<br />Utrp+aaak L:ovtaret'rra. 8artcrstrR sad l.eadar cavensnt and agrce as foilaws:
<br />I, ~mrR ~ ~ tttei al1sML BortcrvMtr shag ptoatp[ly PsY whin due the principal of am! ittteres: cn tl~
<br />iadtt~6e~an ettl bq the Nate, preQt aril fate charges as prrrvided in the Nde, attd L'tie principal of and interes#
<br />s3R tqt~ Ftauts AdfiOCffi al"mRrd bq this fdOFfL'a~o-
<br />3. ltrtauAe fir'l3tpts anti LreerainsG Std ~ app:icaf~ law ctr w a written wsirtr by I-atuiet, &rrrowet shall PnY
<br />tti ) ~ the da+j 3tly iae[tts of pttincipai and itstaest ate payabie under the Nott, omit the Note is paid in full.
<br />s ~ fhansia "Ftaxtt'~ wgsal ttt onattwelltlf of the yeasty taxes and airtenu which tray atusin priority over this
<br />~, a~ > resin oa the Property. if any. plus orte-t*~tttfth of Yta*{Y preraitrm i~alltrtertts f~ hazard ittstttattce,
<br />p~saaatwetith ~ yeuly premirtm ir:s¢alirntstta fat martgags rttsuraace. if arty. al3 as ttaaanably rstitnated ini[ialty acrd from
<br />time to Eime ray I.miet art the 1>a~ of snetrts and 6iih anti rt:asonabk ratisnates thttt•eof.
<br />'TEw F~# !ta Itetd in an itntittatian the dsptuid at aceocutts of which are i[stited ar guuantsed by a Federal or
<br />~ any iiac-tebt`rt~ i.e[tder if t.axfes is such an ittstitutian i - fxader shalt apply the Fttadt io pay said taxes. aasessmaata,
<br />ittet~ttse p anti gzrxmd tbs. Leader tray nai charge for xr holding and appfyittg the Fttads, analyzing said account.
<br />ar ; ttad ca:rtpiiing said aanasmt:atr arsd bills, ttnkss i.eetder pays Harrower intaror2 on the Ftn~ atttf appficabit law
<br />pmt I to ttxdte sttd[ a charge- Barrawer attd I-ett~r maY a3ree in writing at the time of executian of this
<br />the: itztetest sat :fro Funds shah tK paid to Harrower, sad unless such agretatent is made nr appiicabit taw
<br />rtat cud[ imgztt to 6t6 paid, Lender strap trot rte recptirod to PaY Horca'arer any interest of earnioEs on the Futtds. leader
<br />yvs to Htrrraaer, withou[ chargt, an annual aacaunting of the Funds shaving credits artd debits to the Funds attd tht
<br />ptrrpoae fct which each deEd! to the Ftttads was rrta~. Tix Futrds atr pledged as acMitiottal axarity for the sums setatrixl
<br />by thw friort~tHe.
<br />Ii the amaimt of the Ftmtk hdd by Leader. tagetha `with the future mattthly mstalimend of Funds payable prior to
<br />zha dtse damn of fazes. mnestratetus, ir1nt[tanCt premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amtruut required to pay Faid rues.
<br />mss. itmutanee prernittens sad gratnd rend as they tali due.. such excess shat! be, a[ llorcower's optian, eittttt
<br />protmptiy to Borrower or ct,Gdited to Borrowtt an rttontbfy tttstatltnents of Ftrttdx. If the amount of the Furls
<br />}~ ~, I.~Aet ! tam !te son to pav taxr~, aaessmtrtd, rrtsurance premiums and ground rents es they tall due,
<br />Bartanser sbaN pay to [.wader any amount ttaceaaary to rrsakt up the deftzteney wrthen 30 days horn the dart notice is matted
<br />h'1' l.oeder to Borran-ar rtx{c>ssttttg paymem thetct+i.
<br />llptte psytoeat .o fuU of aB srurm sect»ed by this Mtxtgagt. Ixtnter chaff promptly retttnd to Borcower anY Funds
<br />httid by Leander If under pat+t;rapit iR hereo! f11t PYCf7wrty is urkl or the Prolxrty is atherwiu acqutrtd by Lene~r, Lender
<br />nhait ap~}+. rso later than tmosadtately error ro the .+el,e of the Property -x its acquivttan by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />t.emtdat ~ the time af~°^~.. ~'^" as a credit agrteut the sums sitrurtd trv this Mortgagt.
<br />3. d ! L`-nlera appttcatrle ?sw provides ushtrsvtae- :til paymend rtcetved by Lsrt~r under the
<br />!.o6e rmri pas :.ad Z txscoi stt3if ~ apptttd hY f.rtrder .`,~ to f,at<. art ofa.~.nw ^synLa~ to Lrvrtt~er by Borrower
<br />undo parap~aph t httzoof, thtm w ,merest i?:yabk un the Nate- tmn to ttx pnnctpal of the Nott, and then to interau and
<br />prraapal ae soy Futtare Adrastcen.
