81.~-- s3u39?2
<br />LAAPtY 8, PALER, d Single man, and JACS L. Bi^zTtiER and
<br />JOAbi t9. LiiTTN£R, husband an3 wife, each in his and her own name
<br />and right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagors, in considera-
<br />tian of Ti~tBNTY--SiJC T4iOUSAND DOLLARS ($,26,000.00) received from
<br />Alortgagee8. mortgage to RCIBERT H. SERRYPlAN and MARIAN 3. BERRYNtAN,
<br />husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common,
<br />Mortgagees, the follo~ring described real estate situated in Hall
<br />Cgunty, Nebraska:
<br />earth One Half {N~) of Lot Four (4) in Block Forty-Five
<br />f45), in the Griginal Town. now City, of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br />This Purchase A9raney Real Estate Mortgage is given to secure
<br />the payment of the principal sum of Twenty-Six Thousand Dollars
<br />($26,000.00} and interest from July 20, 1981, at eleven (11)
<br />percent per annum, the principal and interest payable in monthly
<br />insta3.lments of 5247.60 per month on the 20tH say of each month
<br />commencing August 20, 1981, and can the 20th day of each month
<br />thereafter for 119 consecutive months, repayment of the principal
<br />and interest wing amortized over a 30-year or 360-month period,
<br />with a balloon payment of 523.189.10 being due and payable with
<br />gyn.. s` -.~... :,: ;...,tom: limn .~~ .Hal and 4nt~-+regt~ aS
<br />i,2 i<'vwr :~~..~,. ,,.y ~F.a ~ t .., prancar__
<br />provided in a~Promissary mote dated July 20, 1982, far which this
<br />t~kartgage is given as security.
<br />The Promissory :~ot~e prcavi:3es that time is of the essence of
<br />the Promissory date, and if r~aacers fa.~i fora period of mUre than
<br />sixty (60) days tc ~:ay any rxanthly installment payment when due,
<br />the holder saf the i'romissory *3ote is given the option to declare
<br />the mote i~rmsdiately due and payable ;rithout notice or demand.
<br />~:pon default of airy monthly installment of principal and interest
<br />when dues, the unpaid monthly installment of principal bears
<br />interest at tha t,~~3hest legal rate until paid.
<br />~4or±~.cagors agree to nay ail taxes and assessments upon the
<br />real estate and all ether taxes, ievxQS and ass~xssments levied
<br />upon this Mortgage and the ~'rcamis:~cary ?~cste which this .~*,artgage is
<br />.given tca secure: fare payment is 3elane~uc~nt. If rtgagcrs "tail
<br />~..;, pm;~ ~~.- :.~~~ .+. na ....°_~~~-`___ w_core 3ei?_,~:3,==^ts rt=3a~eHs
<br />_ ., *~.._. ra~,cra'andaaaa~zg~~u:,,at3 car ~tizer liens arnci is uiven a
<br />{~ par ..~
<br />li.~_r__ secured~by thi$~1~ortgag~ for the amounts advanced with
<br />interest pit the highest legal rate.
<br />if Mortgagors deā¬ault for a period of more than sixty t60)
<br />days in payment ;af any suonthly installment of principal and
<br />interest, or fail to perfoz~ any of the other agreements in this
<br />slortgayea, Mortgagees, at Mortgagees` election, may declare the
<br />entire de3iot secured by this Mortgage due and payable at once, and
<br />foreclose this ~Sortgaye for the satisfaction of the total amount
<br />due.
<br />Dated: ,7u1y ~. 1981.
<br />F f f
<br />{L~l H. kar3zer)
<br />"~ 13i~tner~,
<br />~--, --~-~r---
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