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<br /> <br />The entire unpaid balance of principal <br />and interest due on November 2, 1982. <br />3. That in addition to the payment of principal and interest <br />set forth herein, Suyer is responsible for paying real estate taxes, <br />special assessments against the land, and for paying far insurance <br />premiums far fire and extended coverage insurance on the property <br />dursng the term of this Contract. <br />4. time is of the essence of the Contract. Buyer agrees <br />that if she fails to pay any taxes or assessments or insurance <br />premiums, as provided, Seller may pay sucYi taxes, assessments or <br />premiums, and the amount sa paid shall be due and payable immedi- <br />ately by Buyer to Seller without Notice or demand, and shall became <br />a Hart of the principal balance of the Contract. <br />S, if Buyer fails to pay any amount due under the terms of <br />the Cantraet, or .i£ Buyer faits to ?erform any of the other terms, <br />covenants. ar agreements to the contract, or if Buyer shall abandon <br />the sale graperty, the whole cif the indebtedness due under the <br />GontracL, together with any advances made by Seller, shall become <br />imesEet3iateiy due and payable at the cption of the Seller without <br />notTr~ nr dnd, and Seller may proceed to foreclose the Contract <br />in the manner provided by law. <br />6. tai lure of tie ;lelier to exercise any optiorai reanedy <br />hereby :~cified at the bane of any default shall not operate as <br />a waiver of the right of Seller r.o exercise such aptianal remedy <br />far the same or any subseyuant °~efault at 3a;y time thereafter. <br />7. 3uyer has the right to prepay the enure amount of the <br />Contract at any time during the term of the Contract, with na <br />pr?paytnt penalty beislq xssc~ssed against them. <br />8. Buyer :speci`ical;y ai3': not E~ rmit caste on the premises <br />and keep ttte ;>remisea ia; ~7ood repair, reasrsnable wear and tear <br />accepted, 3uyer SP)ai not be entitled tt~~ ;na;cG any repairs ar <br />alterations ;r ttse premises ;ateich rni~;hw result ire a ire., against <br />the preaniaes in excess ~f $ i , il4t~ . Q3 , w3thtzut first obtaining the <br />azitten consent ,vz the Sei14r. `F'its prov~s:.3r: saes Hat conz~titute <br />=,~r~'s ~~-"=.'-n •~, '~.ur~ c Ely ~u~'ts ~-~~ttd ~~ ~r i.i~7r~1v4fi1e :~s ilt3t in gxcQsS <br />o£ t_+~e fQregoirEC~ mount. ::.~s dace eat Ce~nstltute, *aor is there <br />at~y restriction lgainst 3uy~:r's ~~abtazning ;j11'~i3G`Lyutvnt raga=;as -~ <br />this .vgreemealt, sutsorcislate to the interest si seller. <br />9. It is agreed between the parties to the Contract that <br />np persesn shall ever ba entitled to any liens, directly or indi- <br />re~tly, deriving throu*~h ar ualder the Buyer, or through any act <br />az omission of her superior tc: that in the Land Saie Contract <br />reserved to Seller upon the land or the improvements thereon. <br />Ai.l persons furnishing any such lobar ar materials, as well as <br />any other persons whoEersaever, shall be bound by the provisions <br />of the Cofltraet, and by natics thereof, from and after the elate <br />of the filing of the Memorandum. <br />i. t7_ The Contract stEall not be assigned by Buyer without <br />wtitk@Xt of the Seller, which permission shall not be <br />unreasonably withtaeld. <br />I i . The ~-arranty ~.~eesi frees Sel ipr to Buyer has been executed <br />and is esacraere~3 under the terms of the Bscraw Agreement provided <br />fair in the i.aitis~ Sale ~rntract, and is to be delivered tc~ Buyer <br />upon complat-.ion of the terar~s and conditigns provided for i.n the <br />i:.Y37i~r~T6`t . <br />22. The Smorasrduurr~ cif Land Basle Contract is subject to terms, <br />cosad%tie~nss and restri+:tians s:ontained in the Land Sale Contract <br />+twaen azsd ~sYyer o£ even datrs *terexith, r+asy conElicat <br />_~_ <br />