<br />T~ ~v~. ~~ cl~vl~ ~.~t-r ~r~~:
<br />Thmt ripe ~ vretl t~Y the i~ N hsneirtbefere prrrrte}ed.
<br />'irhrat the Mt3rtoF ~-tuft dsarter esf said property sn fee sirn#s!r ors! t`°' gtxtd riilfst arxf iawfvt authority to setl and
<br />Canvey the stu+it »0id thW the'ls+~-f~'Bter wed ekrar ~ ratY ilea ar encumbrsrsce; acrd that Mortgagor will warrant a-raf defenA the
<br />title •a said pt tWttdtteS'-~'ie -+f ett ~ whnaraioex~tr. -
<br />Tes pltjt ~!p rrlfM due sssd payable s!i gtrxral texas, aprcisl taxes, special assFSSments, water charges, sewer sety-
<br />icr cheeses, and dtlttre tatass anti chargta aktainst said property. and art razes itviwi un ttrr drht sere rPd hereby, and to fern ish i}w
<br />>~'- upon nWatst, ,eith the nrigiraal ar duplicate rec•,cipKs therefor. 'The 4lurtr~agor agrtra that there shall be added to
<br />~t tt~rtihfy rA rt9uu't'd hrrrrtrrrh*r nr vrtdtr the evidence of dtht centred hereby art amount Estimated try the -`+fortgagee
<br />tr ttm atrtlicSe#"- to- tlMt~ Maetgafie! to {:aY'~ as they hPCOme rtur, alI tszes, msess:.ef+ts. seal similar charges upon the prem-
<br />ises tatbject thereto', aAY rte$cienrrr tarmu-~' =>f ihF ia+uffirivrsy <rt stxh arMitional paytrltnts shall he forthwith drprnitPd by the
<br />Mrrrtty/yor wilts tliR tx'lartRagPF upon rlesnatai #,. the 'vlortRagNP Any riFfxvit under this pa raRraph shall tw rtermFd a rir•iavlt in
<br />payttuerrt of lases, naferarrrtmnts, nr wmiiar ehargmw rrqutrcvl hereunder.
<br />The Llaatfiagnr attreep tlsat Ylsere• shall also ere sddeff to erch mrrnthty i'>•tprru•nt r,t prinapai and interest rPqulred hetv.-
<br />up+1Pr ors air utni «trmat«•<i by t}sa \inrtgattcE t., }rr sufficient tr enatrtE the MnrtgaRrr• tr; t.av. a. rt }rvrrnir«-; clue-, the +neuranrr
<br />prrmtum .us any inwrarern txilicy detivnroft xn the tvf nrtgager. Any dtfmrncy trecausN r=t the tnsufficrFncy of ;:uch addttinaal tray
<br />mzmtx she!) tsP tnrthwtih rMprnlferl by the ~furtgattnr with thF yartRaRF upon dPrtrand by rhr 19nrtgagrr Any default under this
<br />paraprmph ztrall lrr deYmPrf n +iFfarrlt :n !hE payment nt inxir ranee p:Pmmnu tf the p+rltry :'r prr}irirs d~txxitNd err such a5 hrrme-
<br />asvnets ar all risk ixrlinr., and lire rirlxr.t t': an• rn.uffir•:ent ro pav the .~ntr rr- prrmrum, rhr• tfnrtRxRrr ma. reply th«• ,?r{x>art ter
<br />pay prenttums nn nalcx rr'gvrrnrf fa be rtxcur~f by ttrt+ mnrtga,gr
<br />Paynrrnta rswrle by the- !slurt~nge*r :realer the ahuvr~ #,arawrsph+ cosy. at rhr- •'trt t.,n :,f [hr Ll,rrty,aRrr hr hrirl f-,v rt and
<br />crnnmtnaler! .rith rrthrr garb (v nda err it?z ,~.sn frtrr%{s f.:r t},r #rayrnr-nt ::t -..rn-#a arms :rnr? r:nti! .<r atrplie.l. ,rah {>avmrnt. err hvrPirv
<br />pitKtamrf as w'csrnty for the unpaid !fxlnnes .r! th.• rnru[a;ser ,nrirf-tr•in-st.
