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cI~~R~~ <br /> <br />EASE.'l'T F(}Tz ;~AI~;ITARY SEZJER :~.Z'd <br />TFtE CZ~i OF GRAPdD ISI.P33D, NESRASK~, a m-~:~~ cipai corporation <br />in Hall County, Nebraska, hereinafter called the Grantor, in consid- <br />eration of One Dallar ($1.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />hereby grants and canveys unto <br />~fC}NFaRT CF COLORt3~JQ, INC. , <br />a Delaware ccrporation, herein caked the Grantee, a permanent and <br />perpetual easea~nt and right-af-way to construct, operate, and maintain <br />a sanitary sewer main, surface manholes, and other appurtenances <br />connected thereto, upan, along; underneath, and through a tract of <br />land comprising parts of certain L~}ts lying in the Southwest Quarter <br />(SW~} of Section Fourteen (14}, Tawnship Eleven (lI) North, Range Nine <br />~~}'~ VY@8t of tF•ae ~3 tf'i t'.,~. "rla22 Faun t`7. NE'izra~kd, pail bc'i.n~ in t:i@ <br />Industrial idditian tQ the City .3f Grand Island, Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as- fai.lows <br />~ tract of land camprising part cif I.ats 58, 59, 60, <br />51, fi". 63, and [z4, all in Industrial :addition to the <br />Cit•,* :~f Grand Island. Nebraska, and lying in the South- <br />west cjuarter (SW~,3 3f Sect-.ion Fourteen 24?, Tawnship <br />Eleven (li} ,€orth, Range `:ine':~} t,Jest cif the fith P.*I_ , <br />!ia21 (;aunty, ?debraska, and mcre ;~articulariy described <br />as faliows: <br />Beginning at the Nar*_^we`r =-'~~,er .mot ~ai~~: Sauthwest <br />Quarter (SW L} ; thence running :t~uthtr.s' clan; the :Jest <br />line of sa;d Sc~uthweut Quarter ;.S'riz~,3 a iiatance of <br />"`~ -set.; thence _r=^g eaaterl~:~ a;nd parallel se the <br />for <~'i i%I8e €3$ ~a2U `:>=?t3 ~31We~t '-11.~r{~F - iii ~,7 :~' i3i_%aisi2 <br />• _ 1 eta z }zv `{ <br />5..+.tY-13~-i +r.~ui-§uZ.C.~;v'f~? pQ ~.?_ ~ _ .. ~ ~~',~T1 £`~. ~'!_S~~~~.1-ua_u <br />southerly and~paral3ei to :.he test Line a: said ~;auth- <br />west Quarter (SW~} a distance ~f =.6ti feet to the actual <br />point of beginning; thence fi feet either side of and <br />parallel to a line deflecting left vt+° '}2' 09" and <br />rwanin~ a distance of 947.n4 feet: °hence deflecting <br />Left 5 OS` I.'" and running a distance c,f 304.86'; <br />thanes da~flecting Left 5a 00' 26" and running a distance <br />of X13.88 feet; thence deflecting right 3a 54' ~S" and <br />runningg a distance of 2€~9.`~~3 feet; thence deflecting <br />left 870 07' Sfl" and running a distance of 179.5 £eet <br />to the end of the l6 feet wide easement: thence defiect- <br />ing right 90° 00' 00°' and running a distance o£ ~ £eet: <br />thence left 90a 00' 00" a~d running a distance of y.5 feet; <br />thence deflecting left 9tD 00' 00" and drunning a distance <br />of ?? 5 fear; th¢*~ce deflecting left 90 00' 00°' and <br />3'i1~i~ingi a. distance of 9. S feet- ; thence deflecting left <br />3a OG Gs0" anti running- a distance ~,f ll . 5 feet : said <br />tract containing (3.8 sere, .=.ore ~3r less, all as <br />sh~x an the pt~at !earked Exhibit ,,,~„ attached berets <br />aatd incorporated herein by reference; <br />together ;,ait4t_ the ft~lli~wing rights <br />