<br />i. Zjlfe;lns i:la~. err st~~ii ;~) ati t~ttts, ..xst~sttuntt artd ntttrr ~harttts. fitter and impusitwns attributable to
<br />the Prtspenty wlaick try atiai» a ptvuestY over tars Mattgage. and leasetmld parmend or grrn;ttd rents, if anY, in the mannwr
<br />pro»ded user para~ltt . tiereaf or.:f tttx paui m such manntr, hr Htxruwtr makinE gayment, what dur.~Jt it~lhetavent
<br />payee tttr~eeR. tlarrastet mil ptnmpiiy twrtrdt to l~rtder all na;t:rs ;.f atttrrzittta due under thrs paragraph.
<br />Bartoxs'er shall makt paatinent dttetctiq. Nutri**er hail pramptfy furnish to under receipts evtdetrcing such payrttents.
<br />~ y <}psltstge any !~, xhtctt has prtorr2Y over ruts 4trutgage: pmvrdCit, that Harrower shall t:ot Fie
<br />requited to dncltattpe atsy such fitn ao !~ ,ts ;ltrrnt+str shall agrer ti7 wntmg to the paymwnt c=f tftr nbhgatu+n ;teurtxt by
<br />sttcit km to a mvaaar titaaprahk to i-crtdcr..x 9half tri gaud fatttt ttnttat such Ittn hY, r-tr ifeferxi ~nzomrmwnt nt such !im tn,
<br />l~ti graxnadsstys whtsh „perat+t to prtneest t+rc tntorcrment of the lies nr taAnture nL thr Prapen} rx 3ny pate thetccri.
<br />S. llgf®Yy ieeettrrste. Harrower shall keep [he ,rnpmveatcnts nmv extsung or hercaftet ertcted ntr fhc Property :nsurtd
<br />agtdaat Jana #ry tom. ttat~-ds staclsatte~sl •!rsthen ?rte t€raa "~staruled ts,vetage .and .uch nttter haurds as t.cndcr may require
<br />and in sttctt amaerrtn attd tar tar<h pertreds as i.crtder may rrtrutrr. txovided. that l.ersdcr chaff :tot rettutrr that thr atncwm ,*i
<br />~tcit ~€ ext tutu a?t ;~ :~*+-sragt =~luz:td to pny ttte Rutm +aured tn' thra Mortgage
<br />~ha ~ tortes ;uartdi~ thw tnwtattrx ,.hall tx 4husm try Hartawrt cubi~i to apprevai by t.ernir r; pra.t~ai,
<br />tbtl natwtt approtni shttdl gut tic ;mrtivntaanlrly wtttnc~ld. .ill prratwrrss car. inlutra:acb prk~a =half tR€s~ t r t-'~ ,:=a:'
<br />piatrtrfFOd trgdet patap~apit 2 '~rtct3 i~t~ t tgn peal ,n rttaancr, f~ garmwer tnaktn; , aYttatat, warn door. ;tsr~ah to thw
<br />tt~ .
<br />~- per='=tom € ztsgtc-st 4tta41 t?e er. ;warm ==><tt>;aerc to i..sn~r :foci stiaii ,r,~t,.ule .. ,ta#. a;t! mortgsge
<br />a._.:... =z„y~ ::,9tf : ~~r t~ _~_~, t--. f_ ssi :tF :`-~.ii.-~ ~r?d rf'-+xe~31s rtkgStifi.
<br />£ !L! faWnt of antl in fry acc+a~~+ni» ..- ,_ _ , _ _ ,
<br />__ ~ uu __,~ 1 va..6 t~ I~Et ~l tut<w ~ ttot!t~ +:nt! all rnttpl3 ,xt Stntd prtrnrurt:s fn i"rw' rvcnt :,.~r+.
<br />~ siutll p_ vs ptanlpt nkica to the itaurtorc cart~z: ynci i.8rx8er .a~.°rr :mot maze ittsss = _ `sue ~, ._;~ r„~ s=mar r ,
<br />try 13t~trctwaa.