<br />Tn perrulF, daiteer k.. anr; marrtatrr for' '#r.• !.=n.•tr ~ . •i+.. `.i•v ta;rrx•-r- -L,. u1q ri~.• hl«-..! sh!~ murteae• ..ngmat ixilt~'re•-~ and
<br />rtnewair tlrerwf, dehvrrwt ni le~,rst ten :#a~-s ~~far,- .h.• rrN, u:r -, .,Fy , .-;,it=;r= .: .r,R ,.Rarn+rt ?rte ^nr# ,ahPr ~ncu rnhke
<br />hnratzfe, ritlttJtlties, ntsrl contingrncien era ShE SfortgaRFr nwv rrqurre, ,r, :rn srnouni .•quatu to thm ;ndebtedness xee~ured by thia
<br />Mortgage. an:t to ctrmt~^tNtr aerepta }?#r €n tier 4"9r•rti:swe-•• ~~rtt: ;, .. t,r.s a#;I,.. {.t,t.,.... „r ~ r •:f arrt :n `~•r:n nr~rrtatahlr t" Ihr ~lnrtt:a-
<br />ee tr. the event env rxrLrv is nu! n°nr»~.a1 .rr -,t y>r•h:rr. r. .~. -- {~rraa r, ere- y': rtRagr•a may t,r+avrr• rn<u ranca•'!c, the
<br />impf~weASrnta, paY the premnam th.•r=fr-r. arri ..- ,... ..ai• •_ - .r*:,'. ;+. ..u . n ; y~arar .:th t.-r<•42 +t tier r,.r -.•i
<br />teeth ih aatd rmfe until peed .rnrt -:ffai! t,., ~..~.rr :. .. °h:r. •°,,,r:~a;, ~ 3,.•.t r.- „rr ~ r.art -`'+°r °.4''.st&ac':.r t: + •rr.r}r ,uch r,.-•w~ai~
<br />as aar• hereto r.'yurrrd ~u 'adarr •„ t=ae -r. -urns :r=i-. ar. - t ,-r.-.,,- # r .... ,. +t rtr+- •.t: .... -.t •he= `-1 r,rtxaKr. ,n~-fetal ,s :lrr#~iult
<br />VrtfieF fhF terms rr{ Ytirw :Tlrrf tj;NFr -~r+e ,r r..r f ~-3 .. .. - -t>.r„ .. -r= r t:. .. ra tr. ...t - :;is n .,=rY n:ne a. ~~# i'nr= r.n-
<br />W`aPlN'll prPrnFirm-
<br />AnY °Earrt'E :Fe r-r~.-+, ere t;e 4f,=r t;<•r; '•._ ..r•a•-._ .! .. ,..-, - ,_.u% .'~_.; -.,+? ••, ri- ry. . .r«.:i t.. •hr y.i.,r{~-ty
<br />and aftpirfKt urwant rhr• ; as nx•ni .•{ tFr«~ .if-ht !=••mhc ... -. rrs a, :hr- ••pt, m ., .r-~ 4f, •rfanq. - -h Burn- •rrh.-r av.ih r ..+
<br />part may tw #aud = r t=r~th.~ ?9.,rf gar;<=r P.. ts- -r-.~r .,.-.;r„tr .a.n -u,i:"rt=rxc „f -., },led=# nr.. tau,r,.nk- ." ..+, t•ia.~+ ,-r -•.r , n.
