br />w ettatas ail' and gp!iaa, Seat al~pit st the ntaamtmit lepl rte, sad Chet taoet8e(,t oay firm be €aacbueed to wiefy lira amtart doe na >aid <br />batd.ard say <Kbw Iwed for mira~as, topehra wHh aN tegrt lwtd by sell 76a Faldtnbte sad lore AaeataNine d Ctaad talattd, <br />lYrl~adu fw emwsaxx, tsars sad traessaottia, sad absitacttnp extessar,a citaegs, rith aateseq thereon, form date of paynsnt at the rttaaittttm <br />~ .. <br />Ar pounded m the iksad te.:tard hereby, vvbilt tba mrxr~e rararrts in etiaee the tnrriptpoe may hdtd~irr adrmae adddneei rtma to the <br />tfehats of null Bead.. rhea saaitas ~a tttca~sws m imnest. wkricft worn stiff ba within tlse racatity of fhb awt4Tys the soma ss Ufa faeada ur~ieitYy <br />tetsstd ihreehy, fiat to4d smwwt of peiacapat deM na:t re exuaed at say tirate the tuidittsl atmrmst of fhb araatpp_ <br />iLeimd eha -say ~ Jaly ~. tt_, t~ SI <br />~ ~,, <br />y <br />_. ~+__ <br />t)F ~, ~ n. fk t 3i~t d.y of July tv 81 ,before mr, <br />ifAt.t. <br />the sd. s !iotay i'Wriia w sad fw and Cowtrry. tom' carne <br />~t C°a, Id ASfittila A. Arnold, tzh .ist hig ~ txer awes right afxt ar spFxtr,e ref ~.aCt9 <br />~, rr6u ace ~ iatscsw to <br />ttllt #rr ist ihrt ~ ~~ s r+'bsaat arter S ~,~= s{fwd to the q(xsya »treaarm4 as trxstipYrtr `~ sad t'~y reywaliy <br />~ the =aid tartrueamei to hr T..~iIX' rataa4aty set-ate ~eai. <br />a;`Fr ` ~7 T sas ;#tiattri s,,"~`i i6r d dtttii~aid.., <br />- ~..,~ ~a~,_«. ~-~ gy'p' _ _~ .'3~• !._, <br />~Iraa~wtrte <br />~~ ~ <br />