Position 5
<br />ii~i3A•~r~~iA s
<br />4~,.,;r~ g~._ U0t3935
<br />;int.. is-~~-~)
<br />REAL P.3PATE ialQ1tTGAGfi FflH ~IA~6A
<br />TgitS MORTG/bG8 is made seed entced rota by ~ E. S'i~. ariCl ~. J . fL:
<br />` ~` ~- ffiY~ M1Lt' £'Sdt~ lYt ~'SI.II 3f1~. 'SPX Of~r I~S~ 3fi~ 38 SE~0413r' Of f~ OY~1E.L`. - -- --
<br />;3~i1 Cousxy. htbrsska, whose post ofi3oe address is
<br />- Isla3~d , htbraslca 68$Cl ,
<br />herein csl{ed "tiormrrt<," and.
<br />~~AS mss iadebtcd to the ilHited States of America. utiag tht~atigh the Farmtrs ;tome Admtnis[n[ian,
<br />ilaitad Stasis t'3epasttsita[ ai A~ticultstrt, heron called the `Y,oretnenert," as evidenced by ane or rtrore promissory note(s)
<br />ar anLSmaQtba ~e,rwtaatis}, htxtia caikd "Hatt," which has bees a:tctued M Aorrafrer, is pafabk to the ardor of thr
<br />1at~4_`~Lti_s~es aeceltrstsan ai tlu retaire indehtedaess as the apttoa of She C;oxrnmets[ upon aaq dcfatilt h~ Bor-
<br />[01YU, Lid HI P~s~ a< follosrr:
<br />:intssd i?ase Otiel7~at6of Fdwa!
<br />i7strc of tratas+nsasts lsrine!lael .i nsoasstr of Irt[erttst Inrtalbssesrt
<br />3uly 31, 1'3$I 570.500.00 5.008 July 3It 2001
<br />Ju1.y 31, 1961 5413,500.00 23.258 July 31, 2001
<br />E t~ iwtere~ ra# u lass taan `~ for farm ~vaushsp .sr ~,pauutyt loss; s; ttcvrrd Lry thu tescsutnatu, than tl~
<br />~p i~ ~dYa amsided is tha state.;
<br />~a A[ai Ilse note rsidatttrs a ban ra $tmaretr. aad the f;a:erament. at any tune, may aasigtt the crate aad irsaitte tht paq-
<br />rnttet tim[eai patsnaat to rite ~.anwFids:ed Faun asad Rura! {3e.ebptnent Act. cxr Titk V ~E the Hovstap Acz nt S 949 cx aaT
<br />o[hs= ,~~-- adminic~tted Fir r#se itsrtt[ers Nowt Ax4atmwntmn.
<br />Anri ±; :s ;hc -t'a asd inzzat sf thss zasirsatent shat. asnzxrrg ,atisrr ri.ings, at ail rms^ when tat Hate a held bT the
<br />fusesrmt~ttt. cx .sf the aunt she zN>reznntaat shcwld thu ss[svumcnt -+rahout tnauance vi the msc, chu trsa[rutrfent
<br />shrll ssca:e psvmtat xr# tht aaKe: ~aat aura zht rata as ixc%: l+y as snssssed `rttxidea. chu utsuxtrrsrnt shall Hsrt srrsxe pav[aen[
<br />of she note r2t attach :o tht debt trtdencesi shtrebv, saux as to the aau aad such atot toad ~-onHrtute as tndemnnv mratRt~t
<br />4a saeuse the fsvre[iliflrtH ARjtl.ihSt loL uR~er nz xanuastcr trcnaact 4ty zt'sy:en sr2 sny :iel,,uls ht Kotrt:wer:
<br />Jtnd rlau ssrsasanatat also vcsarea the ra~.q:ute ,_`. any rsxatasr izedit cx wtxsitir which rnar M tgaased ux the Hartorrer
<br />aY tha tstxa7rrrtmtat ptsssaant tta #2 i), 3,t~_ ~149Cia,
<br />:Vf)'IY, 'tNEREPC)Rk. to oaarietatwn :a1 cht toasts, <»d : a~ ai aii ;auras a~iten rife note u l.r3d't+v cat t~e.retnment. err
<br />ut ds~t tresrt siu Ci~zvettsmcnt sancxstldc aaaspa raa srettrstzaatxt atth+ntt snuisance ~=i slat yaysnsas :xt the nose, to tErate prtstapt
<br />paymetst at thr rate aad say sRerecarads ,tact tateeasatsa thtrreui asst env apr€er..rnsa <otuauud rherstn, cactudisyt any pnarteton
<br />itfr tisc paymtat afi sn iaseriisk.e :st .xtlitr cite. 'b3 at sit rimes vaen the caott xa ;arid qty an aea~stasi t-''--, to sasttte prr.
<br />fxsrenatute tai Rnscatree s agecsactat hantta sa =sstitrtatiy ._., sort rsattflirss rte r:siretrnsrat against ~ und€r- atr zt~?
<br />ixssftrasx $p r4atixn „i .my defatzis 3xy ~, asiei !: ; ~ arty -=_ni aad at aii is to wtwc ztte prompt payment ai aII
<br />asiradp€ta atsd-~[~ suit ny tar ~~9<irsrrfrz- ~,v zrsezeat, sa his=.:af:r:t ;~. s~ *-he ~!=~`~ •=? g
<br />~~'q~#~ . ~~p.~~ ?[ ~P=stmt ct~ta~ii i%sr;,; ,x us ear as~i#Y +d[a€1~~[. ~Eirtt•,rL .s =-334 ~~tr
<br />sail, coarr:r and apsE¢t, wis#s ~etsosai rtrairanty. ;taro tae zioratasnet;: the iaiirrsritig proporty sinia.ttd sit t ",rue tti
<br />hta. Caw~tgiursi ~ ' _
<br />Tf1~ AIt,7S~i@6t ~,,tiFtY'tC'Z' #i!~j} Uf J0Ct1Q5 "hXi (2C), 131 '?Y3-d58}1~ '=welYe {22) PkSrth,
<br />s'~x31g2c I+i231@ {~~ s N1ffSL esf L}ir@ Ei~}5 t"t.:'i. , t~(=N.~itlise3 tl"1Rt t7iSTt. fitt$T'9Df t7CHPI4y~d I~f
<br />f.}ti$ (1~5d er l<1sw$fE `1Ef~l.~t ~1lTOHC~ ~.r ~+ ~ ~ 135 HOOIG 4, S's9tjE'
<br />$'~' Qf CYlci DB®[I ~ t?1< Fill c~7RitlC}r. tiB~Y..
<br />~8aT1~ 1C} ~ I~sta3 c~an~`~-t in fawr of ~bi~h H~t3ge1 anc~~P~}~~tt~~ art)
<br />~ at3td saril'@, clatt~l J33niar}~ 24, ly7?.
<br />
<br />
<br />
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