<br />IrttrNi par rl)trer ' r uh}w'i Wit~tdt'i ear r' ' rh•~ ~t:.r'~y+«y,-„ ..+t i-, rr .rrf .::k :h,. rr - t+ th.- <>ft2aJ,e !„r t~.- i 1 - ,.:,!;! - ~,V ! ~irr
<br />by hefe>re wleh izfpnwnt +srr t rr=1; ,.:a=,•
<br />Tu Vnrmplfy rrpart rra..r.- .e~tru r's,i .urr ,•ue Llnng. s -np: .r nr«n!a rr>« .r .r ~,u,.r .. ..u ..i..--• ..r„-.- -,n. .~
<br />r.-ntEr2 daxirmuie.i or rirsinrrf.i to hNrp ~a,•1 t'truu.r, a ,...al rr•n,is rear ::xf rrlraa ruei irr~r ;r•`•m any :„«,humr~, tarn 'a <lhrr leer of
<br />elatm of hen rr.?f expr+mly ~uta, rd!:r.raq.ri :,, .,.r 4rn ?.r. r,~, .r,.t ?o ,u!!«~r ._ ~ nut any .. +.,tul ,.•-,. .,( ..• +ur. .ut.»a n=~«~ t„ «.r.t ~ n
<br />aald frnrltretiy turf t.. trrrnut ~. nsir ..r, or't .ore..-• ..... .. ,, .rr . -rarer .,.. .. «r~t+. rrirr.~; : rt.`#ry ...r. .«-:i -h.e:, -. .r.rn«
<br />leas valuahlr. our to .hminrafr :,r rtnf=arr ,ts: ta:u+ •s .:fe. u. - -,., .... .- , .+!i r..,..-r.r. .a.+ .,i, ;,~,t><~.t
<br />t+r rhr ntoYtttegYCf ptrriaitres seal the use firer-.-:t
<br />ri-.
<br />'I'tsat a}a,u?el the ltsruneks ,rr ;urp ;earl Itu•: r,r# hr• takvu -r aamagc=; M •ra.';r, ~,f ,uidre- inrpr«ivc'n'fenf rrf ' ~liel~rgtu+tron
<br />.ntr . 3
<br />p[.l~^eeding, ar urHk,r iit«.• rrgfst r:f <-rnsnent ,.- r .rr xzi ~ :her rr:~rrr..•r :k;e 'rf:.<t~. - .rai; tx . rrE.tir~si - .._ .r.nr#~-n•ratt+:tt.
<br />_~~• ~~ ~i (_ 3i5n=_ ., 3n1"x.df in 3net prL~HCittrt E€t st9
<br />--' ~., '~ - ,rrii ... :e-t,~{ rt....q„£. F. -.:~1 Yk.sfk :>:e antrtf 1. at tw •uiii.... t.
<br />itwis rra{a@ aAY eKUan +H i)rrx-Ri'dma`, err SU m8we .any ;. , ...age r ~t+t i#i•rn~nt ,n •-,.lrrrrt'Siun ~si.r .=s..,, +dkrnK ,.; rtamagx n;# 3url:
<br />- . -~. ~, t".grit t>r` at;ln.n d#Mf ifr+x-~.-. ~ -. 3 ~`6ts' + t= - ~+acy, ->r.: y. I.
<br />>ra ail -it~~, i>sls-arcy ~e~i~Yr: ~a i••'•-.~ z ...-~.r- t;r ~~ . : a~,~ ...._.:r-z~: '- ~.:____? #~.'ss t tr-. = t,~r.