<br />Ualaztt l,sasder tad Butroxrtr zt[herasww agrt~ is Mnuag, ritsut[tctcr pracecsls t,ttal! rte appittxl zn restaratic n „r tcpair c,t
<br />ti11e y ciamsEatt, provided such rtstat•atxm or rcpatr es retnatntcaity feasthfe attd slse se~•tatYty ~k skits Martgage „
<br />a06 thesabY itnpatted. If sttth rwerattoat a teptur a cwt ecaatrurttully icutir3e ,x st the sarurt[y of this Mortgage would
<br />ha ittrigttU+dd, tltc irtstu~ce ptxneateds dull be applial to tht soma swr-used by flog MortgaEt. wuh the exstsn. if any, paid
<br />xa &~taata;t. if the Prapatty is aabart hp Bartawer. `-x rf Barcavret falls to rdpond to Leader wahtn JtS days from the
<br />date tstt~ is maid by )~entia to Borrower that the msurartt:r carnet atfers to scnlr o efaun far trtsurance henelits, l.endtr
<br />is txtf6uritted to caliect a~ apply tBe trgatratu~ ptu€xwsls at l.,etxiei s optwn erthet to restaruton or repast of t![e Property
<br />ar to dN saztan srCUr4d try ttdR ylaw[~e.
<br />Uaissz Leatitr aztd Basrawet athe[xsise agrrx to wrrteag, env stxh applscation ui prrxee$n to prartupai Shall flat extend
<br />~ prrmp~s z~ ~ d~ of >~ sY~thlt- innalltawnts rwftttcd to in parsdraptts sad I !'twnnr! ar ~hattgw the amount of
<br />stsrh ituttallnmMS. Yf ttodet pratagtaph t.E httnoi the Praperty is a.yuzrtd by Lcndtt, all neltt, ark anti interest of Harnrxtr
<br />in sad to aey iaauraace ptdicia andsa attd to the pnx-cedn thereat rrauluttf from datnagtr ro the Property prior to the Sala
<br />~ shall peas tit SR~aslrat to alas sxtsat ;rf r!x sattgt ~:uxctl fly this Martgat{e tmtttedtatcly prier to such sale or
<br />f: ~ ttsstl !afaielutrtrrY at lytrsgtertyl l,eanMnsiiet t=at~a Pfawi Utii ikwdeptrstenet. Horroatr
<br />ttheB ~ try Prrtpesty m ~ r sod shaft ntu cosntaiS wytte ur puma impatrtoent ar dtxertoratwn of the Priapwrfy
<br />~d attetll Y ~ the of anY flak :# thes 1Nartgaflr is ou a lrasetw~iiil. !t tats Martgsltr o tit =+ unit in a
<br />tto>atiaiita> m a pdattttai tmtt+ievelxeut. ylatrucr~r vltai3 lrttfarrtt alt crt r;wF:~.'x :ate. t=om :•~•~ t~ ~ la_-n
<br />;~ Q,:-:, r3zgti;r a;a gs'°~tx=tiag t c=_+tlrlsttnttttuizt nt Pianutd anti c~vclapttactt~ tl~ lry'!z-w• attd s~:latio:t~. ri the
<br />ut planaMd ut#ra ~• and eanstituent dua:utnrots. Et a ctxzztzrmuttiurt ur plannrd unit dtvelalxtxnt
<br />rndR ti ~ tzg tk3rtt?wu s#t~l reccttrlwsl tr+gctitc€ evaza ih>€ S#~.ttgags, tti¢ wu:'tnaant3 s.':d :.Er^~'aY_ors <,f a,~h rider
<br />s6aB ~; trKO shalt. astt>stNl arul sr~ast rho caverwnts asd ag[eern€nts =rf tars lNortgrgs as tf the rider
<br />a ptdt tom.
<br />7, tMarNw~rte-atI t.ari~tte's hewtttri~, If Hatrawet iarls trt ptrfmtrt tl~ ~-owetta:tta and agr°_.....,~•. swttaia~ ,n the
<br />at ii airy ai3m tu' ~ is ctrl wha:ft tnntwrtaily atftcts Lcmiwr a ,itterrst fn ills P'~opwrry,
<br />~, lkasiipd *.a, a daeaaizt. irssaivattcY, ~adt eniorcertveat, or arrartgwttsettcs ar procctAings snvniving a
<br />tie d~desit, f I.imd6t u i.wadat's optian, uptut gaffes to Hatrorr¢t, snap rusks such appearant:ra, iftahurse such
<br />std glad ttrFxo- - attatrt ~ is eery tzt ptsa+a,t l.tnrki s untttttA, tt#:iudtetg, btti neat lirntttd tn, disbttrsrtttwttt rft
<br />tv ~'a f~ a~ ~'+~" ttpmi z3tt Ptx~ettp to mew rspatrs. !f Lenafcr rottatited martgye ttxaurartre as a
<br />teaiw of tee the ia~ tastes by tf~ra ~ tlrurvwss si}ail pay the r~mitmas r€qutte[d t5s rt?aie[aitt such
<br />is tdscs rites ma thw ;'aiub fat -cult zrrsutattce rertrsirzntes ,tt as,:~~dannc with lA r~~r`- y~
<br />