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$I-ut~38'~~ <br />osz ND. 5723 <br />Ass dames aizeetisg aesd aud~~ t3se eaaeyaaee of a permansat sad perpetual <br />~ and ri~ttt-ofaaky is t~ Sit Q~ (~&} of Ssetiea lb, Tornsleip 11 <br />Rbsth, !sags 4 Hest Qi the 5th P.Pi., E~ui1 Co~Ly, Ne4rasks; providing far the giving <br />~ aroLiea of scads raar~eyanes sad the . tes~ tLezeof : pra*3ding far the right to file <br />a a~straeca saaiasz ssa:h cassey+~ce: sepeeiiag Ord3aance No. 6564; and providing <br />~ •ffscLive dale hezaaf. <br />~ I? ~AI1R£D $'I TEE 24A1~OR AIla CD<BiCIL OF S~ CIS! OF GRAND ISLAND, NEERASTJ~: <br />~ClI01A 1. She convsyaaax sn NtR~'031~ ~' C~8AD0, YNC. , a Delaanre cozparation, <br />q[ 9swley, tvlarado, of a rseztsia Lrecs of land for 8 pessmment and perpstual aide- <br />lost ad right-af-wy to ccaetsuct, operate, and ~{~~~- a sanitary aewr mats ~-r! <br />sshsseearT appaztasaacsa thereto, casepsia2as parts of eerta3a lots lying is the <br />it Quartos (.SStt3 of a_:.--+•+~+ 14, iow~htp 11 North. Bangs 4 Heat of ttte 6th P.K., <br />^sll Go~sstT, efehzaaka, arors particularly deacxii>~ u follows: <br /> A tract of land caspriaiag pars of Lats 38. 54, 6D, <br /> 51, 53, 53, sad 64, all in Lnmutriai Addition to eha <br /> CELT of Grand Islsad, :iebzas&a, sad lp'.n~ in the Souch- <br /> wamt Quarter {SLti) of Saetioa Fosxrtaen {x4), Twnahip <br /> EYeven (li} North, SsnAe Mine {4) Heat of the fith P.Ai., <br /> 7lall Co~sry, Ssbraalu. and core perticalariy described <br /> as fallws : <br /> u t~ Nar'Cinfest CorTier of said SouthwaL <br /> ~tK (SW}) : t$ea9Gt ruxming 8authKly along Lhe WesC <br /> liAe of 6aid Southwst C(tlartar {SW{) a diatanCE of <br /> 70 feet; thence ruanlag easterly sad pszalisl to the <br /> Rai'th iiae of slid 5onthwest Wartar {5i+3} a d.stancs <br /> of 33 feat: theses continuing on praviously dsacribed <br />+„ course a distance of :.437.5 feat; thanes ;vzminR <br />e~ aouthsslq and parallel to the Want line of a:id South- <br />- +A was Quarter {SW~) a distance o; 4b4 roar to the accual <br />~ <br />! "" poiaz of be;iaztfnsf; th'et+ce tl zaat aicner side °f and <br /> parallel to a xisne deflecting gait ~.`~ 32' O4" and <br />"'- ~ s distatrte 4f 447,b4 tact: t~ce deflecting <br /> iwft 5 DS' 1:." and ru®aiag a 30+..85': <br /> theses defl+~ting left 5° s)0' 16" and rsasaing a distance <br /> ~' 413.98 fist: then daflectitty right 3o Sa' 2$" and <br /> a dlst,~e ¢f 254.48 fart: therace ~flectiag <br />r <br /> $ <br />lmf: $ r a7' S0" ~:: nirxg a ddst~ce is 174.5 `set <br /> z"set rrir."a easammt; tumca dafiact- <br />the 15 <br />to rise. gad <br />o <br />f <br />_ _ <br />~ <br />[ <br />i <br />right ail' iIV' Sl-:#~. $S{C ~4E5i5{~ a ~r'r~B~i~E ~~ <br />L fLS~. <br /> G <br />-L~,.--lsfw ~tl_~ /yea P.T,t _»g n dr,3w_wwa_:-r3 9.5 fsec; <br />_ t daf],actiag left 40° 00' QO" sad gg a distance <br />D <br /> D' (30" and <br />o! 13.5 teat: r.)seaca dsfiscting !aft 40° O <br /> a disca~e of 4.5 feet: theses deflecting left <br /> OB" sad z~nisig a castaszce of 1I.5 feat; said <br /> tract t~tainiag 0.8 acre. ffiore yr lass. all as shcmc <br /> as the plst sazkad Ezhibit ,~.~" attached hereto sad <br /> itumrporated ixerefa by reference <br />ie h•S'~T snLhoriaed ash directed. <br />YflN 2. The caasiderauoa far each eoesesTaase shell be One Dollar (S1.GO). <br />asw@ at4er good tad valuable amssiderstiaa; coaveysace of the real estate above descr_:ad <br />e8~1 he ~T eesasrnt upon delivery of the camaidsretics, sad the City of Grand islar, <br />. X11 eat fusafsh as aitatraa:t of title. <br />