<br />~a~i--atlaai. tat tfaeft:'Atta: such furttsef aaaii;rrn:vnin u{ say r..uslxtssutrut:. awarvla, 'lg.nsagen. err+= rtl; h!-, ut ru~tf„n oaf! frr,x.vKls ar rhr
<br />Atay rrttlture. -
<br />That in cast of failum to ix+rform any' of tare tovrrtarala" h.rrtn, t}se Mortrgagre may dc, on the Wlartgagrrr-s heiwlt rvervthing
<br />sa egVessAASid; that the Murtgaitrt nray alas do say act !t nwy deem ra?crsaary t> }:ratEEi rhr? lien thereof; chat the Mortgagor welt
<br />eft}ltt~ -tt~tt-~ttxnrnd any ruliAayii pttttt irf distwfaltd lr}• tha• ~iortgagNt fur any .+f the atvsvc« twrprzw+a, and Ruch tewaneya togettwr wrth
<br />itatsraat t~fast+an at t}te earl ptrxrirtai in said elute shat! hrsr,rnr su much addetiurrat tndebttxlrrtaa htrebY sectxxti and nwY Frt in-
<br />clodad iA say riecree feueclotiir~ this insrt'tgagl! seal frc pant =rut "t the n~nis c. ,au~reda r,f yell of saint premtsta if nut uihrrsvttre
<br />psud; that it shall Ittrt be nklficAttrry ultra ttsc Mattgag:x: to rtsquire into the y~aitdity of say lien, eacwnbaant;ea, ur claltn rn ad-
<br />vatreiti; tnaafeya-tap abazr'a antlwriaaul, trot rruthing irtrtin cvntairfad atfalf he roaxtrued as rryuiring t1sN Mortgagor to aduanre ::ny
<br />nmmaYa far sere aUC6 pMr(raat AW' to !la any art hrreutalar, and that Martlltcgee aisali nut lrrcur any tsernut+ai itatuiiiy imcau..t of any.
<br />thetfi i4 au4y da rte aWit to du htteuAdac.
<br />Ia the tveat crf the dtfifult hY Mortgagor in t}v payrtsaai of any trt$fallntent, ors rvr{uirfxt by rhr Nuts Sr.'urvd Prereby. ar
<br />ia.tht ptafarmance of the ahfigaticrrr in this mortgatgF rr ,the tsutr ta'eltrrd t}rertby. the r4lertllttgtt shat! ere entitta4l to declare ft~
<br />dnht gCtterd htxeby Qlpg igMl pit3riltis wttlfWft itatitx, slut ttse Mwtgatl~e atta}i he rAtetltd ai its option, without nntitx•, either hY itseit
<br />pe by d reoriu~ W let appuiptrzd by rhr ca~trt thrrt~t, atsd withaue regmrd fa the ariequacy rat any srlunt, f,u the irntehttrinsrour w-
<br />r --~ ti--~, f yr r~v-_ awl '-- .a Al't#tr t!t_rttitg+•1 pre#tellslrs. anti to collect slat rcceiut the rents. i+lsuts seal profits
<br />tr:~rr-cf. and ;ti::llr ihs , ~~s ~w+s =+f r~rrretiatt sfu! -ltlet 'tarn. upnit the inthtbtednesa secured ttyr thin martRaR.t: wtid rents,
<br />itauex terttl f>Tt ~irtg llarthy ttssiltatd to the. A!lartgagee ma tur#lttr »iarurity Ian fiw payment ~ ati inde`rrtrclne9s lrrruicd hcrs+hr
<br />Te+r tN~slrfgagtr shalt have tlfs pu^~r to appoint amp mptnt nr agentx~ may desires lr;r the lntri'~ r+f r,.pairirgt salrf prf.•rr-
<br />iaaa; tfiN,tC tl?E-aamtt, txtllrciirsq ihr rent;, rrvrnura arN3 issaurst, anri ii xuay pay out xrf card ia:esnse ai: rxprrrrrtla rruurrtst rn rrnt-
<br />~ attrl_ rrMfxirgittg the titres apfd.c>f cntlettirtg tttr rrntits t}rrrefrom. Tlat balance rEmaintns. if any. shall lrr applM'd trtwatd the
<br />ttl~ red tleP rrt.rt@t!>lv. tasl<p6~drtts+a. 'l~us a+¢sjkrttarnt is t<> iertaintitr artd hecuAU• null and vurd upon release of thta rnoHRattr.
<br />a.
<br />