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<br />EA F ~t~f 3ivf YA f~i~Si~~kY~L tK 7 y[ j -~~ Sf l/ iJ lJ s <br />in consideration of the extension of ttse time of payment of the arigina! promissory nets <br />hereinafter described, the undersis~ned, 3ottn K.S. Dtti.llr~s arsd St3$rllt ri.A_ Dhiilctrt, <br />~ and Wi.~e hereby covenant and agree tb pay to The First <br />t3sir~ai art o Gran s#and, Grand island, Nebraska, or order, the principal sum of <br />S together with interest thereon at Eio~te+ert f18i per cent per <br />annum from the date hereof, such sum to he payable on~J~ 25, 1982. interest <br />shalt be payable at maturity an Jatttaary 25, 1982 <br />The original principal note in the amount of 'I'f~i.rty-Five ~3 00%100---_ <br />(5 35,000.00 ) was executed and delrvered by <br />the understgned under the date of July 28 1980 to Tate First Nationa! <br />Bank of Grand lsiand, Grand island, Nebraska, and was due and payable on the 28~h <br />day of July, 1481 together with interest at 13~ per <br />sent per annum and secured by R~:~e tiot tyage to Tice First National Bank of Grand <br />Island, Grand island, Nebraska, as DoctLmes*t if80-003918 <br />in tht R'.ortgage Records of hall County, Ner~raska <br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance of principal of 'Thirty-Five ~ <br />~ pp/-~p~.~~. (535~nnn nn t , together <br />with tnterest thereon at_~Fi~it_e.~t 18~__,~~ per cent per annum, such principal and <br />interest to be payable in tawfu! money of the United States of Atnerica at The First Nat- <br />ional Ba»k of Grand island, Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />Ali of the covenants and agreements in suds ariejinal note and the Real Estate Riortgaye a- <br />t~ctvr-described, other than f7ereinbefore modified, shall iae and remain unchanged and in <br />fuEi force and a#fecL during sut:h c-x tended period. if default be made in payment of any <br />principal sum, ttte entire principal sum with interest thereon shall become immedately <br />due and payable at the election :st the leclal holder thereof. <br />In further consideration of such extertsivn of time of payment *of such indebtedness, i here- <br />by ratify and confirm such rortgage reccrcied as ~t #80-003918 _ <br />in Reai Estate P:tortciage records of tia11 <br />wounty, ~ as the first mortgage lien upon <br />the realproperty described therein, anti ttte wl~nle ~f the title thereto a5 now owned by me. <br />The undersigned executes this Cxtensiort Agreement with reference to and on the faith and <br />oredit of their property, which they ncsw own er have an interest in or hereafter may ac- <br />auire; the express intention being to charge and to continue to charge any and all of such <br />property with t"te paynseni o` the indebtedness, the payme-tt of which is herein extended. <br />iN 1MiTN£5~ +tiNEf2Eflf, tfte undersigned Nava hereunto set thi, rands this <br />day of ulv: .~ul _T _ _ <br />~t <br />:;otut K.S. Dhillort ~ <br />. ~~+;,~;_,.{.etY <br />Susan Ii.A. ;5hillort <br />S"f'ATE 4F ? * 3 <br />CAt3t~TY t3F rC~r'.•+~.I+ER ('''~~ ~ . <br />r+ ..tee <br />f~~~oi€tg ~ .~ ±etent wad a?ri~ miedQe before ttte this ~~~ _ day of <br />Jt#11 ,~. 13 92_ Y Jam: K.S. nhillsxt ~~~ttsan 'i.A. 4?hillc~r, <br />~} , <br />f+ly asst F~gire~: 7{2; 8rt " ~,% ~..~~~~~~, <br />/ N4tar~iG <br />(.jai E~sct~ivttdir. A1T of hits 8,8,t0,i1,i~^,i3 b l5,except the E'S0' of lot i5, ~ N20' of what <br />xras ~st+ie Jet ~t~ad adiacent to Lot i 5, except the E50' of Lot i 5 i n Phi i 1 ? Ds Sots i n the N <br />vE thG~ --.~~ ~~+ $.t~ ~ .~.f ,~,~ . mod- ~ ~ -~ ~ ify i i rn ~ f~tmttr , <br />